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Pakistan: Christian women are considered the booty of war

Such cases give Pakistan a negative image in the world and will be used as propaganda by the far right movement to justify attacks on innocent muslims in the west like the one witnessed in Greece this week.
What has Khatam-al-Nabiyeen got to do with this topic anyway?

Firstly this point should not be a matter of friction between Ahmadi's and Muslims becuase Prophet Mohammed (SAW) was the seal of prophets.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad on the other hand never proclaimed to be a Prophet just the 'expected reformer of the latter days, the Awaited One of the world community of religions'.

New Statesman - Islam must embrace different sects

But of course the mullahs needed to create friction and they enforced a certain point so much that it become the point of friction.
If Islamic Books are not saying about it then the Interpretation of Qadyani is Fake... If Hadith doesn't say any thing about it then this Interpretation of Qadiyanis is fake....

Moreover it came in the 19th Century and it didn't existed before .. So its Fake... This doesn't change the fact that Qadiaynis are Kafirs and the Biggest Munafiq in the Ummat of Islam....

I would suggest Jihad in this occasion.
The pak govt needs to give 25-35% of seat in govt to the minorities for there to be a jsutice and reform in the law.
The pak govt needs to give 25-35% of seat in govt to the minorities for there to be a jsutice and reform in the law.

That is what Jinnah did.

He chose Ahmadi's, Hindu's and Christian's for important positions so that Pakistan may remain a tolerant and equal state.

But with his death came the same Mullahs who cursed him and Pakistan before its creation to wreck it.
What has Khatam-al-Nabiyeegot

And what do you mean by this???????/ other than your personal belief to insult Khatm-e-Nabuwat?

Firstly this point should not be a matter of friction between Ahmadi's and Muslims becuase Prophet Mohammed (SAW) was the seal of prophets.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad on the other hand never proclaimed to be a Prophet just the 'expected reformer of the latter days, the Awaited One of the world community of religions'.

You being a qadyani has the right to believe the above I believe in the Khatm-e-nabowat and finality of prophethood on Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of Allah and i consider anyone who claim prophethood after Muhammad (PBUH) as liar.

You on to your faith i on to mine.
What has Khatam-al-Nabiyeegot to do with this topic anyway?

Firstly this point should not be a matter of friction between Ahmadi's and Muslims becuase Prophet Mohammed (SAW) was the seal of prophets.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad on the other hand never proclaimed to be a Prophet just the 'expected reformer of the latter days, the Awaited One of the world community of religions'.

New Statesman - Islam must embrace different sects

But of course the mullahs needed to create friction and they enforced a certain point so much that it become the point of friction.

T Faz you started this irrelevant talk in this thread by your comment that Pakistan Should finish Laws on Blasphemy and on Qadyanis...... that comment of yours was completely irrelevant on this thread which created all this..

Secondly He claimed to be a a Prophet and Messiah both..... Don't spread false here...

the Last Prophet of Allah was Hazrat Mushammad (SA) and the True Messiah is Hazrat Isa (AS) who is to come yet...

He rejected these two basic believe and called himself both.. but instead he calls himself muslim. But he not one....
Pakistan needs another Jinnah type person but there is no one I see right now fitting this profile, people right off bilwal bhutto because they saw some pictures of him partying but he was a young person those days and during the Pakistan floods he was in London with young Pakistanis raising money for flood victims I feel he should not be written off just because he made some mistake or his dad is a crook.
I would suggest Jihad in this occasion.

Jihad is being done with the help of Speech and with the help of Writing right now by Islamic Scholars and by many muslims around the world, to create awareness about the Fitna of Qadiyanis who are calling themselves Muslims...

I would never support any Jihad with the help of sword right now because Islamic Scholars are not of that opinion.... So any one who kills Ahmedis is a terrorist right now...

As far as Jihad with Pen and Speech is concerned, I will always support it and not stop doing it....
Every single law (man made) has two aspects, one is the substantive aspect of law and other is the procedural aspect of law……..as far as the substantive aspect of law of blasphemy is concerned, nothing is wrong with the law itself…..…the wrong which we see here is procedural aspect of the law of blasphemy.

As AgNoStIc MuSliM said in one of his post:

“Laws like the blasphemy law and restrictions on Ahmadis need to be repealed in order to send a message of tolerance and respect for minorities”

Ahmady issue and law of blasphemy are two different things and intermingling of both these issues here in this thread is really confusing things…….. Ahmadis issue is about the finality of Muhammad (SAW) and blasphemy is about dishonor Muhammad (SAW).

As far as blasphemy is concerned, this law in particular is not against any non-muslim, the law is equally applicable on every citizen of Pakistan committing blasphemy. In fact it is being misused against the Muslims and non-Muslims equally……..against the poor of society by politicians, mafias, land lords etc.

Extirpating of law is in no way the solution of problem because in the same sense cases are being registered in police station of theft against people, this is a misuse of law of theft…..fornication against people, this is the misuse of law of adultery…….does this mean we have to also alter these laws…..?????.........every law is being misused whether in its original sense it was correct or wrong.

The solution of the problem in present situation of law and order is:

Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri words:

“Every police officer in police station should not be allowed to register the case against any non-muslim, any law of blasphemy, this authority should be given to a single magistrate in the district or in a tehsil and after full scrutiny and investigation, the case should be launched and the police officer should not be authorized to trial or to investigate the cases. The man of integrity from the magistrate and judges, they should be authorized to try the case.

This is a matter of corruption and not matter of religion.”
And what do you mean by this???????/ other than your personal belief to insult Khatm-e-Nabuwat?

It was a typo, get your head in order, unfortunately mobile phones do not have such words for correction.

You being a qadyani has the right to believe the above I believe in the Khatm-e-nabowat and finality of prophethood on Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of Allah and i consider anyone who claim prophethood after Muhammad (PBUH) as liar.

You on to your faith i on to mine.

What the hell is liar, guess it must be a typo but treat same with same.

Also stop huffing and puffing around the forum, it makes Pakistani's look bad.
T Faz you started this irrelevant talk in this thread by your comment that Pakistan Should finish Laws on Blasphemy and on Qadyanis...... that comment of yours was completely irrelevant on this thread which created all this..

Secondly He claimed to be a a Prophet and Messiah both..... Don't spread false here...

the Last Prophet of Allah was Hazrat Mushammad (SA) and the True Messiah is Hazrat Isa (AS) who is to come yet...

He rejected these two basic believe and called himself both.. but instead he calls himself muslim. But he not one....

I never said that the Blasphemy laws or laws against Ahmadi's be repealed.

You started this discussion, no one is looking for a certificate on being Muslim from Pakistan.

Lets get that straight and I repeat, no one is asking to repeal the Ahmadi as Non Muslim law, no one cares.

So you keep waiting and let others decide what they want to do.
Jihad is being done with the help of Speech and with the help of Writing right now by Islamic Scholars and by many muslims around the world, to create awareness about the Fitna of Qadiyanis who are calling themselves Muslims...

I would never support any Jihad with the help of sword right now because Islamic Scholars are not of that opinion.... So any one who kills Ahmedis is a terrorist right now...

As far as Jihad with Pen and Speech is concerned, I will always support it and not stop doing it....

Keep up the good work. :tup:
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