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Pakistan cruise missiles pose key challenge to India

:lol: kid,ever heard of MTCR??The Range of brahmos is much over 300 kms and it is enough for us,dont woworry about the Brahmos too much,we already have Quasi Ballistic Missiles like Shaurya in service(which cannot be intercepted by ABMs)and in 2014,India would test its Long range Cruise Missile-LRCM(which would be scramjet poweted and range of 1000km and have a speed of Mach 2.5

Now on topic,I dont think Pakistani Cruise missiles would b a serious issue as Indian BMD systems already have the capability to intercept one,not to mention the S300 and Akash SAMs
OTOH,even a subsonic Indian Cruise missile would be a serious threat to Pakistan,unless they invest in ABMs,and even then,the Indian QBMs and Supersonic CMs would be a threat to Pakistan

Kiddo Admit it Seeing Pakistan ahead of u is very difficult thing to accept for some psychos like u.
I became sure about this in Waste management thread.
Kiddo Admit it Seeing Pakistan ahead of u is very difficult thing to accept for some psychos like u.
I became sure about this in Waste management thread.

It is already fact that 1pakistani = 10 Indian, so why this missile .
In exactly which field is pakistan ahead? Proof?

July 20, 2010, 11:36 AM

India Could Use Pakistan’s Infrastructure
By Tom Wright

Pakistan’s 367-kilometer-long M2 motorway between Lahore and Islamabad strikes a visitor as being streets ahead of India’s decrepit inter-state roads even if roads minister Kamal Nath is on a binge of fund-raising to try to improve India’s highways.
Sunita Kohli, a New Delhi-based interior designer who recently did work on a boutique hotel in Lahore, says she was impressed with the road compared to similar developments in India.
“We really lag behind on infrastructure,” she said. “Now we’re trying to make up for lost time.”
But first-time visitors to Pakistan, many expecting a failed state, are surprised by some of the modern infrastructure.
Apart from the roads, Pakistan’s broadband and wireless roaming speeds also compare favorably with India. Doing business in Pakistan is easier than in India and China, according to the World Bank.

With regular Taliban suicide bombings, though, Pakistan is unable to capitalize on these positives and continues to generate only negative headlines.

Source:Copyright ©2013 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Hindustan Times

Pak better than India on poverty
Chetan Chauhan, Hindustan Times
New Delhi, November 02, 2011

India has been ranked lower than its neighbour Pakistan in the United Nation’s multi-dimensional poverty index (MDI) and gender equality index even though it has been able to maintain its 134 rank in overall Human Development Index (HDI).
The UN Development Programme’s HDI report says that 53.7% of Indians suffer from multi-dimensional poverty as compared to 49.4 % in Pakistan and 57.8% in Bangladesh.
Even in absolute poverty terms, measured for those earning less than $1.25 a day, Pakistan fares better than India. Around 41.6% of Indians in 2005 were earning less than $1.25 a day as compared to 22.6% Pakistanis.
When it comes to gender equality, India has been ranked lower than most of its neighbouring countries including Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. It is primarily on account of India’s adolescent fertility rate, lesser number of women in Parliament and poor participation of women in workforce.

Source:Copyright © 2013 HT Media Limited. All Rights Reserved

Well there are some where Pakistan is better than India. Thankyou for asking.
But lets not get off topic here.
@Umair Nawaz

Can you please elaborate in which field Pakistan is ahead wrt missile technolovy,now do not fool around,I am not an idiot to beleieve that A country that cannot launch a sat on its own is more advanced in missile technology than India,a leading space power
Please do come back with your 'pakistan is ahead of India' rants afteryou have atleeast tested a ICBM,SLBM,BMD,aQBM or a MRSAM
And wrt Waste management thread,many of my questions still stand unanswered and you can try replyimg to that if you dare.I have asked those questions many times and you have not yet givegiven me a proper reply,but you keep on ranting,pls give me a proper reply in those threads or STFU
Now they are not verydifficult to answer,just simple questions like do Pakistan have better airports,metro rails,railways,electricity generation and the like:lol:


iam amazed by the fact that you guys still beleieve that you have better infra,last year one of your ministers visited Delhi and was amazed to see the modern infra here and he saidhttp://www.defence.pk/forums/economy-development/226844-lahore-should-developed-like-delhi-pak-minister-18.html]Lahore should be developed like Delhi[/url].I dont think there are an y Pakistani city with comparable to Delhi.
I am not joking,we have better HDI and Percapita income,we have better electricity production(double Pakistans per capita),we have 3 metro rail systems and 5 more metro rails will come before 2014,Our Delhi metro was even praised by many,and we have better railways,and modern glass and steel airports even in our tier3 cities even.I dont think there

In case of roads,We are also building new cities and a whole new Industrial corridor.there are ~5000kms of six lane highways,a lot of expressways and a lot of 4 lane highways.If you think this issue is debatable feel free to do that on the above link.

If you are doubtful,compare ring roads of Lahore and Hyderabad(India)
Hyderabad has 8-12 lane ringroad,and Lahore have only a 4-6 lane road as ring road.
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in Cruise Missile Technology Pakistan is almost 15 year ahead of India

and Indian compare there Russain Anti ship Cruise Missile Barhmos with Babar:lol::no:
Well there are some where Pakistan is better than India. Thankyou for asking.
But lets not get off topic here.

I thought we were discussing cruise missiles. The post i quoted meant pakistan is ahead in cruise missiles.

in Cruise Missile Technology Pakistan is almost 15 year ahead of India

and Indian compare there Russain Anti ship Cruise Missile Barhmos with Babar:lol::no:

Why only india kid, why not pakistan is ahead of US, China and Russia as well? 15 years, idiot.
in Cruise Missile Technology Pakistan is almost 15 year ahead of India

and Indian compare there Russain Anti ship Cruise Missile Barhmos with Babar:lol::no:

Where did you get the 15 year figure from ??

Right now the only area where pakistan is ahead of India is Subsonic cruise missile technology .

Bu we already have programs for it and the gap will be filled within a decade .
in Cruise Missile Technology Pakistan is almost 15 year ahead of India

and Indian compare there Russain Anti ship Cruise Missile Barhmos with Babar:lol::no:

15 years?Are you joking?We are ahead of you in supersonic cruise missiles,we currently have Indo Rudssian Brahmos(300-500km range)we are developing a longrange Supersonic Cruise missile(range 800km,test firing in 2014)and we are researching on hypersonic cruise missiles,likeIndo Russian Brahmos 2 and Indian HSTDV demonstrator which uses Scramjets-Can pakistan even make its own Ramjets??
And you are claiming that youare 15 years ahead in cruise missile technology?:woot: keep those rants to yourself.
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