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Pakistan Defence twitter handle suspended

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Lets hope the PDF twitterinas keep doing this. Make it an easier laughing stock .
just now the twitter suspended PDF's twitter handle after mass reporting by butthurt apes who are more concerned about the picture and fake inflated ego of their country than lives of innocent Kashmiris
@Burnol Apply Burnol.

PDF twitter handle got busted after photoshops. This is a legitimate suspension.

Twitter is not like PDF where you rule the roost. Is this a time limited one or a permanent ban.

They thought themselves to be Maleeha Lodhi or what ? :lol:
Randi rona bhi karna hai aur PDF bhi nahi chorna.

Life of a bharati troll. :lol:

This. The hypocrisy is maddening. I mean hypocrisy has limits as well but the reality is that these crying children have neither sharam nor haya. They are absolutely the lowest of the ebb.

Anyhow. I am guessing our own liberals have played a part in this as well. We all know how treacherous they are. They and the mullahs. The two greatest enemies of Pakistan.

However PDF should clarify this and make sure such a mistake does not happen again.

You know what's funny. Twitter suspended this account yet we have Baluch and Indian handles posting fake pictures everyday.
Sure, I understand that you are saving burnol for your own specie. Ensoy applying it to each other.
they have 8.5 million followers on Facebook they will come back in no time but you imbeciles after getting humiliated here will not leave this forum despite being told multiple times by admins and members
Randi rona bhi karna hai aur PDF bhi nahi chorna.

Life of a bharati troll. :lol:
You stop discussing about Bharat, we will vanish automatically.

Do you know that there are more threads about India than Pakistan in PDF. Stop your randi rona about Bharat. I am only visiting a enemy forum to defend my country.
just now the twitter suspended PDF's twitter handle after mass reporting by butthurt apes who are more concerned about the picture and fake inflated ego of their country than lives of innocent Kashmiris
View attachment 437703

Burnol you need Burnol.
Incoming sir ji kal strikes from Indians on PDF, take shelter!
I am only visiting a enemy forum to defend my country.

And the negative ratings are battle scars.

These guys need therapists. Literally. This is insanity and they are insane.

@Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Zibago you guys in the end the handles change but the filthy mentality remains the same. Truly they are the worst of the lot these trolls from across the border.

Anyway as for the thread. It will be back but PDF needs to be careful. It has enemies both in pakistan and outside and thus cannot make mistakes.
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