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Pakistan can become future economic 'tiger' :US

According to my understanding, we should tell Americans that we will stop terrorism at all cost, and we will try to bring peace and stability in Afghanistan. And we should follow this very honestly and with good wisdom, because this is in good of our own country. Making puppet governments in Afghanistan, will really serve no purpose for us. When we will try to bring a new government of choice, other countries including Iran/India/USA/or possibly Russia, will also try to gain influence and move their own interests(people liked by them) and there will be more conflict. Better solution is to leave the decision to Afghans, and try to do development work there and ask other countries to do the same, and try to stop other countries from moving their interests against interests of Afghans. Even if many of us do not like good human ethics, if we understand game theory we should be able to follow this logic.

We do not need American assistance to become economic tiger. What we need bitterly is peace in our country and in countries around and that is really more important. Since Afghan war started, so many countries in the world changed their destinies and became tiger on their own, but our 'geopolitical curse' continued to stop us from making any similar progress. Good, we played an important role in stopping USSR, but I would have preferred to be a country more remote from USSR to have no adverse effects that continue to plague our country about forty years after that.

And so many other countries in Asia have totally changed their economic conditions and they did not get any special assistance from America. They were not much smarter, they simply did not have to face instabilities we had to go through, and their economies continued to grow consistently. This has to be done by us on our own, and few billion dollars a year that any country could give us, really cannot make as much difference as an atmosphere of peace and stability can, and the ability to make our own decision by ourselves, in our own best interests.

If Americans are that keen to help us materialize our potential to become economic tiger, we should ask them for better access to their markets, but must not get any easy money. And any easy money given to us will come with strings attached that may be against our own interests without our full knowledge.
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According to my understanding, we should tell Americans that we will stop terrorism at all cost, and we will try to bring peace and stability in Afghanistan. And we should follow this very honestly and with good wisdom, because this is in good of our own country. Making puppet governments in Afghanistan, will really serve no purpose for us. When we will try to bring a new government of choice, other countries including Iran/India/USA/or possibly Russia, will also try to gain influence and move their own interests(people liked by them) and there will be more conflict. Better solution is to leave the decision to Afghans, and try to do development work there and ask other countries to do the same, and try to stop other countries from moving their interests against interests of Afghans. Even if many of us do not like good human ethics, if we understand game theory we should be able to follow this logic.

We do not need American assistance to become economic tiger. What we need bitterly is peace in our country and in countries around and that is really more important. Since Afghan war started, so many countries in the world changed their destinies and became tiger on their own, but our 'geopolitical curse' continued to stop us from making any similar progress. Good, we played an important role in stopping USSR, but I would have preferred to be a country more remote from USSR to have no adverse effects that continue to effect us about forty years after that.

And so many other countries in Asia have totally changed their economic conditions and they did not get any special assistance from America. They were not much smarter, they simply did not have to face instabilities we had to go through, and their economies continued to grow consistently. This has to be done by us on our own, and few billion dollars a year that any country could give us, really cannot make as much difference as an atmosphere of peace and stability can, and the ability to make our own decision by ourselves, in our own best interests.

If Americans are that keen to help us materialize our potential to become economic tiger, we should ask them for better access to their markets, but must not get any easy money. And any easy money given to us will come with strings attached that may be against our own interests without our full knowledge.

Well said

Pakistan must work with US and UN to bring peace and keep peace in Afghanistan

On the topic of progress

it is never assistance (althought that helps), it is always trade and other services.

Pakistan excels in providing military services just like India provides call center service and China provides manufacturing service.

Off course if we can provide better quality but cheaper services for offices or manufacturing well that is even better.
Wanna become an economic tiger:
1. Create massive land banks for industries; mostly brownfields.
2. Build railways and roads connecting ports to cities and industries.
3. Instead of focusing on higher, university level education focus more secondary and human resource development
4. Provide high incentives and subsidies for Labour intensive industries and single window clearance for all industrial units.
5. SIgn deal with China for supply of steel at a fixed price as China is the largest manufacturer and demand of steel in China is slowing and it needs someone to buy surplus steel.
6. Cut import duties for raw materials and export duties for finished products for attract manufacturing investments.
7. Starting from Basics slowly move up the value chain and corporations can work with the goverments to expand overseas. Example Japan in 1960-1990s

Who did all the above listed things in the past?? South Korea, Japan, China as we speak. India is trying to implement something similiar for the next 2 decades. This is a proven way of pulling countries of absolute povery and hunger.

But to implement these you need the most important thing: Power and reliable power...
also build good relation with india ..
india is major partner in asia.. china will help you to grow ..so does india.. more synergies with india for trade .. cultural exchanges,Tourism (if terrorism issue is taken care of )
Tourism will flood both the country as both side love -hate-curiosity for each country,,
pakistan is also naturally beautiful country ... and you guys know for good hospitality,,, same will be reciprocate from india..
also build good relation with india ..
india is major partner in asia.. china will help you to grow ..so does india.. more synergies with india for trade .. cultural exchanges,Tourism (if terrorism issue is taken care of )
Tourism will flood both the country as both side love -hate-curiosity for each country,,
pakistan is also naturally beautiful country ... and you guys know for good hospitality,,, same will be reciprocate from india..

I really think this is the best policy to follow. If we try to be good friends with India, it would be better and easier for both countries to decrease expenditure on arms race. If Indians are not worried about any possibility of terrorism from Pakistan, and Pakistan is not worried about any action from Indian army, naturally the case for decreasing expenses related to militaries will strengthen, and voices of sanity in both Pakistan and India will prevail. And this concern has to be understood by Indians as well, to decrease their huge military budget. Both countries need to divert their resources to eradicate poverty and do so many other good things that we would like in our society/country but mostly cannot have today.

In a similar spirit, I try to be as careful as possible to not say anything that will hurt Indians on this forum, because I really believe that promoting better relationships are in interest of both countries, while highlighting problems and other bad things in society that do not have anything to do against my country, only for point scoring, will just make us harbour antagonistic emotions, and will hurt both countries.
I really think this is the best policy to follow. If we try to be good friends with India, it would be better and easier for both countries to decrease expenditure on arms race. If Indians are not worried about any possibility of terrorism from Pakistan, and Pakistan is not worried about any action from Indian army, naturally the case for decreasing expenses related to militaries will strengthen, and voices of sanity in both Pakistan and India will prevail. And this concern has to be understood by Indians as well, to decrease their huge military budget. Both countries need to divert their resources to eradicate poverty and do so many other good things that we would like in our society/country but mostly cannot have today.
If what you say is true then why USA is maintaining huge army. They have no hostile neighbour, except in south which does not justify the quantum of armed forces maintained.

Armed forces are not maintained to wage war (though US has proved otherwise) it is maintained to maintain peace. When neighbours see a well equipped army, they refrain from getting their wild thoughts going astray. A disbalance of power will always result in an armed conflict.
If what you say is true then why USA is maintaining huge army. They have no hostile neighbour, except in south which does not justify the quantum of armed forces maintained.

They should understand it on their own. All of the world saw how they hurt themselves by starting wars. I have not done any detailed analysis, and I am not a very great expert in related fields, but I still think that if they had adjusted their priorities after the breakup of USSR wisely, they would have been economically more well off, and even if it is not obvious now, effects of keeping a large army might become obvious to them in future, but wisdom is to think before it is too late, or do the best you can at every moment.

If you think purpose of US army is to maintain peace, you are repeating what is said everywhere by their politicians, and diplomats, on the contrary according to my observation, world peace was damaged by past two wars, or at least by Iraq war.

If the world peace is to be maintained by any army, the first condition of interference in any country has to be that their population will like the military action by the US/UN army. Defending any country and their allies is their right and should be the only main purpose of the army, but I doubt as large an army is needed by US as they have today.
Well said

Pakistan must work with US and UN to bring peace and keep peace in Afghanistan

On the topic of progress

it is never assistance (althought that helps), it is always trade and other services.

Pakistan excels in providing military services just like India provides call center service and China provides manufacturing service.

Off course if we can provide better quality but cheaper services for offices or manufacturing well that is even better.

Negative , invade the country and annex it with force build Military basis there permanently
100,000k soldiers go in build bunkers take over Kabul , and major cities and build a 1000 km Buffer zone

Take out all Drug cultivation while there and oust problem makers
They should understand it on their own. All of the world saw how they hurt themselves by starting wars. I have not done any detailed analysis, and I am not a very great expert in related fields, but I still think that if they had adjusted their priorities after the breakup of USSR wisely, they would have been economically more well off, and even if it is not obvious now, effects of keeping a large army might become obvious to them in future, but wisdom is to think before it is too late, or do the best you can at every moment.

If you think purpose of US army is to maintain peace, you are repeating what is said everywhere by their politicians, and diplomats, on the contrary according to my observation, world peace was damaged by past two wars, or at least by Iraq war.

If the world peace is to be maintained by any army, the first condition of interference in any country has to be that their population will like the military action by the US/UN army. Defending any country and their allies is their right and should be the only main purpose of the army, but I doubt as large an army is needed by US as they have today.
My dear Ahsan, Since this world has come into existence aggression has been a built in part of it. History of armed conflict or aggression goes back to Cane and Able. Powerful has always been the aggressor. With the passage of time aggression has been directly linked to economic activities. Safe guarding of trade? Thus, weapons, wars and conflicts are part of human history and will never be separated. Those who have become powerful they not only guard their interest effectively, but impose their priorities on other nations as well. Best example is US. Therefore, maintaining an a reasonable quantity of armed forces has become necessity for every country. Reasonable is a relative to geopolitical situation prevalent at that particular point in time. If this balance is disturbed, powerful will always have thoughts of adventurism. It is the quantum of power which brews arrogance in individuals and nations. This arrogance leads to illegal moves also. This is what we see in our everyday life.
Therefore, maintaining an a reasonable quantity of armed forces has become necessity for every country.

I fully agree with this statement. But what is reasonable and how to project/plan things into the future that this need decreases and not increases, and really does not overwhelm everything else. All these questions have to be crefully analyzed and the experts analyzing these questions should have 'right and well defined' objectives.
Pakistan excels in providing military services just like India provides call center service and China provides manufacturing service.
I get that call center probably is more catchy and popular, but just so that you know(as you are a TT).

Call center/voice services are less than 5% of our total ITES(Information Technology Enabled Service) exports.
ITES is everything that can be provided using the internet. From Call center(lowest end/least profitable) to Knowledge Banking to Data Processing to Medical Services to Software Product Exports.

Where we do excel and what brings a lot of forex is IT & ITES.

If what you say is true then why USA is maintaining huge army. They have no hostile neighbour, except in south which does not justify the quantum of armed forces maintained.

Armed forces are not maintained to wage war (though US has proved otherwise) it is maintained to maintain peace. When neighbours see a well equipped army, they refrain from getting their wild thoughts going astray. A disbalance of power will always result in an armed conflict.
I fully agree with this statement. But what is reasonable and how to project/plan things into the future that this need decreases and not increases, and really does not overwhelm everything else. All these questions have to be crefully analyzed and the experts analyzing these questions should have 'right and well defined' objectives.
There is a difference in the type of Armed Forces maintained after peace is achieved.

For example - when US falls short of its equipment or there is some unscheduled issue with its Homeland Security, US has on multiple occasions asked the Canadian Govt to provide Homeland Security to US.
There were Canadian Jets patrolling the US borders because US was unable to at the time.

That is the kind of trust that US and Canada have.
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1. call center..
that same call center started / help to grow real IT industry.
its a progression...you don't eat pizza at once.. you cut in piece and eat as per YOUR HUNGER AND CAPABILITY.
so does IT.. yes we are not PRODUCT based IT .. but it last fruit to catch..
do what you can do best..
we have large and capable language and technically qualified people who can serve better...
till now you can see TOP NOTCH programing / product comes from india...
bit now its changing.. now indian taking over SBU / product head position.. which show indian now delivering in product tooo.
Android -Sundar Pichai
Samsung- Pranav mistry .Dir. Research..
we now indians (individually we have many example) and indian companies ( not all / bit few) stepping up the ladder.
2. Army..
Spending on army is imp.
its like having knife
now point is who holds it and for what intention?
A criminal who want to kill
A Housewife who want to cut vegetable to feed family.
A doctor for surgery to save life
People are good and bad ..
i can guaranty about we can do role of doctor and housewife, .. means will use for good.. internally.. and for internationally for peace force.
But as nation we can protect citizen from criminals .. invading country for self defense...

Army is not bad per se..
best technologies first used in army..(army, navy , ariforce).. which can be later used for civilian purpose.
exa. world wide web

Army is necessary evil because there is devil in human nature.. and some on have to stand and protect good from evil..

Salute to all armed force personnel of all country.. you doing g8 job ..keep it up
because of you guys devil still inside some dirty mind and they could not act..
because they know ..YOU ARE THERE


There is no 3rd world war because of NUCLEAR war threat .
nation are aware how humanity suffered in WWII.
now in WW3 . it will end of civilization..
All centuries hard work will become ash in few minitues.
But some dirty minds take undue advantage of it and push forward their dirty game...hope they will understand some day

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we will become economic cat inside a magnifying glass box, everyone outside will see us as tigers, a truly Pakistani way
Well, Kerry said so. It must be true. Not because Pakistan thinks so or yearns so but because Kerry said so.

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