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Pakistan: Defying the Adversary’s Hybrid Warfare


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Mar 4, 2017
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Pakistan: Defying the Adversary’s Hybrid Warfare
Global Village Space

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Dr Zafar Nawaz Jaspal|

Pakistan has encountered grave internal and external security challenges since its birth. Its adversaries, particularly India, endeavored to realize their malicious designs through various illegal and inhuman methods.

Indian attempts to isolate Pakistan
Premier Narendra Modi has openly expressed his earnest desire to ‘isolate Pakistan’. His Hindu fundamentalist associates in the cabinet have been hatching conspiracies to bleedPakistan. Nevertheless, the people of Pakistan and their friends courageously defy the evil designs of the Indian ruling elite.

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Premier Modi swore that India would isolate Pakistan through a global campaign on September 24, 2016. He stated: “We will isolate you. I will work for that.” He added: “We will intensify it (our efforts) and force you to be alone all over the world.”

Subsequently, New Delhi unleashed appalling propaganda against Pakistan at the regional and international forums. Being a host country of 8th BRICS Summit (October 2016) and 6th Heart of Asia (December 2016) conference, India attempted to malign and isolate Pakistan. However, New Delhi failed to convince the participants of both the Summit and the Conference.

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The failure of maligning campaign enraged the Indian ruling elite. New Delhi sabotaged the 19th South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation’s summit planned to be held in November 2016 in Islamabad. Bangladesh, Bhutan and Afghanistan on the behest of India decided to not participate the SAARC summit. The cancellation of SAARC Summit did not only disappoint the host country, but also exposed the regional bully.

Instead of wasting its time on India and its criminal schemes, the Government of Pakistan continues focusing on its other significant diplomatic ventures.The Government of Pakistan decided to hold three mega events in the beginning of 2017—multinational Naval Exercise ‘AMAN’-17 at the North Arabian Sea; Economic Cooperation Organization Summit in Islamabad; and Pakistan Super League 2017 final cricket match in Lahore.

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The successful holding of these events, certainly, rout Prime Minister Modi’s pronounced policy to isolate Pakistan. In addition, it underscores that Pakistan is safe country for sports and foreign direct investment.

Read more: Pakistan: Defying the Adversary’s Hybrid Warfare
what`s wrong with india? why does india think that india is superior from Super Power even Superior then God.
OR india think that india has right to dictate or threat Other Nations forcefully.
U.S should think that india is crossing the limit on the behalf of US back.
Even U.S and Russia never behave like india with other Nations.
No wounder if India will have free hand India will destroy the world with Indian restarted behavior.
India is habitual of interfering in other`s countries with unwarranted concern.
why India always try to force other Nation deliberately. The Hindudtva mindset is the worst mindset in the history of world.
India wants to have regional supremacy as well as in international arena.
She tries to use backdoor steps not by following the right path.
Indian always proud to bribe the world`s most respected Organizations
The seed of hatred was soiled in 1940`s when Hindus were thinking that its there time to rule over muslims but M.Ali Sb Aced them and ever since this day Indian feels they can rule whole of sub continent ,I respectfully disagree with notion that we are same people divided by nation
India will stop whatever she is doing if Pakistan give up it's support for 'militancy' in Kashmir. And support for proxies and terror organizations against India. We've been saying this since a long time.
Then we can have some discussion over Kashmir. Without this, you can still direct your resources against us nothings gonna change. Or we will look for all the options which may include water wars.
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