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Pakistan: Christian women are considered the booty of war


The poster kept saying Kaafir, Kuffar, several times. What if T-Faz is Ahmadi (suppose)?

I agree with T-Faz, the point is simple: stop judging people based on how pure or how strictly "Islamic" they are, according to individual whims and fancies. Let god judge, you don't have to come in between.

The word kafir is used for non-believers i dont know if that poster had used it for anyone other than infidels.

And this word has been mentioned in Quran too for the non-believers.

Even if the poster had used it wrongly the Mod should have edited it or taken action according to rules and regulations of this forum and NOT by violating the rules by resorting to personal attacks.

And as far as the faith of the mod is concerned thats his personal matter and should NOT be brought into the actions as a mod or poster.

Simple as that.

ABOVE all the starting post of the thread in itself a rehtoric based on mere propaganda earlier debated to death in another thread.

There is NO proof NO mention of the court and names who have given verdict in that case against the christian woman.

Hence NO use of dragging a lie that has no feet.

Bring the supporting evidence including name of the judge, court who have given verdict to hang the woman.

We will take up the matter for even at legal level to support the victim.
In the life time of Holy Prophet (SA) , the kuffars and Jews, who did such blasphemy, were ordered by Holy Prophet (SA) to be killed.. Brother please read some History of Holy Prophet (SA) in this area......


I remember a story were a non muslim came and pissed in a mosque during prayer time.... sahabas were angered but didnt do anythin coz of Mohammad PBUH .... after a few days they(sahabas) asked HIM to kill tht guy but he(Mohammad SAW) didnt allow tht.......... this small act of umanity lead the man to revert to islam.

At the time of "Fateh Makkah" Holy Prophet (SA) forgave every Mushrik, but a jew was killed inside Masjid Al Haram by the orders of Holy Prophet (SA) ... His crime was that he once did Blasphemy to Holy Prophet (SA) ....

So according to Shariah the one who does Blasphemy , is liable to be killed.... So if any one is saying that this law should be removed and any other law made by man should be applicable is indeed committing Shirk in the attributes of Allah, because it is Allah alone who gives Laws and Allah's Laws are SUPREME than any other man made law....

A dialogue frm Pakistani movie= KHUDAS K LIYE or for Gods sake.

You lie in the name of God and u kill in the name of GOD too?
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Rather than using these terms brother, please prove these incidents to be wrong.... I will correct myself..

The story of a Companion Urinating in Masjid is completely irrelevant here... its irrelevant because he didn't committed any Blasphemy....

Islamic Punishment for Blasphemy are different...

Brother i have studied this incident in a very detail.... That sahabi (RA) was a person who lived in a very small viliage in arabia and was an illiterate person, and didn't had any sense of sacredness of a mosque. Moreover he was a person who was a newly converted muslim. That Sahabi didn't had the Sense of sacredness of Mosque because of which he committed that wrong deed of urinating in Mosque...

It would have been not at all appropriate if he would have been punished by Holy Prophet (SA) in this case.....
Rather than using these terms brother, please prove these incidents to be wrong.... I will correct myself..

The story of a Companion Urinating in Masjid is completely irrelevant here... its irrelevant because he didn't committed any Blasphemy....

Islamic Punishment for Blasphemy are different...

Brother i have studied this incident in a very detail.... That sahabi (RA) was a person who lived in a very small viliage in arabia and was an illiterate person, and didn't had any sense of sacredness of a mosque. Moreover he was a person who was a newly converted muslim. That Sahabi didn't had the Sense of sacredness of Mosque because of which he committed that wrong deed of urinating in Mosque...

It would have been not at all appropriate if he would have been punished by Holy Prophet (SA) in this case.....

You are posting Bull Crap. .:angry:

There is NO such evidence of blasphemy and deaths in era of Prophet (PBUH)

Ideally we should report you for spreading lies
@AgNoStIc MuSliMThe Hadith are not infallible or perfect in Islam, only the Quran is believed to be so as the word of Allah.
Note denial of Hadith is latest fitna which is spread by enemies of islam.untill few year ago no such crap exists.
tell me quran order for namaz,but from where you find how to offer namaz.
Does not in quran Allah said "take what ever my messenger give you and stop from what ever he forbids you"
also does not it is written in quran that "you can't be momin untill my messenger become dearer to you than any thing"
and also "we can't be momin untill we accept his decisions without any kind of hesitation"
Where in the Quran does it say that Blasphemy should be punished by death
As i write above after quran most important thing to a muslim is hadith.and messenger of Allah said "my sahabas are like shinning stars who ever will follow them will be successful" and shabas kill people who dishonor Prophet Muhammad.
and that Ahmadi's cannot call themselves what they please
do you hear words like intellectual rights,this product is property of xyz.
know tell me how a person born centuries after Prophet Muhammad use his name,quran,islam and word muslim and spread ****.where his teachings are in direct contradiction to the teachings of islam.how is this justifiable?
and practice their religion as they please?
And how does the Quran define Blasphemy?
we don't care what they practice or how they practice.
@Original post
there is no thing in islam and in Pakistan where minorities are considered as war booties.in islam minorities has much right as a muslim has and in some special cases more than muslims.this is a cheap attempt to demonize my country.
^^^ but hadith is also diffent among shias and sunnis, if i am not wrong the Shia brothers dont accpet Abu Huraira and sometimes call him liar. it depends on what type of hadith we are talking about.
Prove you wrong with what exactly, a few vaguely posted verses that do not allude to what you are defending and proclaiming here.

Islam as an ideology will continue to live as it has because of Allah, not because of some followers who failed to grasp the message of Islam itself and have become self appointed defenders of it. The Quran and Sunnah have different interpretations according to sects, a case in matter would be the ideological point of views of sects like deobandis and wahabis who promote a violent version of the said scriptures.

As it is Allah to whom everything returns, we should let him be the jue right stance will be refuted by another. In such occasions, a concrete answer cannot be reached and it is Allah alone who can decidedge in ideological matters because what you might consider to be th.
Agreed.but in this world matter,decisions are based upon apparent things.for example when you see wrong you stop that person from wrong or ask about his intentions?
Hadith are infallible, the first complete account was written hundred of years after the Prophet (PBUH) passed away and thus they cannot be used as means of manufacturing laws or undertaking actions. Quran being the word of Allah is complete and thus the only text that can be used to develop a way of life but certain things remain out of the grasp for humans.

The Quran says and I quote:

"To you be your religion and to me my religion "

If Allah as so wills a new religion, sect or blasphemous person to be a corruptive influence onto his religion, then Allah can and will deal with it himself by creating the means of such.

However if something continues to grow, prosper or live, then it is the will of Allah that makes it happen.

Btw, the only real damage to Islam is not some blasphemy or Kafir sects but Muslims themselves.

wrong.First book of hadith was written by Humam bin munbah student of hazrat abu huraira.available in the market with name "dunya ka qadeem tareen majmoa e hadith"
One more thing that Pakistanis need to learn is that according to Islam, the perverse and corrupt societies will suffer from great calamities until they correct their behaviour and themselves.

The Quran states that the people who are on the wrong path will be like followers in the dark who will suffer from one disaster after another. Man made or natural, the disasters will move the people to their knees and they will ask for forgiveness but no one will be there to answer.

Pakistan, Afghanistan and a host of other nations within the Ummah fit this profile very well, wouldn't you agree.

Time to ponder what has gone so wrong.

it is also written in hadith that time of Dajjal will be most toughest time on my ummat.
and also that at the end of time following islam will become like holding burning coal in hand.
@current situation.what we can do when worst among us are our leaders.both in religiously and worldly matters
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it is also written in hadith that time of Dajjal will be most toughest time on my ummat.
and also that at the end of time following islam will become like burning coal in hand.
@current situation.what we can do when worst among us are our leaders.both in religiously and worldly matters

keeping your all delusions aside, I will just like to say that leaders are reflection of the people they rule. The point been that excess of everything is bad & in our case everything can be replaced with religion. There are times when you need to think out of the box & may this is the time to amend the stupid laws that were placed as a result of Mullah Military alliance which has destroyed the progressive mind set of Pakistani nation & replaced it with a dogmatic one...
You are posting Bull Crap. .

There is NO such evidence of blasphemy and deaths in era of Prophet (PBUH)

Ideally we should report you for spreading lies
@jana,pakistani nationlist
remember it is duty of Prophet when he see wrong he stop from it by force.and if he remain silent then it means green light is given.
there are incidents where shabas kill people who humiliate Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w).
book:shatamal rassol ...fi masllol...(i forget exact name but if you people insist i will provide you) by allama ibn e tamia
regarding blasphemy.how many muslims you see who criticize jesus and musa.no one.than why jews and christians can,t control their tongue.
i agreed there is miss use of this law,but problem is not with law but with implementation and justice system.
^^^ but hadith is also diffent among shias and sunnis, if i am not wrong the Shia brothers dont accpet Abu Huraira and sometimes call him liar. it depends on what type of hadith we are talking about.

Shia also say many things about abu bakr,umar and usman.what about them?
any proof of lies of abu huraira?
and what about taqiya,which is 90% of faith.(book:asool e kafi)
keeping your all delusions aside, I will just like to say that leaders are reflection of the people they rule. The point been that excess of everything is bad & in our case everything can be replaced with religion. There are times when you need to think out of the box & may this is the time to amend the stupid laws that were placed as a result of Mullah Military alliance which has destroyed the progressive mind set of Pakistani nation & replaced it with a dogmatic one...

i agree that leaders are reflections of nation.but in our case we don't choose leaders,they are appointed on us.and their quality is they feel honor in fulfilling agreements and commitments which they made with our enemy.
i am ready to think out of box but are you?
remember there is difference b/w having a law and its implementation.if our system remain fail in implementing laws then there is some thing wrong with system not with laws.
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Except for two,three cases Christians in Pakistan are living better life then Indians no political party in Pakistan support violence against any religion.

In India saffron terrorism against Christian,Muslims increasing day by day and main culprits are sitting in Indian parliament.

Anti-Christian violence in India
Anti-Christian violence in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shia also say many things about abu bakr,umar and usman.what about them?
any proof of lies of abu huraira?
and what about taqiya,which is 90% of faith.(book:asool e kafi)

my point is not shia and sunni rivalry, but to point out that even Ahadith are not imune and some agree on one part and the other dont.
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