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Pakistan Doubling Rate of Making Nuclear Weapons | ISIS

First Obama should himself rid the country of nukes then come here, the worlds nukes are placed in US, but he still says that weshould stop making them. HYPOCRITE.
Sorry no. But some parts of the above article mention large nukes to be around 50-100K.Ton.

We need to cover Israel in our 'range'.
If not, then why are we going for ICBMs ?? ;)

Pakistan already has the ability to strike Israel with the Shaheen 3 missile. The Shaheen 3 has a range of 4000-4500km, & the distance of Quetta to Tel Aviv is 1905 miles (3066 km).

City Distance Tool - Find the distance between 2 cities

We need to cover Israel in our 'range'.
If not, then why are we going for ICBMs ?? ;)

Why only India and Israel; US and the western world, especially US, are also precived by your countrymen to be thier enemy.
Why only India and Israel; US and the western world, especially US, are also precived by your countrymen to be thier enemy.

well the capability is not against any1 ... it is just for self defence and deterence against un-conventional weapons. ... if it would have been to destory Isreal or India we would have striked the day we had completed the first bomb....
Its an old news.Western Media always cry about Pakistan's nukes.

Pakistan should have atleast 370 nuclear weapons with missiles having a range of 4,500km-5,000km in its arsenal.This would be enough for us,I guess.

+ at least 40-50 ICBMs range 12000kms in ballistic as well as cruise missiles
landbased as well as sub based.....Insha-Allah
at least 40-50 ICBMs range 12000kms in ballistic as well as cruise missiles
land based as well as sub based.....Insha-Allah
Wow!! Against whom are you gonna use these??? And who's going to fund this kinda program? The cost of manufacture, deployment, spares, R&D, communications, warheads, assembly facilities, workforce and so on for 40 - 50 ICBMs will cost you close to $100 billion! And China isn't going to help here due to various treaties in vogue. The IMF won't help either. The US of A is a no go. Hmmm...

Oh yeah! It's all fiction! I should have known! :cheesy:
Pakistan has 100 plus nukes. this number is enough. Pakistan doesn't need more than this if its target is just India.

however it seems that Israel is also an concern for Pakistan. may be this is the reason pakistan is doubling rate of making Nuclear Weapons.
What's the point of making so many nuke bombs when, even in worst case scenario of a war, not more than 5-10 will be used?
We need to save some for the US and make some ICBMs along that as well.
We need to save some for the US and make some ICBMs along that as well.

come of it man.. nukes what for? people are dying with hunger and doing suicides, inflation is at its peak, law and order situation is worst than ever, target killing in karachi and quetta is setting new records, extra judicial killings have become order of the day, officials announce that load shedding will contunue till 2018 and GoP is spending alot on freakin nukes which would seldom (God forbid) be used.. rather they must spend now on education, health, infra structure, law and order and building a nation of harmony and peace.

☪☪☪☪;1901683 said:
Israel isn't the enemy - Stop your stupid obsession with Israel - India IS the enemy.

You're petrified even to imagine israel as an enemy let alone acknowledge israel as a threat. Good going, keep smoking the dope, I hear that it relieves people from the pain of facing life as it is and we all know that life is not a bed of roses .
i can't understand why does pakistan spend so much on nukes when they are hardly going to use them , utter wastage of money
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