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Instead of posting varies articles we should brain storm and come up with ways to help Pakistan.
List things Pakistani government can do to improve Pakistan economy.

Ill gove u one:

Crack down on corruption, so what is mant for the masses actually does trickle down and has an effect. Its pathetic to hear experiences in WAPDA when the medical directorate recives bribes to include medicines of certain pharma companies and dinner's in Avari, PC etc. Doesnt matter how much it costs the poor system, one "dozakh" of stomach is more important!

Just erase or limit corruption and have people who actually give a damn about the poor public in charge.................:argh:

BEIJING, Oct.24 (APP): Pakistan Friday joined hands with the ASIA-Europe Meeting (ASEM) as its full member to face the challenges, including the issues of terrorism and global financial crisis. Pakistan is being represented at the seventh summit of 45-member Global Forum by the Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani. At the Great Hall of the People’s (Venue of the gathering ) Prime Minister Gilani was warmly received by his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabado.

Pakistan’s admission to ASEM as its formal member is an acknowledgment of the important role it is playing in the international arena.

It is also a manifest of recognition by the international community of Pakistan’s vital geo-strategic position and its ability to contribute towards ASEM process. “Pakistan is ready and committed to playing a most useful role in furthering the ASEM process,” said a senior Pakistani official while talking to APP.

Pakistan is looking forward extending its full support to this high-profile body, having a joint strategy to face the emerging challenges, he added.

The 7th ASEM, with “Vision and Action: Towards a Win-Win Solution” as its theme and the international economic and financial situation topping its agenda, will be an important opportunity for Asia and Europe to jointly deal with the financial crisis.

Political observers here attach great importance to Pakistan’s joining ASEM and it will be for the first time that the country is being attended by the top leadership.

ASEM is an informal dialogue process initiated in 1996. It consists of twenty seven EU, ten ASEAN and six Asian countries (China, India, Japan, Mongolia, Pakistan and Republic of Korea) and the EU Commission and ASEAN Secretariat.

The Polish Prime Minister on the occasion drew the attention of Prime Minister Gilani towards the recent kidnapping of a Polish engineer from District Attock.

Prime Minister Gilani held out an assurance to Prime Minister Donald Tusk that the government had already ordered the relevant agencies to recover the kidnapped Polish citizen expeditiously.

He said the government was actively engaged in efforts to ensure peace and security for foreigners who were playing important role towards national development in Pakistan.

The two Prime Ministers resolved to have regular contacts at various levels for the promotion of common objectives.

BEIJING, Oct 24 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani met here on Friday his Italian counterpart Silvio Berlusconi and discussed with him Pakistan’s plan to steer it out of the current financial crisis. Silvio Berlusconi said his country is a member of recently formed “Friends of Pakistan” group and wished to work together for addressing financial crisis. Prime Minister Gilani said that since Italy will be future head of the G-8, he hoped that it will actively work in addressing the serious financial crisis being currently faced by the world.

Prime Minister Gilani told newsmen after the meeting held at the Great Hall of the People that the Italian Prime Minister had expressed his wish to extend all possible help and assistance to Pakistan to overcome the financial difficulties.

He further said that the Italian Prime Minister in principle agreed on Pakistan’s economic plan, presented to him during the meeting and assured that after studying it in detail he will send it back to Pakistan.

Both Prime Ministers had also agreed to expand cooperation in the field of agriculture.

BEIJING, Oct 24 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani Friday urged the Chinese companies to invest in Pakistan in a big way, strengthening the bonds of ever-lasting Sino-Pak friendship through economic diplomacy. Addressing the Chief Executives of the top Chinese corporate sector here Friday at the State Guest House, he said his country provides immense opportunities to the foreign entrepreneurs, especially those from China to establish joint partnership and undertaking profitable business.

There is very favourable business environment in Pakistan, he said while inviting the Chinese side to visit Pakistan. He said he feels honoured to be in China on his second visit in less than three months. The visits, he said, have provided him an opportunity to meet prominent Chinese businessmen.

In Pakistan, the Prime Minister said we have always, admired Chinese skills and felt comfortable working with them.

“New generation of Pakistani entrepreneurs is keen to take Pakistan to a higher platform of performance in business and industry and feels pleasure to work in joint ventures with their foreign friends,” he added.

Prime Minister Gilani said that despite all the changes at international horizon, the two countries have remained steadfast in their solidarity.

He particularly mentioned the role played by former prime ministers Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Shaheed Benazir Bhutto in laying the foundation and strengthening the all weather China-Pakistan friendship.

Prime Minister pointed out that today we have a sound architecture in place for developing and strengthening strategic political, economic, commercial, scientific, technological and cultural relations between our two countries.
The Free Trade Agreement in Goods and Investment came into effect in July this year, the Prime Minister said, adding that both the countries have made good headway in negotiations on FTA in Trade and Services. We are likely to sign it by the end of this year.

The Joint Five-Year Programme, for Trade and Economic Cooperation, signed by the two sides, gives us an elaborate, roadmap for tangible targets. The government has decided to mobilize its resources for the speedy implementation of the Five Year Plan.

This is why it has establishment an inter-ministerial task force, headed by the President to monitor progress of the projects initiated under the programme.

We have a Joint Investment Company (JIC) with paid up capital of US$ 200 million. This company will act as a bridge for Chinese investors coming to Pakistan and play a lead role in launching economic projects.
We have designated the target of US$ 15 billion for our bilateral trade by 2011. If we work harder, we can meet this ambitious target before 2011.

The Prime Minister said, “as we go forward, we have to move into the new sectors for investment, joint ventures and marketing.

Pakistan’s cement industry, he said for instance is witnessing a boom. Its production and sales are poised to grow further, as the demand in Pakistan and our neighbourhood increases, because of anticipated growth and construction of houses, infrastructure, and industrial estates.

China and Pakistan can deepen their cooperation in this sector, he noted. He said that Pakistan realizes that we will have to expand production of steel fast. Our present capacity of steel manufacturing has to increase; therefore we are planning to set up new plants.

The Prime Minister invited leading Chinese enterprises with proven competence to step in. He pointed out that Pakistan’s fast growing economy has huge energy requirements. Our energy demand is expected to increase from present 18,000 MW to more than 160,000 MW by 2030.

He in this connection also invited Chinese companies to invest in the growing economy and become partners in achieving these goals.

Pakistan has the world’s second largest reserves in coal; the Prime Minister said and added that we need to produce more than 20,000 MW energy from coal in the next 20 year. We need Chinese expertise and technology to turn this reservoir into energy.

He said that the joint collaborative projects in agriculture, food production and food processing sectors will lead to enhanced trade between the two countries.

In terms of connectivity, the Prime Minister said Pakistan has to conquer new frontiers. Karakorum Highway is a monument to Pakistan-China friendship, ingenuity and industriousness.

“We can link China and Pakistan by railways, by optic-fiber, by oil and gas pipelines and by building trans-boarder economic zones, along the Karakorum Highway”, he noted.

This trans-border cooperation can soon morph into trans-regional project cooperation among China, Pakistan and Afghanistan. The time is ripe to encourage Chinese banks and financial institutions to establish their presence in Pakistan, Prime Minister Gilani said.

The Prime Minister said that he knows that the Chinese banks are keen to support the Pakistan-China Joint Investment Company. Pakistan would contribute directly, to the construction of the facilities of JIC. He said that the fundamentals and macro-economic basis of our economy are being steered in the right direction.

The Prime Minister said that his party has formed the new government as a particularly perilous time for our economy. But we are optimistic that we will overcome these. This year’s budget has set out a series of incentives to spur growth in agriculture and manufacturing sectors, he said. Our GDP has doubled to US$ 170 billion, our resilient population with a rich agriculture base and sufficient natural resources will support an economical revival.

Geographical proximity of China and Pakistan, the exceptionally close political relations between them and Pakistan’s location as a bridge between several geographical regions, create a natural interface between our two countries for friendship for transactions, for commerce and for joint undertaking.

‘All the doors open warmly as you step into Pakistan’s homes, offices and business”, the Prime Minister said.
OTTAWA,(Canada), Oct 24 (APP): High Commissioner of Pakistan in Canada, Musa Javed Chohan has said Pakistan and Canada need to make efforts to reinforce their bilateral economic relationship, specially trade and commercial exchanges for which there is great potential.

Talking of bilateral relations, the High Commissioner said there is a strong political will at the highest level to further strengthen and broaden Canada-Pakistan relationship.

Pakistan has well developed institutions, legal systems, infrastructure and English knowing labour force and Canada can benefit from it, he said.

Addressing a roundtable meeting organised by the prestigious institution the Norman Patterson School for International Affairs at the Carleton University, here Chohan said that with a population of approximately 165 million people, Pakistan offers an attractive and huge market for Canadian exports and investments.

He said foreign investment is critical to Pakistan’s endeavours to maintain its economic growth rate of 7 percent so necessary to meet the requirements of burgeoning population.

Highlighting Pakistan’s contributions in the war against terrorism, the High Commissioner said, “Pakistan is fighting the war against terrorism in our own vital national interest and making every possible effort to eliminate this scourge from the globe.”

He said Pakistan has adopted three prong policy based negotiations with those elements who lay down their arms, socio-economic development of FATA and use of force as a last resort against recalcitrant elements.

Military force alone will not resolve the issue of winning the hearts and minds of the people and public support is required, he added.

Mr. Chohan said the unfolding Afghan tragedy is not a recent phenomenon. For over three decades, Pakistan bore the brunt of the conflict in Afghanistan, he added.

“We are resolved to support our Afghan brethren, out of whom four million, at one time, sought refuge in Pakistan,” HE SAID.

The High Commissioner said peace, stability and security in Afghanistan are crucial for region. He said without stability in Afghanistan there cannot be stability in Pakistan. He said Pakistan is providing $300 million for Afghanistan’s reconstruction.

“We have offered 1000 scholarships for training of Afghan cadres. Despite our own food shortages we are assisting to overcome the shortage of wheat in Afghanistan,” said the ambassador.

He said Pakistan has deployed 100,000 troops to fight terrorism which is more than the collective presence of international troops, deployed across Afghanistan.

The High Commissioner appreciated the sacrifices made by Canada in the war against terrorism.

He said Canadian involvement and troops presence in Afghanistan added another perspective to Pakistan-Canada relations.

Friday, October 24, 2008

BEIJING: Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani Friday urged the Chinese companies to invest in Pakistan in a big way, strengthening the bonds of ever-lasting Sino-Pak friendship through economic diplomacy.

Addressing the Chief Executives of the top Chinese corporate sector here Friday at the State Guest House, he said his country provides immense opportunities to the foreign entrepreneurs, especially those from China to establish joint partnership and undertaking profitable business.

There is very favourable business environment in Pakistan, he said while inviting the Chinese side to visit Pakistan. He said he feels honoured to be in China on his second visit in less than three months. The visits, he said, have provided him an opportunity to meet prominent Chinese businessmen.

In Pakistan, the Prime Minister said we have always, admired Chinese skills and felt comfortable working with them.

"New generation of Pakistani entrepreneurs is keen to take Pakistan to a higher platform of performance in business and industry and feels pleasure to work in joint ventures with their foreign friends," he added.

Prime Minister Gilani said that despite all the changes at international horizon, the two countries have remained steadfast in their solidarity.

He particularly mentioned the role played by former prime ministers Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Shaheed Benazir Bhutto in laying the foundation and strengthening the all weather China-Pakistan friendship.

Prime Minister pointed out that today we have a sound architecture in place for developing and strengthening strategic political, economic, commercial, scientific, technological and cultural relations between our two countries.

The Free Trade Agreement in Goods and Investment came into effect in July this year, the Prime Minister said, adding that both the countries have made good headway in negotiations on FTA in Trade and Services. We are likely to sign it by the end of this year.

The Joint Five-Year Programme, for Trade and Economic Cooperation, signed by the two sides, gives us an elaborate, roadmap for tangible targets. The government has decided to mobilize its resources for the speedy implementation of the Five Year Plan.

This is why it has establishment an inter-ministerial task force, headed by the President to monitor progress of the projects initiated under the programme.

We have a Joint Investment Company (JIC) with paid up capital of US$200 million. This company will act as a bridge for Chinese investors coming to Pakistan and play a lead role in launching economic projects.

We have designated the target of US$ 15 billion for our bilateral trade by 2011. If we work harder, we can meet this ambitious target before 2011.

Friday, October 24, 2008

ISLAMABAD: Acting Deputy Administrator, for the United States Agency for InternationalDevelopment's (USAID), James Kunder and Pakistan Economic AffairsAdvisor to Prime Minister, Shaukat Tarin Friday inked six amendments totaling $341 million to the bilateral agreements between the United States Government and the Government of Pakistan.

These assistance agreements are a cooperative effort between the two countries to support economic growth, education, health, governance and earthquake reconstruction in Pakistan.

In 2008, the United States Government, through USAID, provided a total of $406 million in assistance to Pakistan.

According to Mr. Kunder "...The agreements we signed today in partnership with the government of Pakistan, will strengthen the education system, improve maternal and newborn health services, prevent the spread of major infectious diseases, create employment, and develop more independent and democratic institutions."

He added that "...the strategic partnership between the United States and Pakistan is of vital importance and we are committed to sustaining assistance to aid Pakistan in tackling some of its greatest challenges affecting development."

Kunder is meeting with representatives and leaders in various fields to hear their views about Pakistan's development and US assistance programs.

Friday, October 24, 2008

KARACHI: Top executives of electricity distribution companies have advised media to be careful in reporting protests against power breakdowns as ‘sensational coverage’ is encouraging more and more people to take to streets throughout the country.

Protests, which have erupted against incessant load-shedding amid the worst power shortfall, have now snowballed into a campaign advocating non-payment of electricity bills, they said.

“These protests are having a chain-reaction effect,” said Amin Sahi, CEO of Multan Electric Power Company (Mepco), victim of one the first power riots which erupted a few weeks back. “People must understand that there is not much that can be done immediately.”

Mepco’s area of coverage which is spread in Punjab from district Multan, Khanewal to Muzaffargarh, D G Khan and down to Rajanpur is facing a power deficit of more than 50 per cent.

Sahi said while it was justified for people to vent their anger, it is useless to resort to violence. “In this collective suffering we should be patient and rather consumers should conserve energy.”

In April this year, factory workers in Multan angry over the loss of daily wages due to power breakdowns had burned the office of Mepco, something which Sahi says cost the company more than Rs3 million.

The past few days have seen people come out on streets in Sheikupura, Toba Tek Singh and Faisalabad with demands of downward revision in power tariff. Earlier in the week in Lahore, an office of a local power supply company was torched by an angry mob.

Rana Ashraf Zahid, CEO of Gujranwala Electric Power Company (GEPCO) said that the issue of power crisis was being politicised as some political parties were patronising the protests.

He said consumers must be made to realise that power crisis could not be addressed overnight. “Government has taken steps on a fast track basis like the installation of rental power plants. A 1000mw rental plant is being set up here as well.”

Now, the countrywide sentiment is being reflected in Karachi where traders on Wednesday burned monthly power bills and held demonstrations. Authorities had to beef up security at the Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) head office after some of the scattered protests turned violent.

Power crisis has not been as severe in Karachi as the rest of the country but KESC, the only privatised utility, has to face consumer ire due to inflated monthly bills.

Experts say consumers have to pay more because substantial line losses in the dilapidated power transmission and distribution system of the country are reflected in bills. Line losses are highest in Peshawar and Hyderabad.

Farhat Ali, CEO of ABB, a power engineering company, said that increase in generation capacity will be fruitless without simultaneous investment in new transmission lines and grid stations.

While water scarcity and consequent reduction in hydro electricity generation has reduced overall power supply, it has also added to the cost of production as imported fuel oil is being used in thermal power plants.

A drastic increase in demand for relatively cheaper natural gas in other sectors has also lessened its availability for power production.

Friday, October 24, 2008

KARACHI: The Rs50 billion bailout package announced by government of Pakistan for the bourses has apparently failed to generate ‘on-record’ activity at Karachi bourse on Thursday as well, as turnover fell to new low at 0.120 million shares.

KSE 100-share Index inches fell by another 0.86 point and ended at 9,182.88 points.

Some activity in a few of front line stocks, therefore, pushed 30-Index down after remaining stagnant at the day pre-opening level at 10,042.85 points for the last nine consecutive sessions.

Therefore, this benchmark freshly fell by 34.62 points or 0.34 per cent and finished the day business at 10,008.23 points.

KMI-30 Index remained flat for another day at 11,224.18 points, while KSE All Share Index shed mere 0.88 point and closed at 6,639.17 points.

As far as the fluctuation in chief 100-Index is concerned the day index-mover was Habib Metro Bank, which occupied the top rank among the day leaders with 25 thousand shares turnover.

The scrip closed at Rs37.40 with a decline of 39 paisa, contributing as many as 0.86 points in minus on 100-Index.

Furthermore, the day turnover fell below the all time low of 0.123 million shares of yesterday to 0.120 million shares in this session. While future market, for the eleventh consecutive session, failed to invite any activity.

This situation resulted in an outflow of Rs4.4 billion from the head of overall market capitalisation, which fell to fresh low at Rs2.830 trillion.

On the contrary, foreign portfolio investors showed their optimism by injecting another $11,033 into the local bourses in the day session.

This was the second consecutive session, in which foreign buying was noted at bourses’ trading floors.

Analysts said that dissatisfaction of stakeholders over Rs50 billion bailout package for bourses never allowed participants to think positive. They added that confusion over the ways and means of injecting Rs20 billion market support fund and also only in seven government-owned entities was a big concern of investors.

Members KSE, at an informal general body meeting held here on Thursday, has proposed government to expend its circle of rescuing mere seven stated-run companies to all the listed ones.

Hasnain Asghar Ali at Aziz Fidahusein said, “Green signal from Islamabad on giving a smooth landing to the local bourses (if implemented) will certainly provide relief to the locals (retail and institutional participants), as it will restrict the downside in at least the government listed companies, thus leaving the investors and brokers to evaluate the fair value of remaining 649 companies to address their risk management.

The strategy of funds placement, however, still stays a question, that whether the fund will suck the entire unclaimed float in the mentioned securities on the landmark Oct 27 or will it continue with the bargain hunting strategy.”

Out of total 36 active stocks on board, majority of them (23 stocks) closed unchanged in their share price, seven of them closed on positive note and remaining six of total fell in red.

Highest volumes were witnessed in Habib Metro Bank, followed by UDL Mod at 19 thousand closing at Rs4.05 with a loss of 30 paisa, Southern Electric at eight thousand closing at Rs3.72 with a gain of seven paisa, First Fid Leasing at eight thousand closing pegged at Rs4.20 and Sitara Energy at seven thousand closing at Rs20 with a gain of Re1.

Friday, October 24, 2008

LAHORE: Turkish President Abdullah Gul has said Turkey, as a well-wisher of Pakistan, considers itself duty-bound to continue to extend support to Islamabad in all fields for its economic well-being.

He expressed these views during a meeting with Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Mohammad Ali Mian on Thursday who called on him and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul during the 12th MUSAID International Fair.

During the meeting, Abdullah Gul and Erdogan said Pakistan was passing through a very critical time during which all sections of society, particularly the business community, should focus on the future of the country.

Mohammad Ali told them that existing level of trade between Pakistan and Turkey left much to be desired keeping in view the size of the markets catering to a combined population of 236.2 million.

Pakistan’s trade with Turkey was hardly 1.14 per cent of its total international trade during 2006-07 and its exports amounted to 0.24 per cent of Turkey’s total imports.

He informed the Turkish leaders that currently Ankara’s foreign direct investment in Pakistan was negligible at $0.82 million and said “there is a lot of scope to make investment in Pakistan.”

He said Turkish businessmen could make direct investment in oil and gas, information technology and telecom, power, textile, leather, chemical, engineering, agriculture (corporate agriculture farming, livestock and fisheries, horticulture, food processing and preservation) tourism, infrastructure, housing construction and defence production.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has lost its global competitiveness ranking by 9 points compared to the previous years ranking as the country has been ranked at 101 out of 134 countries in the Global Competitiveness Report 2008-09 prepared and released by Geneva based World Economic Forum.

The country was ranked at 92 out of 131 countries in the Global Competitiveness Report in the last year 2007-08 and 82 out of 122 countries in the year 2006-07.

The most problematic factors for doing business and key factors hindering improvement in Pakistan’s global competitiveness have been identified as government instability and coups, corruption, inefficient government bureaucracy, inflation, inadequate supply of infrastructure, inadequately educated workforce, policy instability, access to financing, crime and theft, poor workforce ethics, tax regulations, foreign currency regulations, restrictive labour regulations and poor public health.

* Financial adviser says formal request for IMF cash assistance not yet made
* Other international lenders, Friends of Pakistan forum are priority​

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has not asked the United States and the European Union for cash assistance, but sought help with enhanced market access, free trade agreements, securitisation of remittances and oil facilities, Financial Adviser Shaukat Tareen said on Thursday.

“Our demand from the United States and the European Union is not to provide cash but to give us market access for enhanced exports through inking free trade agreements,” he told reporters at a briefing. “We cannot force anybody to give us cash. The Friends of Pakistan [forum] has shown willingness to support Pakistan, however, they can help us in terms of oil, securitisation of remittances and export market access.”

He said Pakistan had not made a formal cash assistance request to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), saying it was ‘Plan C’, if financial help from other international financial institutions and Friends of Pakistan was not available by November 15. “Timing is the issue,” he said.

“We have not formally requested the board of IMF for a facility as of now. . . We will do that when our discussions are complete and once we believe that there is no other option.”

Tarin said that discussions with the IMF had been started so that if Pakistan needed funding, the Fund would have ample time to prepare. “We will need $3.5 billion to $4.5 billion in foreign exchange over the next 30 days,” Tareen said.

He said the central bank governor and top Finance Ministry officials were in Dubai to brief IMF officials about Pakistan’s plan to deal with the crisis.

“Discussion with IMF was going on about reducing the budget deficit to 4.3 percent, flexibility in exchange rate, control on fiscal deficit,” he said.

Tareen said Pakistan’s actual financial gap is estimated at $3.5 billion, but “we want to secure a $5 billion deal apart from normal lending from international financial institutions not only to bridge the gap but also to build foreign exchange reserves”.

To a question, Tareen said a possible IMF loan would come under a ‘standby arrangement’ and would carry interest rate of 3 to 4 percent, which are high when compared with the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility’s 0.75 percent service charges.

Regarding the Saudi oil facility, he said it was “very much on – its quantum and modalities of its supply would be discussed during the Friends of Pakistan meeting scheduled next month in Abu Dhabi”.

He said the government had provided Rs 180 billion to tackle the liquidity crisis in the banking sector and another Rs 90 billion would be added in November, so that cotton procurement is ensured.

“If I had a magic wand I would have used it to avert the current financial crisis, reduce terrorist attacks and produce more electricity to restore the confidence of local and foreign investors,” he said.

ISLAMABAD: The World Bank has assured Pakistan that it would consider support for key operations to improve the country’s energy sector. The assurance came at a meeting between a Pakistani delegation led by Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Salman Farooqui, WB officials and the International Finance Corporation in Washington. The delegation is in Washington to seek support for the development of the energy sector in Pakistan. The bank will consider investment support to improve the efficiency of the sector’s distribution companies, facilitate their privatisation and introduce conservation techniques. It told the Pakistani officials that it would also consider supporting an increase in the generation of power – from 1,100 megawatts to 1,600 megawatts – and the reliability of the gas-based Guddu Power Station, through a suitable public-private partnership.

The bank will also contemplate financing for technical assistance to complete preparatory studies and attract private investors to develop Pakistan’s coal resources and power generation facilities in Thar. The World Bank has decided to deliberate on investing in the import of electricity from Central Asia. Support for medium-sized hydropower and water resource management projects is also likely. Specific projects to be considered include the fourth extension of the Tarbela Power Plant to add 960 megawatts, an expert study to de-silt Tarbela Dam and an 840-megawatt increase in the capacity of Suki Kinarihydro power project. The delegation told the bank about other areas the government is seeking to improve.

ISLAMABAD, Oct 23: Pakistan needs hard cash in 15 to 30 days to fill a financing gap ranging between $3.5 and $4.5 billion to build up dwindling forex reserves, Adviser to Prime Minister on Finance Shaukat Tareen said on Thursday.

Briefing the media on options for a bailout of the economy, Mr Tareen said “the government cannot wait for more than 30 days to get cash assistance from multilateral lenders and friendly governments merely to avoid recourse to the International Monetary Fund.”

“We are running out of time. We cannot wait for long.”

Mr Tareen said Islamabad had not “formally” asked for a facility from the IMF. “We are still hoping to secure funds from other multilateral lenders and friendly governments.

“We have not formally requested the board of the IMF for a facility, as of now. When we believe we won’t get enough money from ‘plan A or B’, the government will make a formal request,” he said.

“We have started discussions with the IMF in advance to be ready for all options. In case of no from other sources, we won’t have to wait for long to get IMF facility,” Shaukat Tareen said.

Under plan A, the government is looking for $1.5 billion from the World Bank, $1.6 billion from ADB, $800 million from DFID, $500 million from the IDB and $1.5 billion from workers’ remittances bonds.

“This is in excess of our needs and does not include assistance from the ‘Friends of Pakistan’ forum,” the adviser said. “Friends of Pakistan have good intention to help us. But we cannot wait as these governments take time for taking decision.”

He brushed aside an apprehension that “friends of Pakistan” were not ready to provide cash. “We have discussed only the agenda items for the dialogue in Abu Dhabi with the president. We have to give menu to Friends of Pakistan for help,” he added.

In reply to a question, Mr Tareen said ‘Friends’ were “ready to help us, but we are running out time”.

“You will see all friends will come to help us. It is just a matter of time,” he added. “But time is of the essence.”

He further said that Pakistan was in dire need of assistance to build its foreign exchange reserves. The reserves at present were only enough to fund imports for two months.

He agreed with a questioner that the current global crisis may have diverted attention of friendly countries from Pakistan for the time being, but added that they would help Pakistan eventually. “The Saudi oil facility is still on,” he said. It would be taken up in the meeting in Abu Dhabi next month.

Shaukat Tareen said Pakistan would prefer aid from the United States and the European Union to preferential market access. “We will be willing to negotiate free trade agreements (FTAs) with USA and EU rather than just seeking one-time cash assistance,” the adviser remarked.

The IMF has already started spadework for offering assistance to developing countries, including Pakistan.

He said a “home-grown” economic stabilisation programme had already been submitted to the IMF. “The governor of State Bank and the finance secretary have already left for Dubai for discussions with Fund representatives,” he added.

Mr Tareen said the proposed plan required Pakistan to bring down the fiscal deficit to 4.3 per cent. “We have said we will not borrow money from the State Bank this year. We have said we will keep the exchange rate flexible and curtail expenditure.”

Any IMF facility would have to be on the basis of a plan Pakistan has proposed to the fund. “I would love to have more money coming. The IMF programme is for 24 months. We will make a long-term policy to sustain growth,” Shaukat Tareen said.

In reply to a question, he said the notification regarding changes in the national finance commission (NFC) would be made soon. “The file is already on my table. It involves some legal problems, which will be rectified soon,” he added.

KARACHI, Oct 23: Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves fell $430 million to $7.32 billion in the week that ended on Oct 18, the central bank said on Thursday.

The State Bank of Pakistan’s own reserves fell to $4.04 billion from $4.34 billion a week earlier, and reserves held by commercial banks were $3.28 billion compared with $3.41 billion.—Reuters
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