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Pakistan Day Parade: Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) and Saudi Special Force’s Participation

Chinese media:
(National Defense of the People's Republic of China)

The Combined Honor Guard of the People's Liberation Army debuted the "Pakistani Day" parade rehearsal
来源:新华社作者:季伟责任编辑:李爱明2017-03-19 22:36







Chinese contingent participates in Pakistan Day military parade rehearsal
Source: Xinhua | 2017-03-19 22:11:04 | Editor: huaxia

ISLAMABAD, March 19 (Xinhua) -- A contingent of the guard of honor of the three services of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) on Sunday participated in a rehearsal of Pakistan's 77th national day parade in the country's capital of Islamabad.

The 90-member contingent has come to Pakistan to feature in the parade on the invitation of the Pakistani side.

The final parade will be held on March 23 at Shakarparian Parade Ground in Islamabad.

The parade is being organized by joint staff headquarters, which oversees the three armed forces of Pakistan.

The Pakistan Day commemorates March 23, 1940 when a resolution was passed in Lahore, now Pakistan's eastern city, to demand a separate homeland for the Muslims of the British Indian Empire. Seven years after the resolution was passed, the British Indian Empire was divided into two states, India and Pakistan.

During the rehearsal, Pakistani armed forces parade was followed by the exhibition of military hardware, cultural floats and air show.

According to a handout released by the Pakistan army's mouthpiece Inter Services Public Relations, the guard of honor of the three services of the PLA is participating in any parade in Pakistan for the first time.

Talking to media on the occasion, head of the Chinese contingent Major General Li Jianbo said "We selected the best personnel and trained them hard for the Pakistan Day parade. We have come here to convey a message of friendship to Pakistan on behalf of the Chinese people and the Chinese army. We sincerely hope that Pakistan will progress day by day and its army will be stronger and stronger."

The Pakistan Day parade remained suspended for a period of eight years until it was restarted in 2015 after Pakistan visibly achieved successes against militancy in the country. Special security measures have been put in place in Islamabad and its neighboring garrison city of Rawalpindi.

Saudi Special Force's contingents and Turkish Janissary Military Band are also participating in the parade.



About Combined Honor Guard of the People's Liberation Army



This video tells the story of what kind of soldiers can participate in foreign parade:

On the implementation of the Russian Red Square in 2015 before the task of selection criteria
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Top ranking Chinese military officials, 4-Star Gen and soldiers from (Tri-Services PLA) arrive in Islamabad to attend and participate in Pakistan Defense Day Parade to be held on 23rd March 2017

Chinese media:

Talking to media on the occasion, head of the Chinese contingent Major General Li Jianbo said "We selected the best personnel and trained them hard for the Pakistan Day parade. We have come here to convey a message of friendship to Pakistan on behalf of the Chinese people and the Chinese army. We sincerely hope that Pakistan will progress day by day and its army will be stronger and stronger."

Saudi Special Force's contingents and Turkish Janissary Military Band are also participating in the parade.

Thank You China.
Looks like Shaheen-IA, Shaheen-III and Ababeel are not going to be there. That's sad.
What a Tesadduf!!! Alleme Ikbal (RA) said, "China is mine, Arab is mine". These are the physical implementations as they march past his giant poster. They were Naib-i Resul. Their words don't fall to the ground!!!! I am especially happy since Mehter is also joining the party since he had a special affection for the Turkish folks...

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