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Featured Pakistan can never be trusted: Rahmatullah Nabil, former head of NDS

Dear Afghans

You yourself are responsible for the horrendous violence prevalent in your country. Remember how you brutally treated a a defenseless muslim nation called Pakistan when its people were being slaughtered by hindus and sikhs in 1947? It was due to your brutal attitude towards Pakistan that emboldened India to make further ingress into Kashmir.
You have continued this policy to this day.

While Nepal and Myanmar helped India you have tried to kill Pakistan's existence from day one. Pakistan has no choice but to back Afghan Taliban so keep crying.

Wasn't is your duty to at least give Pakistan a simple statement of brotherhood if not something else back in 47? Now as its nature's law - What you sow so shall you reap.

You could have been Pakistan's closest partner if not a part of Pakistan. We would be like Spain and Portugal at least. But you consciously chose to side with Hindutva Fascism whose hatred towards muslims is in their genes.

Blame yourself and ask for forgiveness from the Almighty.
Rahmatullah Nabil, former head of the national directorate of security says that Pakistan is pursuing its policies in the region in any way possible and this country was never trustworthy to Afghanistan and is not.

It's very sad to see someone in a position of power and trust advocating for disunity among Muslims and the continued occupation and exploitation of Afghanistan by foreign non-Muslim powers that have been engaged in the systematic slaughter of the Afghan people.

Unfortunately, their vitriol has lead many in Afghanistan being misled into believing that Pakistan is the source of their woes when we have never invaded their nation instead we only supported an independent Afghanistan in letter and spirit.

Foreign funded tyrants like Ghani and his tools of oppression like Rahmatullah Nabil do not want to see better ties between two Muslim nations like Pakistan and Afghanistan because when we work together we'll accomplish so much more.

The feeling is mutual

He is trying to be relevant.

Why do harami in afghanistan have such pious names

you piece of s#it.

namak harams are salty lol

We shouldn't allow these pro-Hindu terror and pro-Western occupation snakes in the grass, whether civilian or not, get in the way between us and the rest of the people of Afghanistan.

Pakistan should defend its borders vigorously and violently against his "rent-a-army" and liberal/secular backed terrorists like PTM or other ANA/NDS backed terrorists like those who attacked us at our border crossing at Chaman while exposing the Afghan public to the truth of their depravity.


Reports link Karzai's brother to the Heroin trade:


Afghanistan, the drug addiction capital:

The West has turned Afghanistan into the liberal sh*thole democracy of their dreams which is what they would like to see in Pakistan.

When they can't accomplish, in fact are actively fighting against, the release of Afghans jailed attempting to end the occupation of their homeland by foreign non-Muslim powers in a strong Pakistani backed push to bring peace and security every Afghan should be asking "why don't you want peace in Afghanistan?".

Nabil of Kabul is spending too much of his free time at the Bharati National Library of Afghanistan.

Maybe one day there will be a book in that same library titled "The Life of Rahmatullah Nabil" and, spoiler alert, will end with him and his fellow terrorists having been strung up like his murderous predecessor Mohammed Najibullah:


He best get ready to pack his packs out the country soon, and collect his unemployment check.

Hopefully he, and the other criminals representing the Afghan "government" and ANA/NDS, will be tried for their crimes and punished before they are able to flee the country to the safety of Western state sponsors of terrorism.
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Peaceful Afghanistan is in the larger interest of Pakistan and the region.

CPEC is soon going to be extended to Afghanistan. Those who are against peace in a war torn country should be named and shamed. NDS should all together be dissolved. Its largely anti Pakistan/ Anti Taliban/ Pro RAW and pro terror proxy agency. Who kills people for money. NDS has also been involved in cross border terrorism in Pakistan.
Pakistan can never be trusted: Nabil

09 Aug 2020


Rahmatullah Nabil, former head of the national directorate of security says that Pakistan is pursuing its policies in the region in any way possible and this country was never trustworthy to Afghanistan and is not.

The former head of the national directorate of security wrote on his Twitter that Pakistan is creating opportunities to pave the way for the withdrawal of the foreign troops from Afghanistan but will never help to establish peace and security in the region.

Nabil has stated that Pakistan may always use terrorist groups as a tool to implement its policies in the region.

He also said that Pakistan now uses ISIS and Alqaeda as a cover for the other terrorist groups.

Nabil made these remarks following talks between Pakistan’s minister of foreign affairs Shah Mahmood Qureshi and the United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in relation to Islamabad’s cooperation in the Afghan peace process.


Agreed. So can we now COMPLETELY seal the Afghan/Pakistan border so NOTHING comes in or goes out.
Pakistan can never be trusted: Nabil

09 Aug 2020


Rahmatullah Nabil, former head of the national directorate of security says that Pakistan is pursuing its policies in the region in any way possible and this country was never trustworthy to Afghanistan and is not.

The former head of the national directorate of security wrote on his Twitter that Pakistan is creating opportunities to pave the way for the withdrawal of the foreign troops from Afghanistan but will never help to establish peace and security in the region.

Nabil has stated that Pakistan may always use terrorist groups as a tool to implement its policies in the region.

He also said that Pakistan now uses ISIS and Alqaeda as a cover for the other terrorist groups.

Nabil made these remarks following talks between Pakistan’s minister of foreign affairs Shah Mahmood Qureshi and the United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in relation to Islamabad’s cooperation in the Afghan peace process.


Rahmatullah is such an Afghan coward that he cannot take care of his Afghan compatriots languishing inside Pakistan. What kind of fake pride is this?
Unfortunately, their vitriol has lead many in Afghanistan being misled into believing that Pakistan is the source of their woes when we have never invaded their nation instead we only supported an independent Afghanistan in letter and spirit.

We shouldn't allow these pro-Hindu terror and pro-Western occupation snakes in the grass, whether civilian or not, get in the way between us and the rest of the people of Afghanistan.

Pakistan should defend its borders vigorously and violently against his "rent-a-army" and liberal/secular backed terrorists like PTM or other ANA/NDS backed terrorists like those who attacked us at our border crossing at Chaman while exposing the Afghan public to the truth of their depravity.

The bold parts.

Permit me to respectfully disagree. Why do we assume that Afghan people are all good and its just these politicians that are bad? On 1947, can we name a single Afghan tribe who supported Pakistan's existence and accepted the Durand line?

The problem is Afghans are more proud to be Afghans than they are to be muslims. How many Afghans objected to Afghanistan's king not accepting Pakistan as a state?

While our tribals and gilgitis belonging to similar tribes from across the border were revolting and liberating Kashmir, same tribes from Afghanistan were busy raiding the young Pakistan.

When they refuse to accept the durand line on the basis that KP and Balochistan belong to them, they essentially reject Pakistan's existence on the basis of ethnicity.

That is why we have no choice but to back groups who are friendly to us even if they are perceived as violent by others.

The bold parts.

Permit me to respectfully disagree. Why do we assume that Afghan people are all good and its just these politicians that are bad? On 1947, can we name a single Afghan tribe who supported Pakistan's existence and accepted the Durand line?

The problem is Afghans are more proud to be Afghans than they are to be muslims. How many Afghans objected to Afghanistan's king not accepting Pakistan as a state?

While our tribals and gilgitis belonging to similar tribes from across the border were revolting and liberating Kashmir, same tribes from Afghanistan were busy raiding the young Pakistan.

When they refuse to accept the durand line on the basis that KP and Balochistan belong to them, they essentially reject Pakistan's existence on the basis of ethnicity.

That is why we have no choice but to back groups who are friendly to us even if they are perceived as violent by others.


Papa America, India and NATO made some bold promises to Afghan snakes. For two decades they tried their level best. Balochistan and KP provinces were going to be integrated into Afghanistan. It never happened. Today the US/NATO are doing the same thing they did to the Kurds. Abandoning the Afghans.
Pakistan can never be trusted: Nabil

09 Aug 2020


Rahmatullah Nabil, former head of the national directorate of security says that Pakistan is pursuing its policies in the region in any way possible and this country was never trustworthy to Afghanistan and is not.

The former head of the national directorate of security wrote on his Twitter that Pakistan is creating opportunities to pave the way for the withdrawal of the foreign troops from Afghanistan but will never help to establish peace and security in the region.

Nabil has stated that Pakistan may always use terrorist groups as a tool to implement its policies in the region.

He also said that Pakistan now uses ISIS and Alqaeda as a cover for the other terrorist groups.

Nabil made these remarks following talks between Pakistan’s minister of foreign affairs Shah Mahmood Qureshi and the United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in relation to Islamabad’s cooperation in the Afghan peace process.


Who cares what these traitors think? They will just be dead bodies hanging from bridges in a few months.

Taliban is here baby, see if US will renew your visa.
Pakistan can never be trusted: Nabil

09 Aug 2020


Rahmatullah Nabil, former head of the national directorate of security says that Pakistan is pursuing its policies in the region in any way possible and this country was never trustworthy to Afghanistan and is not.

The former head of the national directorate of security wrote on his Twitter that Pakistan is creating opportunities to pave the way for the withdrawal of the foreign troops from Afghanistan but will never help to establish peace and security in the region.

Nabil has stated that Pakistan may always use terrorist groups as a tool to implement its policies in the region.

He also said that Pakistan now uses ISIS and Alqaeda as a cover for the other terrorist groups.

Nabil made these remarks following talks between Pakistan’s minister of foreign affairs Shah Mahmood Qureshi and the United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in relation to Islamabad’s cooperation in the Afghan peace process.


Do the Afghans trust the americans and NATO when they murder and genocide Afghan civilians?:

All of them deserve each other.

Praise and worship the americans/NATO for genociding and massacring Afghan civilians...........:disagree::


But badmouth and malign Pakistan for looking after, sustaining and providing for 5-10 million Afghans living in Pakistan for over 40 years..............:disagree:

Have no idea how the Afghan mindset works..........:disagree:
Yeah like we care, Afghans have allowed and continue to sow seeds of chaos from their territory into Pakistan. Its no wonder why they are labelled as Ungrateful Afghans aka Namak Haraam.
Another MOAB is due soon.

They would strike more wedding parties if they could, but let's be direct, they fear Taliban's wrath and embarrassment at their hands.

Fall of Kabul can only be stalled for so long.
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