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Pakistan considering Afghans to be allowed entry without visas

Then whey is Pakistan is even fencing the border when any Afghan citizen can get in anyways?
Brilliant move by pakistan. At least it will know who are in the pakistan from aghanistan. It will also gives peaceful time to complete fence in breakneck speed.
Once fence complete, pakistan can reverse the decision.
Then whey is Pakistan is even fencing the border when any Afghan citizen can get in anyways?
Its most likely for people living on border or those who come here for trade every day...but we are NOT okay with that as well.. Anyone coming here should get a visa.
Its most likely for people living on border or those who come here for trade every day...but we are NOT okay with that as well.. Anyone coming here should get a visa.

The people living in border area in Afghanistan are already allowed to enter Pak with Afghan ID card or simply medical paper. Pak did impose visa on them after Aug, 2021 but Taliban closed the border crossing for couple of weeks. As usual Pak surrendered again and agreed to allow people of Kandahar and adjoining areas to enter Pak with Afghan ID card.
crime will go up, racial tension will be up, lack of resources causing inflation, letting in enemies n spies,
punjabis become minorities, durand line stance will be softened up by influx of afghani,
job market scarcity. over burden healthcare, school , universities, traffic jams n accidents be up,

our leaders are great at destroying progress they should get nobel prize.

mean while pakistani passport is one of the lowest rank, try getting visa. but let in all kinds of ppl in your own country.
I am a big supporter of friendship between Afghanistan and Pakistan and i have a soft corner for them but i think this is wrong. Visa free entry doesnt bring anything good to us and only stupid crap will come in. The afghans are mostly thankless idiots and this wont help. We need to be strict and make them realize they need us and we dont need them. Imran khan is a dumb moron and i hope we get rid of him soon, if he gives bajwa another extension, that will destroy army too.
I meet afghans in Peshawar n the other day i mentioned how Pakistan gives them free visa extension without any fee, and that no country does that, but as usual they r thankless namak haram and make excuses.
we have let millions in to Pakistan from every where since it’s birth good and bad why are you shocked it is still happening
Dude but this time it's different - you know there are 25k ttp sitting across the border

You can't start open border policy like this - it's stupid
Aa bal mujhe maae

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