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Pakistan Continues Short-Range Ballistic Missile Tests

Just one thread exists as far as I have seen , do not make things up by yourself ... Nobody's dreaming , since from Day 1 , Nasr has been declared as an answer to your suicidal doctrine by the defense analysts and armed forces ... It appears so too since its a BRBM with enhanced anti-ABM technologies ... Missile Tests will continue , why would we stop testing new technologies ? :azn:

Who's asking you to stop? it's your missiles keep firing them as you fancy - but stop with the loony toons show - the CSD killer - the ABM killer :lol:

Seems your only answer for everything is a nuclear missile.
Who's asking you to stop? it's your missiles keep firing them as you fancy - but stop with the loony toons show - the CSD killer - the ABM killer :lol:

I said cross our borders and check :D ... Do not spend millions on mobilization , get poor soldiers on the border , get hundreds killed during mobilization only to back off at the end ... No one's putting a loony show here , our nuclears thresholds are low , hence the missile is being called as a CSD killer ...
I said cross our borders and check :D ... Do not spend millions on mobilization , get poor soldiers on the border , get hundreds killed during mobilization only to back off at the end ... No one's putting a loony show here , our nuclears thresholds are low , hence the missile is being called as a CSD killer ...

We haven't had a full fledged war for decades - so it's quite difficult to assess how it will end up into if it really happens now. As for crossing borders your battle field nukes are exactly for such a scenario, we will cross the bridge when or if it happens. Wars fought nowadays are quite different to how it was a few decades ago - Kargil is a prime example between us.

As for us fighting a war - India considers China a bigger threat than Pakistan and Pakistan presently considers it's internal insurgent groups as a bigger threat than India.
As for crossing borders your battle field nukes are exactly for such a scenario, we will cross the bridge when or if it happens.

Actually something is relatively easy to determine when the adversary has low nuclear thresholds because of geographic and conventional disadvantages , that they are willing to pull the trigger much quickly because they have " nothing to lose at that time " , otherwise Nasr or Abdali are just simple missile in the end , they are regarded as such because of their roles according to our policies ...
Nasr or Abdali is good or not but it has given nightmares to our defence planner and so far prevented us from crossing LOC and implementing COLD START DOCTRINE .

As somebody said in previous thread that cold start is in cold storage .

Nasr with TACTICAL NUKE is a very good deterrent and if we got a chance to take care of it we will definately cross LOC.but i dont see this happening in near future.
The current series of missile tests as per ISPR give 'operstional level capability.
The following is the definition of the term 'operational level'..
Not thati could understsn it.
The level of war at which campaigns and major operations are planned, conducted, and
sustained to accomplish strategic objectives within theaters or other operational areas.
Activities at this level link tactics and strategy by establishing operational objectives
needed to accomplish the strategic objectives, sequencing events to achieve the
operational objectives, initiating actions, and applying resources to bring about and
sustain these events. These activities imply a broader dimension of time or space than do tactics; they ensure the logistic and administrative support of tactical forces, and
provide the means by which tactical successes are exploited to achieve strategic
objectives. See also strategic level of war; tactical level of war. Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
Pak Missiles are getting upgrades & are getting new modifications, this is the reason why they are testing these mssiles.
:rofl: Read the numerous threads started by your countrymen and written by your analysts including this one -

The CSD Killer - Nasr
The Indian ABM killer - Abdali
The second strike capability against India- The Raad

:azn: and tell me who's getting their panties soaking wet by dreaming?

Its the indians who soak their panties while dreaming just like right know your doing
statements like these are the results of ignorance.. and simply the need to vent out emotions without knowing jack about the subject matter.

I am not venting out emotions if my perception of Jihad is wrong then am ready to learn and correct it. Pls let me know what Jihad is really.
It is a simple up gradation of capability, as the missile technology matures.
I am not venting out emotions if my perception of Jihad is wrong then am ready to learn and correct it. Pls let me know what Jihad is really.

1st of all fighting in the way of religion is Qitaal and not Jihad
I am not venting out emotions if my perception of Jihad is wrong then am ready to learn and correct it. Pls let me know what Jihad is really.

Jihad == Struggle... Literally.
Jihad-fi-Sabeelillah(struggle for(as preferred by) god)
Tiers 1-3(Jihad Akbar-Greater Jihad)
Tier 4 (Jihad-Asghar-lesser Jihad)

Upper tier.. Jihad against instincts.. controlling one's desires.. needs.. being a better person
Second Tier .. Jihad against satan... Avoiding sin etc
Third Tier.. Jihad for knowledge.. Religious, Scientific, Philosophical.. etc research
Fourth Tier..Jihad against injustice,survival.. verbally, morally , physically(war etc)

So if the thirst of knowledge, justice and self-improvement are also medieval concepts.. then we should abandon them entirely.
Lets return to animalistic instincts like certain civilizations were during the rise of Islam.

Moreover, the armed conflict Jihad.. the fourth tier.. CANNOT be declared by anyone else except the lawful ruler of the state.
Individuals can only answer that call to Jihad-Asghar( lesser Jihad) by a ruler and not declare one themselves here and there.They may reject the leader and seek to replace him but those actions should be restricted within the state machinery. If they cannot agree with that state machinery nor are they able to convince the majority.. they should migrate to a land where they feel the ruler will listen to their cause.

Which in turn leaves all these groups calling for Jihad and resorting to terror attacks on civilians to be classified as Fitna(chaos) and lawful states being given the right to deal with fitna as they see fit.

Considering that almost 90% of the information about Islam in the internet today is full of $hit.. I dont blame you for not getting the right narrative. I blame you for coming to a conclusion for not trying harder to find out.

Internet too then.. is a "Fitna" in my view..
Jihad == Struggle... Literally.
Jihad-fi-Sabeelillah(struggle for(as preferred by) god)
Tiers 1-3(Jihad Akbar-Greater Jihad)
Tier 4 (Jihad-Asghar-lesser Jihad)

Upper tier.. Jihad against instincts.. controlling one's desires.. needs.. being a better person
Second Tier .. Jihad against satan... Avoiding sin etc
Third Tier.. Jihad for knowledge.. Religious, Scientific, Philosophical.. etc research
Fourth Tier..Jihad against injustice,survival.. verbally, morally , physically(war etc)

So if the thirst of knowledge, justice and self-improvement are also medieval concepts.. then we should abandon them entirely.
Lets return to animalistic instincts like certain civilizations were during the rise of Islam.

Moreover, the armed conflict Jihad.. the fourth tier.. CANNOT be declared by anyone else except the lawful ruler of the state.
Individuals can only answer that call to Jihad-Asghar( lesser Jihad) by a ruler and not declare one themselves here and there.They may reject the leader and seek to replace him but those actions should be restricted within the state machinery. If they cannot agree with that state machinery nor are they able to convince the majority.. they should migrate to a land where they feel the ruler will listen to their cause.

Which in turn leaves all these groups calling for Jihad and resorting to terror attacks on civilians to be classified as Fitna(chaos) and lawful states being given the right to deal with fitna as they see fit.

Considering that almost 90% of the information about Islam in the internet today is full of $hit.. I dont blame you for not getting the right narrative. I blame you for coming to a conclusion for not trying harder to find out.

Internet too then.. is a "Fitna" in my view..

Oscar Ji that is all fine theoretically and you have explained the nuances of jihad nicely but the people who are killed without any rhyme of reason are unlikely to care much about your 'correct' interpretation. you see there is a difference in what one preaches and how one implements it on the ground.

As for the bolded part you should try blaming someone whose family members were bombed to smithereens while shopping for groceries. i would like to see you explain your concept of jihad to them.
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