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Pakistan, China, Russia warn of increased IS threat in Afghanistan

The same drugged up terrorists that escaped Zarb EAzb and sought sanctuary in AFG have become DAESH. Former Gen Raheel Shareef persistently warned the AFG government not to allow the fighters to escape and settle in AFG and to work with Pak to seal the border so these lunatics could face their immediate end. AFG arrogantly brushed off the propels by Pak and today the very same men that escaped and settle in AFG have taken the name ISIL (DAESH) the fault lies with the AFG gov. One possible solution is to use the Taliban to counter DAESH fighters.
This is a clear message to the mayor of Kabul. Get in the line and stop pretending that you have a country in your control or we will turn you into another Amin, Daud or Najeeb.

Why it took this long for the "world's best agency" and "powerful establishment" to realize this is beyond me. Should've been the policy towards Kabul from the get-go. Regardless of who's in power. Taliban, Karzai, Ghani, NA doesn't matter. Until and unless they recognize the international border and stop supporting terrorists (going on since 1947) against Pak.
Sounds like they have all agreed on regime change, using ISIS as a pretext. What would be interesting is what part India will play in this.

Bingo! That's what I was thinking. I don't know for sure but I don't think ISIS is much of a threat to anyone from Afghanistan. But presenting a Taliban vs ISIS choice, whoever is driving the narrative is very clever.
Bingo! That's what I was thinking. I don't know for sure but I don't think ISIS is much of a threat to anyone from Afghanistan. But presenting a Taliban vs ISIS choice, whoever is driving the narrative is very clever.

As long as the they don't switch to Pakistan somewhere along the line. Need to look into the mind of who is behind this new game and plan, plan, plan and plan for every eventuality.
Why it took this long for the "world's best agency" and "powerful establishment" to realize this is beyond me. Should've been the policy towards Kabul from the get-go. Regardless of who's in power. Taliban, Karzai, Ghani, NA doesn't matter. Until and unless they recognize the international border and stop supporting terrorists (going on since 1947) against Pak.
If you could get it then it won't be the world's best agency. :partay:

Bingo! That's what I was thinking. I don't know for sure but I don't think ISIS is much of a threat to anyone from Afghanistan. But presenting a Taliban vs ISIS choice, whoever is driving the narrative is very clever.
ISIS in Afghanistan has a covert support of both the NDS and NATO, the latter is the creator of the group in Syria / Iraq. It is worth mentioning that ex-TTP pledged its allegiance to ISIS and Afghan Taliban are the only group that has been fighting with them and posses the capability of beating them while NDS is using ISIS to fight Afghan Taliban. Some people are mindlessly treating both Taliban and ISIS as equals while they are not. Taliban is an indigenous movement that has the support of Afghan people and they no ambition beyond the boundaries of Afghanistan while ISIS is a creation of NATO with an expansionist agenda from the day one and we have seen the maps of their dream state.
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First Afghanistan should kick out the foreigners from their politics
An ISIS infestated Afghanistan will be very bad news for all bordering countries especially Pakistan, this will further increase brutal jihadi attacks on every country.
This will directly effect India too as extremist supporters are also present in India, but are now laying low.
This meeting is MAJOR BLOW for Modi and his puppets Like Sushma Swaraj and Ajit Doval. Indian PMO has promised a bribe of 10 billion usd to support Russian aircraft industry if Russia allows Modi to have a say inside Nepal, Iran(chabahar) ,Afghan (elctricity , dams, bridges).
I never believe that Modi would stoop to such a low in dealing with Super power ambitions
Now America will learn it's mistake for not stopping india from destabilizing the peace talks with Taliban. Pakistan will have knew policies created for Afghanistan with China and Russia but America shall be out of the game.

They still have 10000 soldiers on ground, Any talks regarding Afghanistan will have no success unless US is part of it.
An ISIS infestated Afghanistan will be very bad news for all bordering countries especially Pakistan, this will further increase brutal jihadi attacks on every country.
This will directly effect India too as extremist supporters are also present in India, but are now laying low.

Indeed, but Ajit Mian is the one of biggest supporter and financial of this ISIS in Afghanistan..
Indeed, but Ajit Mian is the one of biggest supporter and financial of this ISIS in Afghanistan..
You have any proof of Mr Ajit Dovals support for ISIS?
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Now America will learn it's mistake for not stopping india from destabilizing the peace talks with Taliban. Pakistan will have knew policies created for Afghanistan with China and Russia but America shall be out of the game.

Americans struck on their own feet when they killed Mullah Mansoor. Their cowboy attitude back fired. Pakistan and US cannot work side by side. But having said so we shouldn't take US Influence lightly. They will try to sabotage anything that would not go with their version.
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