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Pakistan Defence Exports $300Million!


Feb 11, 2008
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allahu akbar,

great news, I remember not too long ago, our defense exports doubled from $100 million to $200 million. Now look at this! gosh, I feel so happy being the first one to report this! don't worry if I wet my pants, I have a plastic liner!
Official claims big rise in arms exports

By Ihtasham ul Haque

ISLAMABAD, July 17: Pakistan’s defence exports have tripled to around $300 million because of the quality of its ammunition, anti-tank guided missiles, rocket launchers and shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles.

“Our defence exports have been rising substantially because the arms and ammunition we manufacture meet international standards,” Maj-Gen Mohammad Farooq, Director General of the Defence Export Promotion Organisation (Depo), told Dawn.

“We even won a contract in the face of tough competition from developed countries to manufacture parts of Boeing aircraft,” he said.

Although he wasn’t precise about earnings from arms exports, he said: “It has tripled and it is very good for Pakistan.”

He said arms trade was a complex business and it had to be on a government-to-government basis. Pakistan was answerable to the international community in terms of ensuring that the arms did not fall into wrong hands.

He said exports to South Asian, Middle Eastern and African countries had increased significantly.

He said there was a time when the country’s defence industry exported only small arms and ammunition, but now their range had diversified and developed countries were also purchasing Pakistan’s military hardware.

He said optical instruments like night vision devices, laser range-finders and designators, laser threat censors, artillery armour mortars and ammunition, mine detectors, anti-tank rifles, missile boats, different types of tear gases, fuses of unarmed vehicles, security equipment and sporting and hunting guns were also being manufactured in Pakistan.

“The fuses are being purchased by countries like Italy, France and Spain,” he said.

He said army tents, uniform and other equipment were also being exported.

In reply to a question, Maj-Gen Farooq said Pakistan was manufacturing Al Khalid tank. “Due to logistic reasons, we cannot export this tank but its parts are being exported.”

He said the country was phasing out old T-59 tanks by upgrading them to Al Zarar or replacing them with Al Khalid tanks.

The Depo chief said Pakistan had entered into partnership and out-sourcing programmes with several countries.

There was collaboration with China for building an air-defence system and manufacturing of Karakoram-8 and JF-17 Thunder, a multi-role modern fighter aircraft, he said.

The Depo chief said there was a joint venture with South Korea’s Poongsan company for manufacturing improved artillery ammunition. There was cooperation with France’s Nexter company to increase the range, accuracy and effectiveness of different weapons.

“France is also helping us make JF-17 Thunder aircraft and Al Khalid tank more useful by equipping them with advanced avionics,” he said.

He said Pakistan had built Agosta submarines and Puma and Ecureil helicopters with the help of France “with transfer of technology”.

He said collaboration with the United States had increased in manufacturing armoured personnel carriers with transfer of technology.

In reply to a question, he said, Pakistan’s military exports were higher than India’s. “Indians started working on Arjun tank but, they are yet to induct it in their army, while Pakistan has built and handed over Al Khalid tank to the army, although it started the programme later,” he said.

Official claims big rise in arms exports -DAWN - Top Stories; July 18, 2008
Good news and good for Pakistan defence forces. They are moving ahead in an organized fashion and are investing some of their profits into acquiring newer technologies. This is something our industrialists need to do and learn.
:yahoo: pakistan defense export is likely to touch $500-600 million in next 2-3 years!! Azeribijian have already placed order for 24-26 jf-17..
Mashallah great news i hope it tends to get better each year GOD BLESS PAKISTAN!!
Ok - I know ya'll are excited about this, but please, no more "mashallah, great news!" one liners please.

Add something of substance to your post as well.

If you just want to show appreciation, thank assad for posting this.

“We even won a contract in the face of tough competition from developed countries to manufacture parts of Boeing aircraft,”

This is related to KAMRA, this indicates lots of good things. The facilities have have gone up in standards, if this goes well with Boeing, KAMARA might be expecting more customers. And we need customers to by parts it invites investment, the Chinese example, the Chinese use to make high quality Aircraft parts for low cheap prices and they bought by companies like; Foker, Boeing, Airbus and so on, but it all started from simple basic high quality manufacturing and it turned into to a global hub, that is what Pakistan should aim.

But there are still some hard issues to solve.

1.Customer care facilitation and security.
2.A big need in spending money in RND, if we want to compete in global market.
3.Better advertisement of Pakistan and its Defense industry.
4.There should be Media coverage of Defense ordnance, Research development and IDEAS.
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What problems with logistics are preventing the export of Al Khalid?
Pakistan’s military exports were higher than India’s.
What defence products does india produce? Which countries by what from india?
Good news and good for Pakistan defence forces. They are moving ahead in an organized fashion and are investing some of their profits into acquiring newer technologies. This is something our industrialists need to do and learn.

Cheap and advanced technology with no strings attached, thats the advantage we should exploit.

An earlier report I posted here last year quoted that we've set a target of $1 billion for 2010. The figue could double when export version of JF-17/FC-1 coms available.
"In reply to a question, he said, Pakistan’s military exports were higher than India’s"

Now, why, Why this preoccupation with India - the world is bigger tha India, lets get out of this ghetto of India centric thinking, it will be goog for us and good for India.
"In reply to a question, he said, Pakistan’s military exports were higher than India’s"

Now, why, Why this preoccupation with India - the world is bigger tha India, lets get out of this ghetto of India centric thinking, it will be goog for us and good for India.

Exactly. Let's not consider each other the gold standard by which to measure ourselves. Let's be world class in whatever we do.

The world is much bigger and the people of the subcontinent have all that is needed to make it big. What seems to be lacking is the capacity to look beyond the narrow and the tried and tested path of mutual hates.
Research in defence production stressed

By Our Correspondent

TAXILA, July 18: Instructors at a course on Friday stressed the need of research and study in defence production, which according to them, would not only ensure its reliability but open up new horizons in the development of arms and ammunition.

They were giving lectures to the participants on the concluding day of ten-day course on “testing of artillery, mortar and rocket ammunition” at Wah Cantonment.

The Course was organized by Wah Engineering College, University of Wah (UOW) in collaboration with university of Sarajevo Bosnia.

Those who attended the final day ceremony, include Professor Dr Berko university of Sarajevo Bosnia, faculty members, and officials of various organisations of Defence Production and the participants of the course.

The main object of the course was to keep scientists and engineers of various departments defence productions abreast with new trends in testing mortar, rockets and artillery ammunitions.

In his address, Chief Guest, Ahmed Rasool Bangash, Financial Advisor, Pakistan Ordnance Factories said that Pakistan and Bosnia enjoyed good relation and there was room for enhancing cooperation in the field of defence technology.

Prof Dr Berko of Sarajevo Bosnia University addressing on this occasion praised the role being played by University of Wah in providing quality education to the youth of this area.

Research in defence production stressed -DAWN - National; July 19, 2008


small arms and ammunition shouldn't be taken lightly, guys. we need to have more agressive marketing in this area. countries that export aircraft make billions without the need of aircrafts, by exporting tanks, small arms, ammunition, etc. Only when we reach $2 billion and above, should we start to market the JF-17.

Besides, there's also the issue of our radars and other important things falling into the hands of the wrong people. this is really dangerous, considering the fact that we may be shipping to bankrupt countries like african nations.

Like i said before, if pakistan plays its cards right, we can be at least exporting 10 billion dollars worth. i know this may sound crazy, but a lot of the muslim countries in the world are fairly large arms importers. when that happens, you'll see the US, France, Russia, China, Germany do joint-ventures with Pakistan.

also, I hope some of our idiotic officials put some more thought into ethics, before supplying weaponry to nations like zimbabwe or some other african nation. Lest we see dictators using these weapons on their own populations, like they usually ALWAYS do. (cough ... er... robert mugabe...cough)
"In reply to a question, he said, Pakistan’s military exports were higher than India’s"

Now, why, Why this preoccupation with India - the world is bigger tha India, lets get out of this ghetto of India centric thinking, it will be goog for us and good for India.

Well said mate! :tup:
Vinod and Muse.
Thank you for finally pointing out our narrow vision once it comes to comparisions. It is a good omen for our future generations to understand this. we need to move on and think bigger and better, both individually and collectively. This is a good development for the defence industry and is likely to expand. Let us now explore what areas we want to expand and spend resources in to beeter avail ourselves of this effort.
A) composite technology. Needless to say we will need this to lighten the weight of our planes and UAVs.
B) Allying consumer industries with defence industry. For instance we want yo manufacture tank engines. Even at the best of times we will not need more than 125 engines a yr for this. Now if truck?Bus engines of similar dimension could be built, it would increase the need for engines to thousands. we could perhaps enter into a contract with Mercedes to build truck/byus and ??tank engines in pakisatan.
C) specialized Steel mills. we have one old mill in Karachi. Do we need another one in or near Kamra.
D) Microcomponent manufacturing. Again the concept of dual use technology comes into play here.
There was collaboration with China for building an air-defence system and manufacturing of Karakoram-8 and JF-17 Thunder, a multi-role modern fighter aircraft, he said.

Although its a bit late to ask this question since thread is quite old, have been preoccupied in defending ISI lately lol, which air-defence system are we working on with the Chinese? Last i heard Pakistan wasn't much interested in the HQ-9 and FT-2000 never made it to the production line.
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