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PAKISTAN Closer to COLLAPSE as Cash & Fuel Run Out & National Electricity Blackout after Shutdown

India was no saint during these years either. In Pak there is an Indian friendly government currently so a genuine push for a Kashmir solution could bare fruit.

The alternative is sit and watch. Pak could come out weaker great for India or stronger with a much more anti india government.

Regardless of the idea the Butcher wont go for it as elections are coming soon he will want to stir sentiment more than anything else.

Formenting insurgency in the neighbouring country in the hopes of Balkanizing it and formulating a strategy of "death by a thousand cuts" wasn't an Indian plan. India for the longest time suffered at the hands of terrorists and insurgents that were trained and pushed across by Pakistan. It is only now that there is a Govt. in India that believes in active defence and will give Pakistan a taste of its own medicine. Even then I believe India hasn't internationalized the Balochistan atrocities at the level that it should, in the way that Pakistan harps on Kashmir at every forum it can.

**** FM says of the PM of India, "The butcher of Gujarat still lives" and you expect the Indian Govt will look at the situation in Pakistan with any sympathy?

There is already movement on the Indus Water Treaty.

Lets wait and watch what happens. How Pakistan can emerge "stronger" is a mystery to me when the fundamentals are so poor. The day things improve the Pak Army will once again take the lions share of all funds and leave crumbs for other sectors to manage with.

So he went to US without scheduling a meeting with SoS Blinken and just waits around outside his office? and all he got was meeting with someone 2 levels below.

@walterbibikow @INDIAPOSITIVE @Skull and Bones @epebble
Basharam log hain yeh, apni to in ki aik taka ki be izzat nahi ha, bus establishment ka asheerbad ha jis ki waja sa power main rahta hain. Americans have things to do for their country, not waisting time meeting some LGBT asshole wanabe.
Formenting insurgency in the neighbouring country in the hopes of Balkanizing it and formulating a strategy of "death by a thousand cuts" wasn't an Indian plan. India for the longest time suffered at the hands of terrorists and insurgents that were trained and pushed across by Pakistan. It is only now that there is a Govt. in India that believes in active defence and will give Pakistan a taste of its own medicine. Even then I believe India hasn't internationalized the Balochistan atrocities at the level that it should, in the way that Pakistan harps on Kashmir at every forum it can.

**** FM says of the PM of India, "The butcher of Gujarat still lives" and you expect the Indian Govt will look at the situation in Pakistan with any sympathy?

There is already movement on the Indus Water Treaty.

Lets wait and watch what happens. How Pakistan can emerge "stronger" is a mystery to me when the fundamentals are so poor. The day things improve the Pak Army will once again take the lions share of all funds and leave crumbs for other sectors to manage with.
A small band of Arabs emerged from the desert in the 7th century and defeated two super powers of the day, in todays world its abit like the eskimo's defeating the Russians and Americans. So anything is possible, one has to live in hope for a better world that includes for those around them too (the neighbourhood). If the Kashmir issue is resolved amicably both countries can move on.
A small band of Arabs emerged from the desert in the 7th century and defeated two super powers of the day,
Defeating is easier than Creating. So says the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy is a bitch.
Pakistan wont collapse (any further) because it is already there.
But weapons purchase is not stopped.
It is like in Turkey : economic situation gone worst and worst but they still built and purchase weapons.
India is now peaceful, what more can Pakistan offer?
Are you in a real peace with two neighbors so armed ?
Balakot in 2019.
Incident in Himalaya last december.
No, India is maybe in peace just now, but under high tensions.
Are you in a real peace with two neighbors so armed ?
Balakot in 2019.
Incident in Himalaya last december.
No, India is maybe in peace just now, but under high tensions.
We may have issues with China, but what can Pakistan do about it?
As long as Pakistan is going down, it won't bother us.
We will be at a relative peace
We may have issues with China, but what can Pakistan do about it?
As long as Pakistan is going down, it won't bother us.
We will be at a relative peace
Pakistan has all to gain to be in a full and real peace with India. So is India which already have to face the Chinese giant.
India and Pakistan use too much money for weapons, when their people is struggling for care and sometimes food.
Pakistan has all to gain to be in a full and real peace with India. So is India which already have to face the Chinese giant.
India and Pakistan use too much money for weapons, when their people is struggling for care and sometimes food.
Our defence budget is 2% of GDP, almost half of Pakistan.
Our defence budget is 2% of GDP, almost half of Pakistan.
It's an old classic.

Chinese try to match US and Japan. Indians try to match China. And Pakistanis try to match India.

Who loses?
Whoever’s poorer and with a lesser robust economy.
It's an old classic.

Chinese try to match US and Japan. Indians try to match China. And Pakistanis try to match India.

Who loses?
Whoever’s poorer and with a lesser robust economy.
With exception of Israel.
This has nothing to do with the American connection that we are discussing. Bajwa is enjoying the benefits granted to him by the GoP. That is why those assets were disclosed in his tax filings and not hidden in overseas accounts.

This journalist broke the law by disclosing someone's private taxes. Bajwa was not an elected official and as such making his taxes public could only be done by Bajwa himself or the GoP under some specific circumstances. There is a need to understand the law behind the disclosure which led to the arrest of the said journalist. As a Pakistani citizen, I don't want my taxes to be disclosed to the public. It's my right, the same right that is granted to private citizens and unelected officials all over Pakistan.
The whole point of the revelations were that Bajwa sir had unexplained sources of income and was infact not paying taxes on it.
They're now on their way to a SL like crash and there is no knight in shining armor. Sometime mid of next week I think the oil supply will completely stop.

This was in FT yeaterday....and the situation is getting worse....

As it is, Pakistan risks following Sri Lanka into default, where food and medicine have been in short supply.

The figures are stark: the country’s foreign exchange reserves dwindled to just $3.7bn late last month, equivalent to just three weeks’ of imports. That compares to total public debt of $270bn, around 79 per cent of GDP. Just keeping the lights on is seemingly tough: the country has faced blackouts.


India will highly unlikely to get Pakistani or Chinese Kashmir diplomatically. The status quo will remain (LOC) and will eventually turn into an international border.
Agree, the only solution is to convert LOC into International Border. And then live peacefully

Are you in a real peace with two neighbors so armed ?
Balakot in 2019.
Incident in Himalaya last december.
No, India is maybe in peace just now, but under high tensions.
INDIA is always in peace , we see anything only in Kashmir , but , rest of india is always peaceful. Kashmir will change too, if not now, may be after few years

Pakistan has all to gain to be in a full and real peace with India. So is India which already have to face the Chinese giant.
India and Pakistan use too much money for weapons, when their people is struggling for care and sometimes food.
India has been giving free food for 800 million people since past few years , Govt always had surplus stock
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