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Pakistan: Christian women are considered the booty of war


Oct 12, 2010
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Pakistan: Christian women are considered the booty of war

There is a growing discrimination and persecution against Christians. It 's time the government took the issue of respect for human rights seriously. The UN and EU are placing pressure.” So said Nasir Saeed, a Pakistani Christian and coordinator of the Center for Legal Aid, Assistance, and Settlement (CLAAS), in an interview. CLAAS is a service that provides free legal advice and practical support to persecuted Christians in Pakistan. The Center has its headquarters in London and another base in Pakistan, where many lawyers work to defend Christians accused of blasphemy or in need of legal assistance.

What is the current situation of Christians in Pakistan?

The suffering continues. Recently, there has been a troubling escalation of discrimination and persecution against Christians in the country, especially against Christian women and girls. Abductions, rapes, forced marriages, forced conversions to Islam, accusations of blasphemy are all part of our daily agenda. This prolonged suffering is spreading a sense of injustice and neglect, especially among the youth and the poor. We to raise our voices to offer them a better position in seeking justice.

Could you give some examples and provide details?

The cases are many. We know that three members of one Christian family were forced to leave their home because of false accusations of blasphemy, without any evidence, and in many towns and villages, Christians are living on high alert for fear of mob violence. Many incidents of violence are not even brought to light, due to pressures from influential Muslims or because the injured parties - often poor people living in remote areas - do not have money to take legal action or do not know how to react to abuse. So, it is difficult to estimate the exact number of cases of persecution and violence. But it is much higher than you think, because most cases do not end up in the mass media are not recorded in official reports or complaints.

How do you view the case of Asia Bibi?

Asia Bibi was the first woman to be sentenced to death, but other people have suffered the same fate before her. And many others are suffering in prison. We are alarmed by how the blasphemy law is affecting Christians and especially women. We are doing everything possible to raise awareness in the United Nations and European Union, so that they can place serious pressure on the government. It's time that the government of Pakistan took the issue of human rights and minority rights seriously.

Why do women suffer more?

Women, like Asia Bibi, are paying a heavy price for being a Christian in Islamic society: the proliferation of attacks and accusations has reached an unprecedented level. Christian women are looked down upon and considered inferior. They are treated by Muslim men as objects, as 'mal-e-ganimat', a war prize.

How do you assess the action of the government and institutions?

While religious intolerance is at a very high level, the government of Pakistan, politicians, and Muslim religious leaders do not take it seriously. Police rarely make serious investigations until an NGO, a church, or some influential person comes in to resolve a case. This apathetic attitude is very serious.

We want our brothers and sisters in Pakistan to be treated equally, to enjoy the same rights of all citizens, as Ali Jinnah, the Father of the Homeland and drafter of the Constitution, wrote and said. We try to help them with legal assistance, and sometimes it is not easy because of their reticence. The messages of hope, encouragement, sympathy, and prayers from faithful around the world are very important.

Pakistan: Christian women are considered the booty of war | Spero News

Pope pleads for Christian mother sentenced to hang in Pakistan

Vatican City
- Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday appealed for the life of a Christian woman facing execution in Pakistan for allegedly insulting the prophet Mohammed to be spared.

'I express my closeness to Asia Bibi and her family,' the pontiff said, speaking at his weekly general audience. 'And I ask that she be set free as soon as possible.'

The spiritual leader of the world's 1.1 billion Catholics also called on the international community to consider the 'difficult situation faced by Christians in Pakistan, where they are often victims of violence and discrimination.'

Bibi's case has triggered outrage since the 45-year-old mother of five was last week sentenced to death by a court in Nankana Sahab, a district in the central Pakistani province of Punjab.

Bibi was arrested in June 2009 after a brief brawl with a group of Muslim women who said she should not have touched a water bowl. The women later alleged that Bibi had uttered derogatory remarks about the prophet.

Bibi pleaded not guilty, but the court sentenced her to hang.

It was the first death sentence handed to a woman under the country's controversial blasphemy laws.

Pakistan's around 3 million Christians - who account for roughly 1.6 per cent of the country's population - have been negatively affected by growing Islamist extremism, which has its roots in the Islamization policies of military dictator Zia ul Haq in the 1980s.

Ul Haq introduced blasphemy laws in his effort to impose sharia law, which rights activists say have been used to persecute minority groups.

Pope pleads for Christian mother sentenced to hang in Pakistan - Monsters and Critics
Half of apartment where i live are inhabited by Christians ...
I don't think they live in fear ... they live Quite Modern life & no one put any restrictions on them ....
Stick to the topic. Thread is not devoted to comparison of minority rights or treatment in various countries. If the report and statements put forward seem to be wrong and mere accusations, refute them with evidence, legal rights available to minorities or subjective overview of their lives. There is absolutely no need to bring in other countries, whether it be India or Brazil into the debate.
The only way you can better the lives of minorities is to empower them so they feel included in the nation building process.
Why can't pak people make their govt. revoke such stupid laws as against blasphemy ??? If they want they can do so but the reality is that the majority of muslims are happy with such laws as it favors them.
I thought moves were afoot to reverse the blasphemy laws. Has there been much headway?
Laws like the blasphemy law and restrictions on Ahmadis need to be repealed in order to send a message of tolerance and respect for minorities.

Along with that, I am in favor of tweaking the curriculum to explicitly discuss universal human rights and equality and respect for people from all races, ethnicities and belief systems.
Why can't pak people make their govt. revoke such stupid laws as against blasphemy ??? If they want they can do so but the reality is that the majority of muslims are happy with such laws as it favors them.

How long after the American Civil war did racist and segregationist policies and public sentiment continue?

In terms of public sentiment, racism in the US still exists, and one only has to interact with people in the proper manner to have them display racism and prejudice, even when conversing with a 'colored Pakistani' like myself.

The point being that social change does not come about quickly and easily, but what is necessary is sustained public discourse using whatever platform is available so that such change may be affected, through parliament or the judiciary or civil society protests.
Stick to the topic. Thread is not devoted to comparison of minority rights or treatment in various countries. If the report and statements put forward seem to be wrong and mere accusations, refute them with evidence, legal rights available to minorities or subjective overview of their lives. There is absolutely no need to bring in other countries, whether it be India or Brazil into the debate.

Refute them?

How many times should these accusations be refuted? You act as if this is something new, the threads/propaganda criticizing Pakistani treatment of minorities haven't been debated before. If you had experience with such threads before, I should know because I've been around long enough, these threads lead to ad nauseum. Pakistanis in the past have refuted many allegations with sources, with their own opinions, with contradicting information, and have condemned wrongful treatment of minorities before.

Yet here you come along and say "refute them" how many times? Hundred? These threads are the same type of propaganda that get delivered in different packaging. I think the thread should be closed, because it leads to only flame and nowhere (you've already had to delete posts), and as I mentioned before Pakistanis shouldn't be trialed for the same thing twice. It is only fair and just.
How long after the American Civil war did racist and segregationist policies and public sentiment continue?

In terms of public sentiment, racism in the US still exists, and one only has to interact with people in the proper manner to have them display racism and prejudice, even when conversing with a 'colored Pakistani' like myself.

The point being that social change does not come about quickly and easily, but what is necessary is sustained public discourse using whatever platform is available so that such change may be affected, through parliament or the judiciary or civil society protests.

I know Im going off topic.....but I want to point out that the forum allows the use of terms like "casteocracy" and "caste democracy" when the caste system has been systematically banned by our constitution so much so that special reservations have been created to uplift the lower classes....

I whole heartedly agree with your view that social change takes time and it can only be enforced through the government and judicial bodies....

I just hope that Pakistanis on this forum who open thread after thread maligning India as gripped with the caste system keep this in mind...

The govt of India cannot prevent individual bias on many social evils unless they are reported....most social crimes go unreported....India has done its part to set laws against such crimes..
Laws like the blasphemy law and restrictions on Ahmadis need to be repealed in order to send a message of tolerance and respect for minorities.

In the life time of Holy Prophet (SA) , the kuffars and Jews, who did such blasphemy, were ordered by Holy Prophet (SA) to be killed.. Brother please read some History of Holy Prophet (SA) in this area......

At the time of "Fateh Makkah" Holy Prophet (SA) forgave every Mushrik, but a jew was killed inside Masjid Al Haram by the orders of Holy Prophet (SA) ... His crime was that he once did Blasphemy to Holy Prophet (SA) ....

So according to Shariah the one who does Blasphemy , is liable to be killed.... So if any one is saying that this law should be removed and any other law made by man should be applicable is indeed committing Shirk in the attributes of Allah, because it is Allah alone who gives Laws and Allah's Laws are SUPREME than any other man made law....

Secondly Ahmadis have every right to live in Pakistan as other minority people live..

But they can't be called Muslims because the don't believe Holy Prophet (SA) as the Last Messenger and claims their so called maniac Ghulam Qadiyani to be the Prophet and Messiah. Infact Holy Prophet (SA) is the last Prophet of Allah and Hazrat Isa (AS) is the true Messiah, whose Arrival is yet to occur....... So they are not Muslims.. in fact they are undoubtedly one of the biggest FITNA of our Ummat...

They can't call their place of worship a "Masjid" because they don't believe in the whole "kalimah e Shahadat" , that is one of the Pillar of Islam.........

Yes they have every right to live in Pakistan because they are its citizen. But they can't be called Muslims and can't say their place of Worship a "Masjid"..........
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we just finished eid feast and all friends including shias, barelvis, christians and parsis were equally invited..i dont understand where the hell this booty of war logic has born in..taking women as war booty has long prohibited and hence the jahilia tradition faded away! there will always be hired tongues for rent to international NGO's and funding agencies..when ever their is sweet, maggots are expected!
In the life time of Holy Prophet (SA) , the kuffars and Jews, who did such blasphemy, were ordered by Holy Prophet (SA) to be killed.. Brother please read some History of Holy Prophet (SA) in this area......

At the time of "Fateh Makkah" Holy Prophet (SA) forgave every Mushrik, but a jew was killed inside Masjid Al Haram by the orders of Holy Prophet (SA) ... His crime was that he once did Blasphemy to Holy Prophet (SA) ....

So according to Shariah the one who does Blasphemy , is liable to be killed.... So if any one is saying that this law should be removed and any other law made by man should be applicable is indeed committing Shirk in the attributes of Allah, because it is Allah alone who gives Laws and Allah's Laws are SUPREME than any other man made law....

Secondly Ahmadis have every right to live in Pakistan as other minority people live..

But they can't be called Muslims because the don't believe Holy Prophet (SA) as the Last Messenger and claims their so called maniac Ghulam Qadiyani to be the Prophet and Messiah. Infact Holy Prophet (SA) is the last Prophet of Allah and Hazrat Isa (AS) is the true Messiah, whose Arrival is yet to occur....... So they are not Muslims.. in fact they are undoubtedly one of the biggest FITNA of our Ummat...

They can't call their place of worship a "Masjid" because they don't believe in the whole "kalimah e Shahadat" , that is one of the Pillar of Islam.........

Yes they have every right to live in Pakistan because they are its citizen. But they can't be called Muslims and can't say their place of Worship a "Masjid"..........
The Hadith are not infallible or perfect in Islam, only the Quran is believed to be so as the word of Allah.

Where in the Quran does it say that Blasphemy should be punished by death and that Ahmadi's cannot call themselves what they please and practice their religion as they please?

And how does the Quran define Blasphemy?
we just finished eid feast and all friends including shias, barelvis, christians and parsis were equally invited..i dont understand where the hell this booty of war logic has born in..taking women as war booty has long prohibited and hence the jahilia tradition faded away! there will always be hired tongues for rent to international NGO's and funding agencies..when ever their is sweet, maggots are expected!

The title is likely an exaggeration, and the statement made for 'shock effect', but that does not take away from the fact that the laws on Blasphemy and against Ahmadi's do promote intolerance and bigotry towards minority communities, and that there are numerous cases along the lines of what is reported, though the situation is not a widespread one.

But even one individual treated poorly because of his/her religion is one case too many.
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