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Pakistan, China to sign more than $30 bil. infrastructure deal


Feb 2, 2007
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A Pakistani minister said Tuesday that infrastructure projects worth more than $30 billion are expected to be signed during Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's visit to China from Nov. 7.

Federal Information Minister Pervez Rashid told a press conference that preparatory discussions for the projects were held by Finance Minister Ishaq Dar who returned from China on Monday.

"The agreements which were due to be signed during the Chinese president's visit to Pakistan in August this year to Pakistan are to be signed during the prime minister's visit," he said.

Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Pakistan was postponed because of political agitation in Pakistan led by sports hero turned politician Imran Khan and cleric Qadri that disrupted the capital.

The planned projects include construction of a road from Gwadar on the Baluchistan coast to the Chinese border in Xinjiang in northwestern China as part of a Pakistan-China Trade Corridor and power projects with capacity of close to 10,000 megawatts.

Sharif's visit to China also relates to a meeting of regional countries in South and Southeast Asia to discuss regional connectivity ahead of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in China on Nov. 10-11.

Miftah Ismaeel, chairman of the Board of Investment, told the press the government has also envisaged a new gas pipeline from Gwadar on the coast in Baluchistan to Nawab Shah in Sindh province.

He said a liquefied natural gas terminal would be constructed at Gwadar Port with help from Qatar and gas was also expected to be imported from Qatar.

Pakistan has long looked the idea of importing natural gas from Iran, but the project has run into snags because of international sanctions imposed on Iran because of its nuclear ambitions.

The Pakistan-Iran Pipeline project would also terminate at Nawab Shah in Sindh, but Ismaeel discounted suggestions the new pipeline project from Gwadar to Nawab Shah would compete with the Pakistan-Iran project.

He said the pipeline for import of gas from Iran would also end at Nawab Shah as originally planned.

wtf are they doing
they need to fuly focus on gwadar, make it secure build rainway to china and iran and india and afghanistan
and turn it into new dubai
Thats part of the plan and deal
to slow bro
they should be talking about gwadar all the time

right the now main problem in pakistan is we dont have an industry like lliterally nothing we excel at

gwadar port is our only hope

This year has been tough for china----strategic issues----foes have come out openly. Pakistan's stock is on the rise again----.
The level of low time in Pakistan at a level where we are only mere incidents away from armed resistance

Its sad when you view the news , and the level of corruption
they need to build railway from gwadar to literally fucking everywhere

karachi, lahore, islamabad,china, iran, afghanistan, multiple to india
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