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Pakistan can take Laddakh in few days: Samson

Well then, I cant help you with your comprehension. I don't remember mentioning anything about who started what in 71. Maybe you are responding to some different post.

You sound really confused right now. Look over your posts again and you'll see why I said what I said.
War is not in the benefit of both the nations. Both can capture a small piece of land for a few days, but eventually that land will have to be vacated due to international pressures.

India says it can capture AJK/ GB, no, it's not possible for an extended period of time. There will be severe consequences for India. Similarly, if Pakistan captures some Indian administered land, there are consequences Pakistan will have to face too.

And no, India can't carpet bomb Pakistan, and similarly Pakistan can't carpet bomb India.. The war is between India and Pakistan not between the likes of US and Afghanistan or Israel and Palestine.

If Pakistan has to capture IOK or India has to capture GB/ AJK.. all security council members must agree with one side to make it happen permanently.

Permanent occupation can happen, even without the vote in the Security Council. What Pakistan needs to do is to capture Kashmir and held referendum quickly in all the Kashmir according to the UN security council's resolution.
Once you have mandate from the people of Kashmir, no one can do anything against Pakistan.
After all India is keeping Kashmir by force with the help of 900K armed personnel. Who is doing anything!!

The might is right in the world.
I really respect Mr. Samson, but the key take home here is "Brig (Retd)". War benefits no one, end of thread!

I think people don't realize how deadly a war between India and Pakistan will be. Both sides are armed to the teeth, professional and have an absolute mastery of their weapons. If we break out into a full scale shooting war, the consequences will be devastating.

Just look at the Artillery and MLRS that are stationed on both sides, that shelling alone will make Yugoslavia look like a children's play fight. PGMS, LGBS and Guided Missiles will result in endless misery.

Permanent occupation can happen, even without the vote in the Security Council. What Pakistan needs to do is to capture Kashmir and held referendum quickly in all the Kashmir according to the UN security council's resolution.
Once you have mandate from the people of Kashmir, no one can do anything against Pakistan.
After all India is keeping Kashmir by force with the help of 900K armed personnel. Who is doing anything!!

The might is right in the world.

Here's a reality check for you

Looking at the balance of forces and the amount of Indian troops stationed to protect J&K, Pakistan does not has the strength to capture J&K. We have a force strong enough to deter the Indians, but not a strong enough force to capture J&K. That's a hard cold reality so i will let that sink in.
Permanent occupation can happen, even without the vote in the Security Council. What Pakistan needs to do is to capture Kashmir and held referendum quickly in all the Kashmir according to the UN security council's resolution.
Might not be acceptable to India..
Might not be acceptable to India..

You think we should care about India!!

Do they care about the world when they conduct heinous crimes against defenceless Kashmiris, including children and women!!

I think people don't realize how deadly a war between India and Pakistan will be. Both sides are armed to the teeth, professional and have an absolute mastery of their weapons. If we break out into a full scale shooting war, the consequences will be devastating.

Just look at the Artillery and MLRS that are stationed on both sides, that shelling alone will make Yugoslavia look like a children's play fight. PGMS, LGBS and Guided Missiles will result in endless misery.

Here's a reality check for you

Looking at the balance of forces and the amount of Indian troops stationed to protect J&K, Pakistan does not has the strength to capture J&K. We have a force strong enough to deter the Indians, but not a strong enough force to capture J&K. That's a hard cold reality so i will let that sink in.

Partially right. But you never know, what fear factor can do. Take the example of recent encounter. Most Indians died because they jumped from cliffs to the river below, or ran away in the mountains.

Create fear from the air, by attacking their ammunition dump, storage facilities, command and control centres, air defences and formations. Everything is possible from there on. Mass defection and run can reduce the strength of Indian forces in Kashmir.

That's why letting Bipin escape and leaving their HQ and Ammunition dumps was an unpardonable sin by PAF. That would have created a huge fear factor, which is winning half of the war.

Once we capture it, we certainly can hold it. Like we are holding the Azad Kashmir for over 60 years.
Partially right. But you never know, what fear factor can do. Take the example of recent encounter. Most Indians died because they jumped from cliffs to the river below, or ran away in the mountains.

The Indians can loose the entire battalion, heck even the brigade and it won't make much of a difference to their fighting potential. They have two freaking Corps guarding J&K, we simply don't have the numbers.

Create fear from the air, by attacking their ammunition dump, storage facilities, command and control centres, air defences and formations. Everything is possible from there on. Mass defection and run can reduce the strength of Indian forces in Kashmir.

Sounds like a good plan, but they can do the same to us. They have a better Air Force and more personal guarding their territory. Due to the terrain, the advantage lies with the defender and you need more numbers to punch through the defenders. But in our case, the defenders outnumber us by a big margin.

That's why letting Bipin escape and leaving their HQ and Ammunition dumps was an unpardonable sin by PAF. That would have created a huge fear factor, which is winning half of the war.

I think you forget how huge the Indian Armed Forces are.

Once we capture it, we certainly can hold it. Like we are holding the Azad Kashmir for over 60 years.

That's the issue, we don't have the force to capture J&K. We don't have enough men. The only way i can see this happening if the Chinese open a front on their end and fully dedicate an Army. That being said, we do have a strong enough force to ensure that we can smash any Indian aggression in G&B and AK.[/QUOTE]
The Indians can loose the entire battalion, heck even the brigade and it won't make much of a difference to their fighting potential. They have two freaking Corps guarding J&K, we simply don't have the numbers.

Sounds like a good plan, but they can do the same to us. They have a better Air Force and more personal guarding their territory. Due to the terrain, the advantage lies with the defender and you need more numbers to punch through the defenders. But in our case, the defenders outnumber us by a big margin.

I think you forget how huge the Indian Armed Forces are.

That's the issue, we don't have the force to capture J&K. We don't have enough men. The only way i can see this happening if the Chinese open a front on their end and fully dedicate an Army. That being said, we do have a strong enough force to ensure that we can smash any Indian aggression in G&B and AK.

Pakistan and China must work together on this issue. The Chinese conquest of Indian territory in Ladakh is to increase the Chinese footprint in the region. Now you have three major players in J&K.

This greatly increases Pakistan's geopolitical strengrh vis-a-vis India.

India may have to voluntarily give up more and more territory to China to placate them.
The Indians can loose the entire battalion, heck even the brigade and it won't make much of a difference to their fighting potential. They have two freaking Corps guarding J&K, we simply don't have the numbers.

Sounds like a good plan, but they can do the same to us. They have a better Air Force and more personal guarding their territory. Due to the terrain, the advantage lies with the defender and you need more numbers to punch through the defenders. But in our case, the defenders outnumber us by a big margin.

I think you forget how huge the Indian Armed Forces are.

That's the issue, we don't have the force to capture J&K. We don't have enough men. The only way i can see this happening if the Chinese open a front on their end and fully dedicate an Army. That being said, we do have a strong enough force to ensure that we can smash any Indian aggression in G&B and AK.

I can actually respond to your post one by one. But I am not going to do that.

It is clear that you are among those who are already mentally defeated.
In your case, lay down your arms and stop resisting to India.

Didn't I say that fear factor is half of the war! You proving me right.
Except I presented the Views of ACM Nur Khan.

Since the 1965 war was based on a big lie and was presented to the nation a great victory, the Army came to believe its own fiction and has used since, Ayub as its role model and therefore has continued to fight unwanted wars — the 1971 war and the Kargil fiasco in 1999.
- ACM Nur Khan

Now rather than claiming my assertions are false or made up these are actually assertions of your own stalwart.

And before you start bashing ACM Nur Khan, remember his credentials.

PAF Base Chaklala was renamed as PAF Base Nur Khan in 2012

His credentials alone can pale pretty much rest of the current military brass in Pakistan, forget the opinions of members on this forum.

If you think you guys have a better handle on things than his own introspection, I leave that upto you.

Whether ACM Nur Khan he actually said the above is questionable to begin with , the link you posted is a DAWN news link and its a dead link.
, just because you posted a dead link from a known anti-Military news paper doesn't make the quote real I wouldn't trust DAWN news even otherwise on military matters , they have misquoted quite often.

What is undisputed is that under ACM Nur Khan in 1965 Pakistan Airforce shot many indian Abhinandans out of the sky resulting in Pakistani victory.

As I said earlier latch on to the more widely accepted opinions which is that India is illegally occupying Kashmir and must leave or get expelled.
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Whether ACM Nur Khan he actually said the above is questionable to being with , the link you posted is a DAWN news link and its a dead link.
, just because you posted a dead link from a known anti-Military news paper doesn't make quote real I wouldn't trust DAWN news even otherwise on military matters , they have misquoted quite often.

What is undisputed is that under ACM Nur Khan in 1965 Pakistan Airforce shot many indian Abhinandans out of the sky resulting in Pakistani victory.

As I said earlier latch on to the more widely accepted opinions which is that India is illegally occupying Kashmir and must leave or get expelled.
Similar views from
Air Chief Marshal: Asghar Khan
Gen Shaheed Aziz
Brig Saeed Ismat
Major Agha Humayun Amin
Col. S.G Mehd (SSG Commander)

Interested? Or are all of them lying?
Similar views from
Air Chief Marshal: Asghar Khan
Gen Shaheed Aziz
Brig Saeed Ismat
Major Agha Humayun Amin
Col. S.G Mehd (SSG Commander)

Interested? Or are all of them lying?

They were all patriotic soldiers who gave India a bloody nose , they wouldn't lie but since they are not here themselves an Indian is trying to misrepresent them and I'm not about to let you get away with that!

So not interested in manipulated quotes from an Indian or some douche bag newspaper.
There are many false quotes that Indians attribute to even Muhammad Ali Jinnah , its part of the Indian strategy to cover it's losses.

Get out of Kashmir while you can or get ready to be kicked out
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Brig (Retd) Samson says that Pakistan can take Laddakh in few days if India is foolish enough to start war with Pakistan.

He says that cutting off Daraz Road is matter of minutes for Pakistan. We can cut of Indians supply lines very quickly and take over Laddakh.

He said that Pakistani army is battle hardened. He said that PA has defeated the terrorists in 10 years, where USA and Russia failed to do so.

He said that 33 K or 34 K Pakistani soldiers were made prisoner by India in East Pakistan, we can take up to 100 K Indian soldiers as prisoners of war.

He also said that Pakistan nuclear tests were far superior to India and Pakistan has more and better nuclear weapons compare to India. He says he knows it fully well because he was involved in the process.

This is a fact hidden from most Indians eyes that their Nuclear tests were not successful.

Responding to a question he said that Pakistan had taken Kargil , but there was no cohesion between the army and the civil government, what we achieved military was lost by the politicians.
Clearly Nawaz is a traitor.

hm, chinese probably sent him laddus in the latest aid pkg and he read ladak
hm, chinese probably sent him laddus in the latest aid pkg and he read ladak

Well, you should talk about 56er Modi. Chinese never entered your territory. Then Indians must have entered Chinese territory.
Why cry if Chinese booted you out from "their territory according to Modi" !!
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