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PAKISTAN Closer to COLLAPSE as Cash & Fuel Run Out & National Electricity Blackout after Shutdown

I think one thing that people need to understand is that apart from Islam and the nation, there are no holy cows.

IK is not a holy cow either. We can all criticize IK at our hearts desire. But this means that you must be open to hearing criticism directed against the army as well. The army is not a holy cow either.

PTI supporters like myself are very open to admitting where PTI was less than ideal. Where IK made mistakes. I highlighted those mistakes here on the forum then and now.

But give me a break. How can anyone turn away from the murder of Arshad Sharif, the attempted assassination of IK, how the subsequent JITs have been thwarted, etc? How can we still believe that the establishment is even semi-competent?
If you ask these questions, the establishment fanboys will say, establishment didn't do it, and please show proof. Case closed.

In the end the youthias are the real chootiyas.

And why are the bhartoads swarming this thread chest thumping about India being the first world country and a peaceful country.
Nai jhukyga Pakistan
Nai girayga Pakistan
Our defence budget is 2% of GDP, almost half of Pakistan.
I agree.
Pakistan is struggling for health and food, so a cut in defense may be usefull for them.
Pakistan has all to gain to be in a full and real peace with India. So is India which already have to face the Chinese giant.
India and Pakistan use too much money for weapons, when their people is struggling for care and sometimes food.
I doubt pakistan will be able not to side with China in an eventuality.

I agree.
Pakistan is struggling for health and food, so a cut in defense may be usefull for them.
Not useful, mandatory. I even suggest to sell off some equipment. India won't start a war with Pakistan
Our defence budget is 2% of GDP, almost half of Pakistan.
Less than 2% this year. Likely to remain under 2 for many years to come.
can anyone confirm whether packages/rollovers confirmed by SA, UAE, China or in Geneva are received or they are just promises.
Pakistan can buy fuel from iran.
can anyone confirm whether packages/rollovers confirmed by SA, UAE, China or in Geneva are received or they are just promises.
No, they just gave Pakistan an MEFP which gives details of things Pakistan must do before unlocking any fund. MEFP isn't any offer letter, it's just a list of prerequisites.
I agree.
Pakistan is struggling for health and food, so a cut in defense may be usefull for them.
An understandable sentiment, but not very practical. Bulk of the expenses are for salary, pensions, perks, allowances and privileges. These can't be just wished away. Military can postpone buying ships or aircraft, but typically they form only a small fraction of defense budget. There again, if the military does not buy locally produced goods and services, the local economy may contract correspondingly. The only place where economy will help is on the external front by not importing defense goods and services. That aspect will be automatically imposed by not having enough foreign exchange to buy essentials like food, fuel, medicines etc.,
No, they just gave Pakistan an MEFP which gives details of things Pakistan must do before unlocking any fund. MEFP isn't any offer letter, it's just a list of prerequisites.

But how SA, China, UAE & Geneva funds are related to MEFP
But how SA, China, UAE & Geneva funds are related to MEFP
I mistakenly read IMF along with other funds you mentioned in your post. No multilateral organisations or countries would risk giving loans to Pakistan until IMF green lights. I just wanted you to know that the MEFP given by IMF today isn't a green light, it's just a list of prerequisites before getting a green light from IMF. Rollovers can still happen if the other party has political interests but forget about packages until IMF green light.
I mistakenly read IMF along with other funds you mentioned in your post. No multilateral organisations or countries would risk giving loans to Pakistan until IMF green lights. I just wanted you to know that the MEFP given by IMF today isn't a green light, it's just a list of prerequisites before getting a green light from IMF. Rollovers can still happen if the other party has political interests but forget about packages until IMF green light.

Isn't Geneva Conference was about reconstruction of flood ravaged areas ? then how can it can be subjected to IMF Conditions.
Isn't Geneva Conference was about reconstruction of flood ravaged areas ? then how can it can be subjected to IMF Conditions.
Aid is not freebie, it's low cost loan. Loans are given to those who can repay it back. Geneva Conference will give loan to Pakistan at minimal interest rates, sometimes even 0% interest, but Pakistan has to prove that they can return this in time. IMF green light is the proof that they can. China as an expansionist country can waive off the loans in exchange for something important with sovereign guarantee (Hambantota Port), Multilateral organisations can't do that easily, they have reputations to care for.
Still they have ....

An understandable sentiment, but not very practical. Bulk of the expenses are for salary, pensions, perks, allowances and privileges. These can't be just wished away. Military can postpone buying ships or aircraft, but typically they form only a small fraction of defense budget. There again, if the military does not buy locally produced goods and services, the local economy may contract correspondingly. The only place where economy will help is on the external front by not importing defense goods and services. That aspect will be automatically imposed by not having enough foreign exchange to buy essentials like food, fuel, medicines etc.,
I agree, but instead of having military people, better increase the teachers & doctors.
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