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Pakistan considering Afghans to be allowed entry without visas

This is a great move and will go a long way if true.. Followed by a defense treaty hopefully Including FTA and imho we could even develope single currency like the Euro but we will have to include Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in that new currency zone and it would be a 300-million market....

Besides that natsecjeff guy is absolutely cringeworthy at this point.. He is taking some random joe on a public Talkshow segment and his probably a random civilian think tank but his basing him as ''IEA'' I feel sorry for the guy at this point this is blatantly reaching for straws and desperation

His been desperate lately
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MashAllah , Punjabis should also immigrate and and settle afghan heartlands in masses.. Afterall we are an ummah and durrand line means nothing..Soon InshAllah punjabi will be the basic ingredient of Afghan society and it will be incomplete without Punjabi, Afghans will welcome their BLOOD brothers with rose petals and offer their women and land,, and help them settle,, ...InshAllah.
-Who is this bloody chap sitting inside MOI?
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MashAllah , Punjabis should also immigrate and and settle afghan heartlands in masses.. Afterall we are an ummah and durrand line means nothing..Soon InshAllah punjabi will be the basic ingredient of Afghan society and it will be incomplete without Punjabi, Afghans will welcome their BLOOD brothers with rose petals and offer theri women and land,, and help them settle,, ...InshAllah.
-Who is this bloody chap sitting inside MOI?

MashAllah , Punjabis should also immigrate and and settle afghan heartlands in masses.. Afterall we are an ummah and durrand line means nothing..Soon InshAllah punjabi will be the basic ingredient of Afghan society and it will be incomplete without Punjabi, Afghans will welcome their BLOOD brothers with rose petals and offer their women and land,, and help them settle,, ...InshAllah.
-Who is this bloody chap sitting inside MOI?

Who are the advisors making such ridiculous recommendations, I really hope this doesn't materialise in any way
Only working visa holders or high net worth. Otherwise things will start to go kaboom
This is why world club Afganistan and Pakistan together. This is very unfortunate we have IK as PM whose IQ is less than an average person and Bajwa as army chief who is hell bent on appeasing everyone even at the cost of Pak core interests.

Bajwa is like that woman who put her clothes off and open her legs for her attacker in a hope that attacker will not torture her and he will be done in minutes and then go away.
I hope hope and hope - that it is not true.


They will slip into local Pashtun Populace, making hard for us to differentiate who is Pakistani and who is Afghan
This is why world club Afganistan and Pakistan together.

Very true.

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