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Pakistan, China to sign more than $30 bil. infrastructure deal

they need to build railway from gwadar to literally fucking everywhere

karachi, lahore, islamabad,china, iran, afghanistan, multiple to india
finally someone understands my pain! i too have been baffled as to why the govt is not working 24/7 for gwadar. it should be their absolute main focus, and you're right they should concentrate more on building railway tracks from gwadar to everywhere which is more important. they should also develop gwadar like they did karachi in the 1960s to carry out the new economic policies. i have this theory that politics are mingled in this. they're going to wait and sign up all the important projects at a crucial stage to show the people what they've been doing so as to campaign for next elections. hopefully that is not the case.
This Gwadar talk has been going on for years.

All we have to show for it now is just a hardly used Port.
Now India should warn Chinese against any deals involving pak occupied Kashmir ...

Great economic news.
Yes, but on the other hand more jobs, more industrial development and more sources of revenue. Commission to saray he khatain hain..

Yes, and all over the world there is some 'corruption' by politicians, generals, and bureaucracy. Some idealists want to place Pakistan on such a high pedestal that there is no comparison with any existing or gone body politic which could be compared. The fools don't understand that political instability is THE BIGGEST CORRUPTION in Pakistan's history--far, far surpassing the loss to the economy from the 'usual' corruption.
The economic indicators of Pakistan were already starting to look better after the NS govt came to power. This was/is a definite step forward.
More infrastructure ..... .... more commission ....more unaccounted money in swiss accounts

This is not even investment. Its commercial loans which PMLN nooni toons project as investment.

Who cares when loans are paid by nation and loan defaulters rule the country?
wtf are they doing
they need to fuly focus on gwadar, make it secure build rainway to china and iran and india and afghanistan
and turn it into new dubai
You do realize that this is a very fanboy type post. Kindaa made me laugh. :lol: To turn a city into Dubai and sustain it you need rich people like they have in Dubai to pay for those services and 7 star hotels exotic beaches. Pakistan is no where close to that. Even the combined 200 million people in Pakistan can't afford resources that just a few milliion Dubai middle class can.
Good, but remember, these are contracts and NOT investments. The Chinese will take their pound of flesh. There are no freebies. Payback time would be painful.
That is something India should not be concerned about. Any business dealing is profitable for both parties if planned properly.

Yes, and all over the world there is some 'corruption' by politicians, generals, and bureaucracy. Some idealists want to place Pakistan on such a high pedestal that there is no comparison with any existing or gone body politic which could be compared. The fools don't understand that political instability is THE BIGGEST CORRUPTION in Pakistan's history--far, far surpassing the loss to the economy from the 'usual' corruption.
The economic indicators of Pakistan were already starting to look better after the NS govt came to power. This was/is a definite step forward.
I have worked with Indians, Chinese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans etc.. And they all have stories of corruption from their respective countries. I bet that talk about corruption would not be able to produce tax filings for 3 years in a row.
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