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Pakistan Could Have Become an Asian Tiger By Now

That's precisely my point.

Did Musharraf do enough to weaken the old guard and give the country a fighting chance to liberate itself. Did he create national institutions empowered to keep government accountable?

Or was he just the latest general -- in a long line -- bought off by the feudal elite to keep their choke-hold on Pakistan?

Other than the media, did Musharraf leave any lasting legacy? Anything that the old buzzards didn't immediately undo as soon as they got back in power?

People stuffing their bank accounts while avoiding taxes as the country goes to pot, lacking in crucial social services, hardly counts as a lasting achievement.

In his defense, he did have his hands full with pleasing the Americans and dealing with the nut bags who had just about then started targeting the Pakistani state. He did get undue heat for the Lal Masjid op, I don't think he'd have relished the $hit that the "old guard" would have piled on to him had he actually sat down to make some fundamental changes.
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Whatever good Musharraf may have done was erased and the country immediately regressed when he left.

Musharraf did not make the necessary fundamental changes in society. Without those fundamental changes (land reforms, tax reforms, etc.) any "progress" will be temporary and illusory.
^ This, 1 Million times this!

I was involved in a Project started by Gen. Mush government called the NVM: National Volunteer Movement, training members of the community etc etc, we had 10,000 volunteers on register nationally and with NCHD we had a total of 250,000 on the books.

New government comes in, disbands NVM, disbands NCHD. Lo kar lo gal!
^ This, 1 Million times this!

I was involved in a Project started by Gen. Mush government called the NVM: National Volunteer Movement, training members of the community etc etc, we had 10,000 volunteers on register nationally and with NCHD we had a total of 250,000 on the books.

New government comes in, disbands NVM, disbands NCHD. Lo kar lo gal!

The disbanding was down quietly or was there a cogent reason presented before commencing upon said disbanding?

That's precisely my point.

Did Musharraf do enough to weaken the old guard and give the country a fighting chance to liberate itself. Did he create national institutions empowered to keep government accountable?

Or was he just the latest general -- in a long line -- bought off by the feudal elite to keep their choke-hold on Pakistan?

Other than the media, did Musharraf leave any lasting legacy? Anything that the old buzzards didn't immediately undo as soon as they got back in power?

People stuffing their bank accounts while avoiding taxes as the country goes to pot, lacking in crucial social services, hardly counts as a lasting achievement.

You have some good questions there; in fact what institutions did the Gernails create and sustain during their years in power (nearly half of Pakistan's existence) and how viable and strong in terms of continuity were these institutions; in fact that Riaz so glibly states that: "Continuity of policies matters in sustaining these things which political govts fail to do."

So; only Political Govts have the responsibilty while Khaki Govts. stand fully absolved, is it?
The disbanding was down quietly or was there a cogent reason presented before commencing upon said disbanding?

Well with NVM there was a lot of issues I cannot disclose on a public forum. When our Deputy Director got replaced with a "Bhutto" family member :/

Also NCHD was disbanded and reformed because the then director Mr. Ghani Khan Marwat, was replaced because of various "political reasons". Gotta have them family members in all government departments, right? That is the motto of the Pakistani politician.
Me and one indian member in 2010 calculated the Pakistan GDP if the growth rate had been struck at 8.4% as in 2004 till 2010.

the number we came to was 296billion dollars vis a vis 210billion dollars in real by 2010-11

Or may be now in 2013 as 350-60billion dollars atleast.

In short this is a direct loss of 100billion dollars under the PPP govt.
Riaz so glibly states that: "Continuity of policies matters in sustaining these things which political govts fail to do."

I understand what Riaz is doing and I agree with him to the extent that the nation needs morale boosting and a reminder of good achievements. Especially when most of the Pakistani media excels in kicking us while we are down.

However, I disagree with him on what constitutes progress.

When I think of Pakistan, I think of the poor masses who lack even basic necessities; the young people whose potential is never realized because the government can't even give them 24 hours of electricity; or the salaried people who are stuck carrying the income tax burden while most of the richer folks hitch a free ride.

I don't measure progress by the nation's average bank balance, or the number of American fast food joints, or the number of car dealerships.

I measure it by the number of world class athletes, scientists, artists, universities that Pakistan produces. We have the potential. There were times when we could hold our own against the best of them in almost all these fields. It's sad to see how far we have fallen.
No doubt whenever there is so called democratically elected civilian government in Pakistan we can see loot and corruption at it,s best.The problem is not with the free market system and democracy and i am a big admirer of democracy and free market system.The problem is that we have few feudal lords and their family members who are ruling our politics and corporate wealth of this country.Our so called political parties are no where comparative to the political parties in developed democracies where a normal individual like me has a equal chance to participate regardless of his family background.but unfortunately we have a family politics system.
Without educating our masses we cannot prevail a good sense in our country and illiterate people in our country will still go and vote for old and useless ruling parties like PPP and PML(N) .Also we should learn something from the 1917 Bolshevik revolution of Russia when people took matter in their own hands and threw the Russian royal family who were enjoying the wealth of all country and the whole population was poor,after that revolution Russia rose to a super power.We should do something similar with the few feudal families in Pakistan looting the wealth of all country,only in this way we can get out of this pitiful situation.
Really??ohh .....Haq Musings OMG.First the guy who write this article saw a dream
'If pakistan is grow in a 1960 trajectory ,it will become Asian Tiger"
There is 'if ' and it is only remain as 'if'.Now pakistan regular appear for IMF bail out.
He also very happy to say that India poor's percentage increase from 22% to 33%.But fact is that at 1970's india poverty is at 50% and I dont know how he get 22% number.And at 1991 it is about 48% and now in 2013 it is at 30%.The guy who write this article is not concerned about pakistan ,but happy about Indian poor percentage.Fact is that the India unlike other countries for some reason India's population increased considerably.This guy convenienceily ignore the acheivements of India.India's poor is concentrated in BIMARU states and within that Bihar and Madhya pradesh already maintain GDP growth of 10-12% for last 10 years,rest of South India and West India and some northern states already light years ahead .
But I like this article ,'Live in Denial' that is good for pakistan and keep it up.India will maintain present growth rate and hopefully we will eradicate growth poverty within 2025.
well bhai thing is pakistanies love to hate every thing indian more than they should be concerned in finding ways to bring pakistan owt of this constant cycle of there "blunders, plunders and surrenders"

now the thing is pakistani elite & establishment & pakistani population in general is not willing to come owt of there love of thekedary of ummaha and hate and obsession against hindu indians and india

cause thats the onli things that is there national identity and keeping them united still

now if they want to serousli come owt of this mess it will take very harsh decisions

1. uproot this feudalism

2.rewamp there beurocracy and judecearry

3. rewamp there current education system

4.rewamp there tax collection system

5. make peace with india and drop thsi kashmeer obsession till they are strong enof

6. open trade routes between india to central asia wia pakistan

and work evry very hard on these points for at least two to three decades sincearli onli then pakistan can make a break even but the reality is all of the above is not going to happen in near future cause pakistanies love to live in denial and dream of messiah that will come one day and unite them so they can settle scores with hindu indians and then evry thing will be on track ...now what do you call that ???
there is no land reforms in pakistan. 85% land is occupied by 10-15% populaion......fact is different on ground.... you had potential but no correct direction and in present time lot need to done to over come....all the best and work hard...no shot cuts and day dreaming
Well with NVM there was a lot of issues I cannot disclose on a public forum. When our Deputy Director got replaced with a "Bhutto" family member :/

Also NCHD was disbanded and reformed because the then director Mr. Ghani Khan Marwat, was replaced because of various "political reasons". Gotta have them family members in all government departments, right? That is the motto of the Pakistani politician.

One of my favorite anecdotes is when Zardari came to power, he forced Habib Bank (I think) to reinstate some guy who had been fired for incompetence/corruption/whatever some years back.

Zardari forced the company to hire him back, and pay him back wages for all the years, plus interest!

Wah jee wah!
I understand what Riaz is doing and I agree with him to the extent that the nation needs morale boosting and a reminder of good achievements. Especially when most of the Pakistani media excels in kicking us while we are down.

However, I disagree with him on what constitutes progress.

When I think of Pakistan, I think of the poor masses who lack even basic necessities; the young people whose potential is never realized because the government can't even give them 24 hours of electricity; or the salaried people who are stuck carrying the income tax burden while most of the richer folks hitch a free ride.

I don't measure progress by the nation's average bank balance, or the number of American fast food joints, or the number of car dealerships.

I measure it by the number of world class athletes, scientists, artists, universities that Pakistan produces. We have the potential. There were times when we could hold our own against the best of them in almost all these fields. It's sad to see how far we have fallen.

Yes indeed.
I do believe that the narrative has been seriously flawed at various times in Pakistan's history. Therefore; to that extent to again give it a postive spin will not led too far, whatever be its short-term benefits.

One fact remains; institutions have failed to be created in Pakistan. Save probably one. Now members of that institution have ruled for long enough in direct terms (lets leave out indirect control). So why did not the institutions then get created in the same mould as that one?
That then leads one to question: did even the members of that institution have a short-sighted, selfish agenda?

Do not overlook the fact: that even at this very time, after two successive Civilian Govts.; many Orgns./ Institutions are heavily populated with Khakis or ex-Khakis !

Food for thought?
One of my favorite anecdotes is when Zardari came to power, he forced Habib Bank (I think) to reinstate some guy who had been fired for incompetence/corruption/whatever some years back.

Zardari forced the company to hire him back, and pay him back wages for all the years, plus interest!

Wah jee wah!

Yup, Zardari was a real class act. It was Zardari Sahib that kept a corrupt man like Bani Ameen as IG Islamabad Police, eik achey cheez huy Shere key ana sey, Bani Ameen ka Khuda Hafiz! :P

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