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PAKISTAN Closer to COLLAPSE as Cash & Fuel Run Out & National Electricity Blackout after Shutdown

Time for Pakistan, and India, to work hard on a strong and real peace agreement.
As Egypt with Israel for exemple. They were hard opponents and now are living in peace, without love, but in peace and some respect.
Logically there is no reason for India to go for a peace agreement, vocally it should tow the peace narrative but Pakistan is like a vulnerable old man - why should India not go in for the final kill against its primary adversary for decades when it's about to collapse?

Peace will only be vocally - India is in a very powerful position of strength and I don't think its government is feeling generous enough to not utilise this clear advantage

Pakistan is socially divided and weak, India claims Kashmir, going in aggressively in the background could make it quite possible to take Kashmir and maybe even other parts considering the social strife
Logically there is no reason for India to go for a peace agreement, vocally it should tow the peace narrative but Pakistan is like a vulnerable old man - why should India not go in for the final kill against its primary adversary for decades when it's about to collapse?

Peace will only be vocally - India is in a very powerful position of strength and I don't think its government is feeling generous enough to not utilise this clear advantage

Pakistan is socially divided and weak, India claims Kashmir, going in aggressively in the background could make it quite possible to take Kashmir and maybe even other parts considering the social strife
And risk nuclear armageddon. You don't expect pak jarnails to sit back and look the other way. That'll be a way out for Pakistan.
Do not disturb the enemy when it is destroying itself. From what I hear if there are elections tomorrow IK will win. Doesn't seem like US, ME & PA will allow IK to come back.
Pak will definitely be ruined if Taliban Khan comes back.
And risk nuclear armageddon. You don't expect pak jarnails to sit back and look the other way. That'll be a way out for Pakistan.
Do not disturb the enemy when it is destroying itself. From what I hear if there are elections tomorrow IK will win. Doesn't seem like US, ME & PA will allow IK to come back.
Pak will definitely be ruined if Taliban Khan comes back.
Many non-military ways for India to take advantage of this situation.

Even on a military level if it happens during an internal collapse/civil war I don't think any jarnails will have the stomach for civil war when even the people are against each other and them.

Truth is Pakistan is in a massive pile of sh1t and the fact that jarnails still don't care means that they've been completely sold out and taking elders from elsewhere, or just don't give a fu'ck
And risk nuclear armageddon. You don't expect pak jarnails to sit back and look the other way. That'll be a way out for Pakistan.
Do not disturb the enemy when it is destroying itself. From what I hear if there are elections tomorrow IK will win. Doesn't seem like US, ME & PA will allow IK to come back.
Pak will definitely be ruined if Taliban Khan comes back.
Pakistan is already ruined. I think IK certainly has regrets about how certain things went under his administration, but he was unjustly ousted and would have likely done better. If he comes back now he will come back knowing more of what it's like to be oppressed-and less likely to be flexible with those who have hurt Pakistan, and to treat minorities well.
You just came out and said it, bro. :disagree:
And? Why 3 laughing reactions ? It is not the sole exit?
Pak will definitely be ruined if Taliban Khan comes back.
The opposite.

Only thing that can really cause damage which IK has a tendency towards, is Taliban appeasement, which unfortunately there's two large groups of in the region.
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Any Pakistan-India treaty will only bring short term benefits for Pakistan while India makes out like a bandit
details please?
The more clever is the one asking for peace, no?
I agree with @AlKardai and others. Pakistan wont collapse (any further) because it is already there. For the last few months, forex has been strictly rationed and it is importing only as much it is earning (by way of exports and remittances). It has resulted in hardships for sure. But Pakistan isnt thriving but at least it is surviving.

I suspect Pak has bottomed out and with IMF funding which will be inevitably followed by some funding infusion from other friendly countries, Pak should do OK.


No it's definitely past the point of no return right now.

This week was crucial. If they had confirmed some movement form IMF or their pals in the gulf, some kind of temporary halt could have done (with extreme difficulty).

Now they don't have money to pay for oil and other imports.

They're now on their way to a SL like crash and there is no knight in shining armor. Sometime mid of next week I think the oil supply will completely stop.

Sincr months its been said but not happen even now

your FM's statement that Allah is responsible for pak economy was not an indication of incompetence, he was merely stating the situation of ground--- all options have been exhausted.

details please?
The more clever is the one asking for peace, no?

This crisis has nothing to do with India.
Even the US media has started tracking this story. I guess they expect to cover this more in coming weeks so are setting the tone.

No it's definitely past the point of no return right now.

This week was crucial. If they had confirmed some movement form IMF or their pals in the gulf, some kind of temporary halt could have done (with extreme difficulty).

Now they don't have money to pay for oil and other imports.

They're now on their way to a SL like crash and there is no knight in shining armor. Sometime mid of next week I think the oil supply will completely stop.

your FM's statement that Allah is responsible for pak economy was not an indication of incompetence, he was merely stating the situation of ground--- all options have been exhausted.

This crisis has nothing to do with India.

I will come back to this next week
Sincr months its been said but not happen even now
Our elite has a stash of cash sitting in their houses. Dar is looking at Dollar accounts of citizens. Watch out everyone .....IMF is coming after Pak elite personal accounts and real estate details....excellent news ...elite whos houses are spread over hundreds of acres...
I will come back to this next week

I'm not sure it will take a week now.....

what the statement below means- there are no dollars so importers are unable to clear thousands of containers on the ports. in a strange twist the containers getting stuck mean that importers, in addition to not getting their containers inside are being forced to pay rentals for those containers getting stuck in yards. This is silly according to me because the importers are only stuck because govt policies have made dollars unavailable.

He said that due to the non-availability of dollars in commercial banks, demurrage and container fares of millions of rupees have been imposed on importers so far.

No, I think by end of Feb situation would be close to normalcy.


No, I think by end of Feb situation would be close to normalcy.


You know I was thining only about the current Balance of Payments crisis, which might need some 10B to have some kind of temp stbility, but I just listened to the videos that @Path-Finder has shared and heard some stuff I had never heard before....

apparently by July they have 30 BIllion worth of bonds becoming mature and need repayment. My brain is fried. How are they going to get that amount?

I think it can now be said....Pakistan will definitely default. High likelihood in coming days/ weeks itself. If by some miracle it limps for 2 or 3 months then by around June it is case closed.

I have no doubts that people will start calling this Yahudi/ Indian/ Amreekan saazish.

by July they have 30 BIllion worth of bonds becoming mature. How are they going to get that amount?

Most likely they won't. The loanholders will be forced to roll over the amount; or take a huge provision on them- i.e. both not get the money and recognise a provision. It doesn't take much to figure out which option the loanholders will opt for.

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