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Pakistan Condemns Qur'an Burnings


Aug 21, 2010
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BBC News - US President Obama condemns plans to burn the Koran

Pakistan says that plans by a small US church to burn copies of the Koran on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks are "despicable".

President Asif Ali Zardari warned that if it went ahead, the burning could inflame Muslim sentiment across the world.

Indonesia says the burning would damage relations between Islam and the West.

The US authorities have also strongly condemned the plan, calling it disgraceful and idiotic.

However, the church's actions would likely be protected by the US constitution's guarantee of freedom of speech.

The pastor behind the threat, Terry Jones, leads a congregation of just 50 followers in the city of Gainesville, Florida.

He says the burning will be a way to stand up to terrorism.

Mr Zardari's comments are the latest in chorus of condemnation from Muslim countries.

"Anyone who even thought of such a despicable act must be suffering from a diseased mind and a sickly soul," Mr Zardari said in a statement.

"It will inflame sentiments among Muslims throughout the world and cause irreparable damage to interfaith harmony and also to world peace."

Malaysia called it a heinous crime, while India said it would be an outrage.

The plan has also sparked condemnation from the administration of President Barack Obama, the Vatican, Nato and the top US Afghan commander.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called the plan "disgraceful".

On Monday General David Petraeus, the top US commander in Afghanistan, warned troops' lives would be in danger if the church went ahead with its bonfire.

Mr Jones said on Wednesday that his plan to burn the Islamic holy book is intended to draw attention to his belief that "something's wrong."

"It is possibly time for us in a new way to actually stand up, confront terrorism," Mr Jones told reporters outside his church.

Muslims consider the Koran to be the word of God and insist it be treated with the utmost respect. Any intentional damage or show of disrespect to the holy book is deeply offensive to them.
Yep. Just wanted to share it as it was related to what is happening at the moment.
A church is asking for the same is disgraceful and pathetic attempt to show their hatred towards Muslims.:tdown:
The "small church" got world wide attention and free advertisment on news media of the world..Thir mission...accomplished.
I think these people,who are burning Holy Quran,need some Anti-psychotics.Seriously.....
I think these people,who are burning Holy Quran,need some Anti-psychotics.Seriously.....

no They need sleeping pills...which wil gave them Rest in Peace.
I think these people,who are burning Holy Quran,need some Anti-psychotics.Seriously.....

bigoted and intolerant people do exist everywhere. we have them too, dont forget that the Taliban demolished Statue of Buda in Afghanistan, and that had the same importance to the Budists as much as the Quran is important to us. But i am glad that the american gov interfered and prevented this shameful act by the pastor.
There is a video on internet that indeed someone actually burnt Quran in New York City on 11th sept'10 and was subsequently arrested.
To mourn the death of Muslims, which fell victim to bombs of Americans in Pakistani, Aghanistan, Iraq, ... we should burn 911 bibles, because it was the day which gave chance to kill Muslims. I think this is stupendous idea ... :victory: I love:smitten: my ideas.

Lets start collecting BIBLE for the big day.:sniper:

Then if they scream bibles burning by Muslims say, very nicely and calmly FREEDOM OF SPEECH, and we have RIGHT TO BURN BOOK and FLAG law says so. If we do that for few years in every Muslim and non Muslim country I am sure we will make our point, ... if it doesnt, we should move to CROSS burning, JESUS PICTURE BURNING, and if that still doesnt pay, raise the stakes BURN 911 CHURCHES IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES, ... it will do wonders for education of AMERICANS, EUROPEANS, but please for the sake of humanity, and common sense, dont kill anyone, if u cant find a church which is not used, make one with card board, and then burn that ... point is to hurt feelings, not people.

We can't harm the bible, remember ? It's also an abrahamic scripture.
Even if we could, we shouldn't. Just because one guy acts like an *** doesn't mean you have to prove you are an even bigger one.......
What has Saudi Arab done where is the origin of Islam?

If they haven't done any effective protest then why Pk and few Bangladeshis are excited?
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Because we are Muslims ... and the ones you are on about, and people like you no better then KAFFIRS,

Do u even know wat kaffir means?
Wat gives ur highness the right to call anyone tht?are u a prominent scholar of islam?

Get a life dude...

His question holds weight... ur crying here n protesting while they r buying arms frm usa worth 60 billion$$ funny thing is tht these will just rot in the desert..
If muslims ignored the threat to the holy Koran, then this dumb pastor would have got zero publicity. The media went crazy because of the reaction they were getting from muslims.

Muslims should have just called his bluff. He would have just faded away.

Muslims around the world should become more mature. If he burns the Koran privately without anyone's knowledge, will it somehow change anything? No, it won't.

Why then should it matter if he does it publicly?
What has Saudi Arab done where is the origin of Islam?

If they haven't do any effective protest then why Pk and few Bangladeshis are excited?

to each his own.................. , in any case, Islam originated before Muhammad s.a.w & arabs! There is no arabi or ajami. hence, anyone anywhere can uchloofy & protest!

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