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Pakistan can secure N-deal with US: Reidel

Currently France and US holds the best Nuclear technology if you are talking about Power plants ....If Pakistan goes with France which it should the company that comes into play is called AREVA, they got some of the best reactors right now and working on 4th generationg of power plants for nuclear. I would love to see there reactors in Pakistan instead of Americans. There is not a single reactor built by US companies in last almost 20-30yrs and they are working on new technologies. As for France they have new designs in place in Europe and coming online very soon.

Russian Nuclear technology is not very good lacks on safety aspect alot, and I would say China have just came into this game so it will take time for China to be good player. Hope it helps to some questions here :)
Pakistan and the bomb

Submitted 1 hr 51 mins ago

The above title is the latest article in "The Wall Street Journal" by Bruce Riedel, a former CIA officer, who is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, has been a senior advisor to three US Presidents on Middle East and South Asian issues and chaired President Obama's strategic review of policy toward Afghanistan and Pakistan which concluded in March 2009. My respect for Bruce Riedel as an analyst has diminished after reading his latest endeavour, since portions of it appear to be based on half truths, conjectures and apparent twisting of facts in pursuit of an agenda. Lest I be accused of the same offense, let me illustrate my observation with examples from the renowned analyst's article.

He opens with the current intense military gunbattle raging in the Swat valley to crush the militants but appears to suggest the futility of the operation by mentioning the retaliatory suicide bomb attacks in Lahore and Peshawar. Bruce Riedel, in his third paragraph matter of factly states: "The fighting has cast a spotlight on the shaky security of Pakistan's growing nuclear arsenal...." And then self-contradicts in the very next paragraph, "Today the arsenal is under the control of its military leaders; it is well protected, concealed and dispersed. But if the country fell into the wrong hands-those of the militant Islamic jihadists and al-Qaeda-so would the arsenal." Firstly the country is in no danger of being overrun by the militants. Yes they had entrenched themselves in Swat and the tribal regions, but are in the process of being flushed out and defeated and have little or no chance of taking over the country. Moreover, the reason why Riedel talks of the secure protection of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is that, and he being a former CIA operative would know, if the Indian and western intelligence agencies have not been able to find any clue of the location of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal; how would a rag-tag militia do so? The honorable writer quotes former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto as believing that "al-Qaeda would be marching on Islamabad in two years". This has to be refuted as the armed forces are curently battling with full intensity to prevent such an eventuality.

The writer brazenly labels Pakistan as being a "state sponsor of proliferation" and being engaged in "highly provocative behavior against India, even initiating a limited war..." Unfortunately, Mr. Riedel, you will have to shed your blinkers to obtain a clearer vision. The lone example of proliferation was confessed by Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan as being his personal indiscretion and the state proceeded strongly to plug the gap and you yourself confirm the same in para 20 that "there has been little evidence of continued technology proliferation activity" since Dr. Khan's confession. Unfortunately, India, whose case Bruce Riedel appears to be pleading has indulged in numerous case of nuclear proliferation, some of which have been in the notice of US State Department and sanctions imposed against the scientists, yet it is Pakistan, which is continuously being flogged like a dead horse. Threats and beligerence have emanated from India starting with the May 1998 sabre rattling after conducting its nuclear tests, which forced Pakistan to cross the nuclear threshold; the 2001-2002 troops buildup against Pakistan following the December 13, 2001 attack on Indian Parliament building, which has been blamed on Pakistan, but little or no evidence provided and has been suggested by some Indian Human Rights activists as having been planned and executed by the Indian state mechanism. Regarding the Mumbai attacks too Indian foot-dragging on vital clues has stalled the investigations. Coming to the "initiating a limited war" allegation, implying "Kargil"; Bruce Riedel has been advisor to three US presidents, and he should get some facts of history right, Kargil is not Indian terrain but disputed Kashmiri territory. President Obama had promised to help resolve the Kashmir imbroglio to ease the tension between Pakistan and India but has now forgotten. Talking of history, Bruce Riedel has got President Yahya's name wrong and mentions the 1971 dismemberment of Pakistan's eastern wing but fails to acknowledge Indian machinations in the sorry episode.
Another insinuation is that Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan "stole" the sensitive centrifuge technology from the Netherlands. Two wrongs do not make a right but every single nuclear capable state, including USA, Soviet Union, Britain, France, India and Israel, has devloped its nuclear capability through clandestine means. Bruce Riedel talks of travelling to both Pakistan and India to convince them to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treay (NPT) and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treay (CTBT) but says "The Pakistanis were the harder sell and never even came close to an agreement with them." The fact is that neither did India and even the US refused to ratify the treaty in 2000. Thus what is good for the goose is good for the gander! Why single out Pakistan?

It is not till the 24th paragraph that the astute Bruce Riedel discloses the real agendum behind the long tirade on Pakistan's nuclear program: "US options would be severely limited by Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. We would need to work with India, Afghanistan, China and others (perhaps Israel) to isolate the danger." The method behind the madness appears to be a strident attempt to isolate Pakistan's nuclear capability, have it capped and defanged. The insistance that "India is no longer our enemy" now appears to fall in place. Bruce Riedel advises US to have "constancy and consistency" in its policy towards "Pakistan and its bomb" and end its "double standards with India." Sound advice but asking "Islamabad to put the no-first-use pledge back on the table with India, and sign the CTBT without demanding Indian adherence first" is unrealistic. The survival of a nation facing critical imbalance in conventional weapons vis-à-vis a belligerent and hostile neighbour lies in deterrence through the nuclear option. The Congressional Research Service (CRS) May 15 report notwithstanding that states "Pakistan may have developed a second-strike capability to again attain nuclear parity with India".

Pakistan and the bomb | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online


The author very correctly points out the biased and incorrect assertions in Reidel's article.

My take on Reidel's distortions and one sided Indian as* kissing was that it was an attempt to 'balance' his article, and placate any Indian ego's since he was arguing for Pakistan to be given the same nuclear deal India was.
Sir Abdul Qadir Khan gave pakistan freedom we cheerish now ...

As for Mr "R" I think he should neutralize his own life by taking a chill pill ...

We don't need charity nuc program , our gas pipeline with iran will be ready - and that will generate all the power we need clean energy

And I hope we give Iran 700 alkhalid tanks and 200 JF17 thunder


* Gilani says Pakistan has always opposed drone attacks
* Wants new laws to deal with terrorists​

LAHORE: The United States should share its nuclear technology with Pakistan to ensure that the balance of power in the region remains intact, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said on Saturday.

Talking to journalists at the foundation-laying ceremony of the Aiwan-e-Quaid-e-Azam in Johar Town, Gilani said the US already had a civilian nuclear deal with India and Pakistan now believes that it should be extended similar concessions.

Responding to a question on Pakistan’s stance on Iran’s nuclear programme, he said that acquisition of peaceful nuclear technology was the right of every country.

Drone attacks: Gilani said Pakistan had clearly told the US that drone attacks were counter-productive and that they only serve to compound the problems that the country faces. He said, “We are strongly against these attacks because they are against our strategy of segregating peace-loving tribal people and militants”. “We have asked the US to provide Pakistan the technology and the possession of drones so that in case of credible intelligence, we ourselves can take action,” he added.

To a question about India’s reaction over the release of Hafiz Saeed on court orders, the prime minister said there were some loopholes in the country’s laws and legislation had to be carried out to deal more effectively with elements committing crimes in other countries.

The PM also announced a financial grant of Rs 100 million for Aiwan-e-Quaid-e-Azam. Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer and Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif were also present on the occasion.
To a question about India’s reaction over the release of Hafiz Saeed on court orders, the prime minister said there were some loopholes in the country’s laws and legislation had to be carried out to deal more effectively with elements committing crimes in other countries.

So he agreed that there were loopholes. And Hafeez was made to slip through those loopholes. I bet people in Pakistan will remember the day and repent their court's decision of freeing criminals like him. Just like Taliban came back haunting from Afghanistan, LeT, JeM, all will also come back to bite the creator.
So he agreed that there were loopholes. And Hafeez was made to slip through those loopholes. I bet people in Pakistan will remember the day and repent their court's decision of freeing criminals like him. Just like Taliban came back haunting from Afghanistan, LeT, JeM, all will also come back to bite the creator.

Can we stick with the topic please, instead of turning this into another LeT and JuD thread.
Why does every thing with USA has to be conditions ... I mean when a man weds a women - :enjoy:

He gets to do every thing when he wants , how many times he wants ....

With USA every thing is with

'If' clause - And exception clauses that are like 200 pages long -

China our friends says "Whats good for the goose is good for gader"

No questions asked

:china: True democratic nation :china:

Always there to spread peaceful freedom knowledge and Civil liberties and protecting Freedom of Pakistan at Gwadar port :pakistan::china:

I mean US neclear knowledge is all running on Pakistani Scientist and chinese scientist power anyways ... all those ... chinese Scientist when they go back - they will obviously take the technology with them and Pakistan will be recieving it

Good friends share the pop corn not fight over it like some slumdogs.
Civilized world , is where we live in these that
My friend.
You are obviously a bachelor:lol::D:partay:You will be in for a shock when you get married and especially after a decade of marriage.
As to the conditons things. One simple answer__ you are begging and they are giving you alms. They consider it their right to impose conditions. They will always want to keep an upper hand on the situation and only give you just enough for you to remain dependant on them. If you were financially sound , you could have dealt with the French on cash terms, then you would realize how nice the world would be with you.
Also you are constantly accused of passing info onto the chinese. This is also a minor factor in them imposing conditions.
what I don't understand is why AQ khan give technology to Korea and Iran on first place anyways?

I think the one of main reason pakistan gave nuclear technology to iran and libya was that it knew fully well that the west would sooner or later come after it,so what better then throwing the limelight on others.
Today the US is more concerned about irans nuclear programme and cant put all its efforts into undermining ours.......just think if AQKhan had not given the knowhow to these countries all eyes would be on us.

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