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Pakistan court frees anti-US cleric amid spat with Trump


Nov 26, 2016
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United Kingdom
PESHAWAR, Pakistan — A Pakistani court has ordered the release of a radical anti-U.S. cleric who went to Afghanistan with thousands of volunteers to help the Taliban fight against Americans after the 2001 U.S.-led invasion, a defense lawyer said Tuesday.

The development comes amid rising U.S.-Pakistani tensions following President Donald Trump’s accusations that Pakistan was harboring militants and the withholding of American aid to Islamabad.

Sufi Mohammad was set free on health grounds and the paperwork for his release was still being processed Tuesday, said defense lawyer Fida Gul.

Mohammad, imprisoned since 2009, is also known as the father-in-law of Mullah Fazlullah, the leader of the Pakistani Taliban who is believed to be hiding in Afghanistan.

Washington accuses Pakistan of turning a blind eye to militants. Pakistan denies the charge. Last week, Trump said that the United States had “foolishly” given Pakistan more than $33 billion in aid in the last 15 years and had gotten nothing in return but “lies & deceit.”

Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Pakistan’s ambassador to Washington, accused the Trump administration of ignoring the sacrifices made by Pakistan in the war on terror.

The claim is unfair, Chaudhry told The Associated Press over the weekend, before heading back to Washington.

“We have been the victim of terrorist attacks and how can we tolerate the presence of militants on our soil,” he said.

Ties between Islamabad and Washington could be further strained by the release of Mohammad, who back in 2001 issued an edict, or fatwa, for holy war against U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan.

Pakistan has banned the Tehrik Nifaz-e-Sharia Mohammed, or TNSM, pro-Taliban group.

He is not Anti US. They just fool the people of Pakistan. What can he even do to the US so I ask the people cheering up to his release. He is responsible for many innocents deaths. Hang this bastard.
Freeing terrorism convicts, is bad for Pakistan. All operations against terrorists are meaningless if courts keep leting them go.
He is out on bail.. 93 years old can not even sit on his own...
But good m9ve to piss off the Americans. Now release pictures of haqani leaders at the white house

I doubt it was done to piss off the US. Not the first such person to be released by Pakistan courts.
Person in subject was arrested over charges of anti-Pakistan activities. The main culprit was his son in law being anti-Pakistan to the core and same does not warrant any xyz spat against Trump or anyone else. Court proceeded as per the merit of case.
He should have died in prison. Stupid decision.
Freeing terrorism convicts, is bad for Pakistan. All operations against terrorists are meaningless if courts keep leting them go.
Yes, Sufi Mohammed is a bad piece of work but correct me if I'm wrong, he was been acquitted of ten criminal charges by the courts years ago and it seems no action was taken on the remaining two charges.

So my question isn't why he was released this week but why did he have to remain in jail over three years on two apparently bogus charges?
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