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Pakistan blocks NATO supplies

The intent behind posting your earlier comments about the NATO investigation was to expose your arguments on the topic as biased and nonobjective, and quite clearly hypocritical.

And yes, your arguments on the topic are open to criticizm.

Of course, my arguments are fair game, as are yours and everyone else's. :D

Is there any progress on the PNSC deliberations?
Of course, my arguments are fair game, as are yours and everyone else's.
Your double standards on the two 'reports' made it rather easy to 'cook your goose/chicken' or whatever that foul fowl in your avatar is ...
Is there any progress on the PNSC deliberations?
I believe I have already provided you an article quoting Raza Rabbani as saying that the deliberations/recommendations would be kept confidential till they came up for a vote/deliberation in full parliament

I believe I have already provided you an article quoting Raza Rabbani as saying that the deliberations/recommendations would be kept confidential till they came up for a vote/deliberation in full parliament

Yes, and my question was whether there is any further information when that parliamentary deliberation can be expected to occur?
Should I say "I told you so" now or later? :angel:

Keep waiting I say. That was you in late Nov suggesting that routes were about to open lol

---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 PM ----------

To be fair, the Army has kept Pakistan on the map, and you should be grateful for that, for sure.

Please be prepared to be disappointed; nothing substantive will change.

And remember at that time:


You would love Pakistan to buckle wouldn't you. Keep waiting
Keep waiting I say. That was you in late Nov suggesting that routes were about to open lol

I have already admitted my estimate of reopening in 30 days was wrong.

Now I am waiting to see what the 36 formal recommendations from the PNSC are to set the tone for bilateral relations going forward, and just how many of them will be achievable.

---------- Post added at 03:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------

You would love Pakistan to buckle wouldn't you. Keep waiting

No, actually I would love to see Pakistan change its ways so that it may prosper and realize its potential.

One cannot blink if the eyes are tightly shut already. ;)

---------- Post added at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 PM ----------

I am afraid you are likely to be disappointed. Sorry.

So far seems like you are being disappointed lol
JI to besiege Parliament if Nato supply restored

KARACHI - Lashing out at the PPP-led coalition government for toeing American agenda, Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Ameer Syed Munawar Hassan has threatened to besieged the parliament on February 3, if the parliamentary committee on that day recommends reopening Nato supplies and retain a pro-American policy, while revisiting the foreign policy.

Speaking at “Meet the Press Programme of Karachi Press Club on Tuesday, the articulate Chief of Jamaat said that his party had come to know through Western media that Nato supplies would be restored and the pro-American tilt in foreign policy would be retained.The JI would make every effort through democratic means to stop these two things from happening and declared that in this regard his party would block all the NATO supply routes and would besiege the parliament. He said that Jamaat had full confidence in the integrity of Senator Raza Rabbani, who has been tasked with make recommendations of behalf of the govt but as things were moving and information is filtering from various sources, the committee report is expected to restore the Nato supply and retain pro-American policies.

He said that he was casting doubt on the final outcome of the parliamentary committee report because in the past the government has not kept its promises on various issues and has ignored the unanimous resolutions passed in the parliament against drone attacks and a number of other issues.
Mr Hassan said that the government has failed to streamline and improved the domestic economic policies, law and order, energy crisis and corruption then how is it possible that it will take a decision in more complicated foreign policies. Ours is debt-ridden economy and the country is under severe financial strains because of the pressure of World Bank, IMF and other donor agencies.

This country has not been able to handle these economic pressures then how can it take on to rectify its foreign policy and make it independent and more pro-Pakistani.

He condemned and severely criticised the government for awarding MFN status to Indian. That decision, he alleged, has been taken without taking parliament into confidence or even by-passing the cabinet.

This has been done, he said, under the American dictation who wants to give India a dominating role in the region which is not acceptable to Pakistan.

The US is using trade as weapon against Pakistan and by forcing Pakistan to grant MFN status to India it would give the Easter neighbour an easy land access to Afghanistan. Thus India, he argued, would have a dominating role in Afghanistan.

He said that the recent revelation of the FC IG Balochistan that India by opening diplomatic missions in Afghanistan close to the borders of Pakistan was de-establishing situation in Balochistan and KPK.

He said that the situation in Balochistan is not conducive to national integration and politics and dismissed the recently announced Balochistan Package, which termed as eye-washing ignoring the ground realities in the largest province.

Balochistan is the most oppressive province in the country and to bring the people of that province into the mainstream and remove sense of deprivation among them, the government should take a pragmatic step which includes issue of missing persons which is the biggest throne in bringing normalcy. He disclosed that besides hundreds of men, 35 women are missing and there was no trace about these persons.

To a question of a vernacular media man that Sindh was more oppressed than Baloch, Munawwar Hassan told the questioner that largest number of prime ministers in last six decades came from Sindh into power and in 2008 elections the PPP got an overwhelming majority yet it invited MQM and ANP for power sharing. He said that the PPP could have easily run the government independently without the support of any party in Sindh.

He said that the MQM has committed so many crime that it could not live without power.

When asked for his comments on memo gate scandal and Mansoor Ejaz decision not to come to Pakistan because his life would be threatened, he said it was much ado about nothing. He alleged that the government has adopted tactics to intimidate Mansoor Ijaz. But in the modern age of technology and communication, his statement could be recorded through video conference or even the commission can travel to Geneva/ London to interview the main actor in the memogate episode.
He even did not spare army from criticism and said that the off-shoots of military operation in selected KPK areas were also contributing to the deteriorating situation in the country.

In response to a question on holding elections before time and setting up of interim government, he said that all political parties were of the consensus should be held earlier than scheduled, the government to save itself from getting bad name should itself announce holding of elections because such a move could also be democratic.

JI to besiege Parliament if Nato supply restored | The Nation
So far seems like you are being disappointed lol

What is thee to laugh about? I, along with lots of others, continue to be disappointed in the dismal prospects for Pakistan by wastage of its true potential by its own elite. Sad, sad, sad.
from: Forex reserves fall to $16.80 billion | Business | DAWN.COM

KARACHI: Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves fell to $16.80 billion in the week ending Jan 20, from $16.90 billion in the previous week, the central bank said on Thursday.

Reserves held by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) fell to $12.55 billion from $12.69 billion a week earlier, while those held by commercial banks rose to $4.25 billion, compared with $4.21 billion the previous week.

Foreign exchange reserves hit a record $18.31 billion in the week ending July 30 last year, but have since eased due to debt repayments.

Reserves were boosted in June last year by inflows of $411 million, including a $191.9 million loan from the World Bank, and a $196.8 million loan from the Asian Development Bank.

Higher export proceeds and a record inflow of remittances have also helped support Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves.

According to official data, remittances rose 19.6 per cent to $6.33 billion in the first half of the fiscal year (July-June), compared with $5.29 billion in the same period a year earlier.

Islamabad has to start repaying an $8 billion International Monetary Fund loan in early 2012. Without additional sources of revenue, that will put further pressure on Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves.


Let's see what happens behind the scenes and what becomes evident in due course. The NATO supplies issue is likley linked to Pakistan's economic issues.
from: Forex reserves fall to $16.80 billion | Business | DAWN.COM

KARACHI: Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves fell to $16.80 billion in the week ending Jan 20, from $16.90 billion in the previous week, the central bank said on Thursday.

Reserves held by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) fell to $12.55 billion from $12.69 billion a week earlier, while those held by commercial banks rose to $4.25 billion, compared with $4.21 billion the previous week.

Foreign exchange reserves hit a record $18.31 billion in the week ending July 30 last year, but have since eased due to debt repayments.

Reserves were boosted in June last year by inflows of $411 million, including a $191.9 million loan from the World Bank, and a $196.8 million loan from the Asian Development Bank.

Higher export proceeds and a record inflow of remittances have also helped support Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves.

According to official data, remittances rose 19.6 per cent to $6.33 billion in the first half of the fiscal year (July-June), compared with $5.29 billion in the same period a year earlier.

Islamabad has to start repaying an $8 billion International Monetary Fund loan in early 2012. Without additional sources of revenue, that will put further pressure on Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves.


Let's see what happens behind the scenes and what becomes evident in due course. The NATO supplies issue is likley linked to Pakistan's economic issues.
The resumption of NATO supplies is not going to resolve Pakistan's economic and FE problems, regardless of whether it results in the release of a few peanuts in US aid and US support for lending from IFI's.

It is in fact better for Pakistan to default, rather than continue to half-survive on the crutches of the peanuts in handouts from the US, as it has done for the past few years under the PPP government.
The resumption of NATO supplies is not going to resolve Pakistan's economic and FE problems, regardless of whether it results in the release of a few peanuts in US aid and US support for lending from IFI's.

It is in fact better for Pakistan to default, rather than continue to half-survive on the crutches of the peanuts in handouts from the US, as it has done for the past few years under the PPP government.

Default is one drastic option yes, but only if it is followed through with other drastic steps to get the economy going. It has been done by other countries successfully, and Pakistan may yet need to consider that path too.
Defeating the terrorists and establishing the rule-of-law within Pakistan will go a long way towards resolving Pakistan's economic problems. The blockade stuff is a sideshow.

Your political class employs many distractions to keep the hoi polloi unfocused.
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