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Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!


Mar 17, 2008
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United States
Tibet is striking a nerve in Islamabad. It is obvious now that United States and a few allies are bent on politicizing the Beijing Olympics. The purpose is not human rights, but to undermine China’s new diplomacy backed by economic might, where Beijing has outspend Washington in buying up oil concessions in Africa. The only nonwestern country supporting the American plan is India. 2008 is beginning to look like this century’s equivalent of 1936.


Tuesday, 25 March 2008.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Next to her bad Collagen-injected facelift job, Nancy Pelosi has given us one of the worst lessons in deceitful diplomacy on behalf of the United States. Pelosi, who is third in line of power in Washington after George Bush and Dick Cheney, flew halfway around the world to our neighborhood last week. Her mission? To further stoke the fire in China’s Tibet.

Tibet is striking a nerve in Islamabad because it is a classic example of the oldest trick in modern espionage: a host country, India, facilitates a superpower, the United States, to use Indian soil to create and sustain ethnic unrest in Tibet, China’s backwater joined at the hip with India.

For Islamabad, it’s déjà vu. Last year, a calculated U.S. media blitz and suspected espionage helped American strategists plead the case for military intervention in Pakistan. A false case was built around Pakistani nukes. Now it’s Beijing’s turn. And the pretext is Tibet which erupted in flames surprisingly just in time to tarnish China’s impressive 2008 Olympic preparations.

We in Pakistan are too busy to pay attention. But let’s remember: The politicization of the 1936 Berlin Olympics by the United States and Britain helped spark a world war three years later. Washington is convinced that China’s economic rise is undermining its political and economic hegemony. China must be drawn into a conflict sooner than later.

This is not a false alarm. Tibet can never emerge as an issue without the primary western support. The only non-western country playing a dirty role in this charade is India, host to the wily Dalai Lama, aptly described by the people who know him as a ‘wolf in a monk’s garb.’

Led by the Americans, the western bloc is all set to spoil the Beijing Olympics. The western rhetoric over Tibet is just a smokescreen that hides a disgustingly larger agenda that goes as far as stopping Chinese investments in African oilfields, where the Americans and the British are dazed at how the Chinese have outspent them on buying up oil concessions.

As soon as the riots erupted in Tibet, Ms. Pelosi, the first woman speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, dashed to New Delhi to meet the Dalai Lama. No question here about how urgent the matter is for U.S. foreign policy. More nauseating was her self-righteous sermon on Tibet. “If freedom loving people throughout the world do no speak out,” she said, “we have lost all moral authority to speak on human rights anywhere in the world.” This coming from a country that stands culpable for the murder of almost 300,000 Iraqis in five years of brutal American occupation.

Once Ms. Pelosi set the tone, ganging up on China was just a matter of tactics. John McCain, quietly being groomed by Mr. Bush to take the reigns in Washington, leaving Obama and Clinton to slug it out till death, was quick to say in Paris that “mistreatment” in Tibet was an “unacceptable conduct for a world power.” Says who? The United States?

And now it’s getting outright dirty. Britain’s former defense minister, Michael Portillo, a celebrated gay who bowed out after a scandal in the 1990s, turned on Sunday into a Mafiosi and openly asked western countries to blackmail China using Tibet against the Olympics. In a London newspaper, he came out with this headline, ‘Tibet: the West can use the Olympics as a weapon against Beijing.”

Opening a new front to punish China’s economic might, and as a proof that this anti-China campaign is deeply malicious, Steven Spielberg, hired by the Chinese as a creative consultant for the opening ceremony of the Olympics, resigned from the assignment to protest China’s huge investments in oilfields in Sudan. Mr. Spielberg’s excuse is that Sudan is embroiled in Darfur.

Of course no American journalist will ask Mr. Spielberg how come his snub to China is calculated to coincide with the Tibet riots? Surely he could have taken this principled stand before getting his advance payment from the Chinese government. Darfur is an old story after all. Nothing new about Hollywood becoming another discreet instrument of U.S. foreign policy.

This blackmail against China is so widespread that ‘report cards’ are being issued in the U.S. giving failing grades to companies that sponsor Beijing Olympics and don’t take a stand over Darfur, the oil-rich part of Sudan that Washington wants to see separated, to protect human rights of course.

The hypocritical posturing by the bigwigs – Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Spielberg, and Mr. McCain – hides the ugly reality of what the Dalai Lama and his U.S.-sponsored separatists have done during the Tibet riots. They burned five young waitresses alive in a restaurant. They snatched a young Chinese boy from his father, put him on the ground and then stomped on his chest and abdomen. An ethnic Tibetan doctor who tried to save the Chinese boy’s life was beaten by Dalai Lama’s insurgents. The Tibetan doctor is hospitalized in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital. The kid couldn’t make it. How about the infant who was burned alive in her parents’ apartment set on fire by the separatists? Ms. Pelosi won’t see this of course. The agenda trumps everything else.

And please don’t believe the U.S. propaganda depicting the riots as some kind of a Tibetan backlash against Chinese oppression. Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, is far ahead in modernization than India’s biggest northern cities across the border. This is the place where China spent a staggering U.S. $ 4.1 billion just to build the world’s highest rail track, a luxury service stretching 1,142km from Beijing to Lhasa. It’s part of an elaborate Chinese vision to ‘open up’ the country’s sparsely populated western regions and make them key to China’s growth in the 21st century.

The western focus now is to push the Chinese government to make one wrong move so that Washington and other ‘allied’ governments could drag Beijing into a costly confrontation. The good news is that no Chinese citizen, even those third- or fourth-generation Americans, joined this anti-China campaign. Over the weekend, only 150 anti-China protesters showed up at a park in California. That’s less than the customers of any Chinese restaurant in San Francisco’s ‘Little China’.

In Pakistan, we should be worried at this fresh push to corner China. It is in our interest not to allow this. And the best way to do it is through diplomacy and media. With the massive failures of our state-run media, the onus lies with Pakistan’s vibrant independent television networks to help spread the message. They will get their chance on April 16, when the Olympic torch reaches Islamabad.

Last year, they destabilized us. Today it’s China. The tactics are the same. Let’s keep our eyes open.

eye opener, mind blowing my man "AHMED QURAISHI"! i think he must go to Russia or China and spread the true words because our pathetic sold out media is busy showing the so called "struggle for freedom"!
Sarkozy has already said that he might consider Boycotting Olympics ceremony to protest against Tibet.

On the same day he announced that he would increase troops in Afghanistan.

So guess who is the target.

China,Pakistan nexus.Balochistan's resources.Stabbing in Pakistan back by Afghanistan .Depriving China from Its flank Pakistan.
Keep watching!
It seems, Malyasia is next in the line.
Here the host is Indiain mafia serving ----- (guess who)?
Activists of Hindu organisation 'HINDRAF' :devil: are undermining the values of a peaceful nation.
Again Indian connection! Sphere of conspirators is expanding from next door countries to step further.
God save this world from nexus of evils.
India has assured China that the Olympic Flame is safe from protests!

In other words, China will have an engineered stupendous Olympics that may not reflect the truth!!

Trade and economy is paramount for all!!
Salim salim dear salim~
you certainly did not read the entire article!
with such reply of yours i must admit that you are dodging the ground reality!

"India has assured China that the Olympic Flame is safe from protests!"

ya india has assured china that they are backing with full support to dala lama for disturbing peace and causing havoc in a cruical time when olympics is just days away.
Tibet is striking a nerve in Islamabad. It is obvious now that United States and a few allies are bent on politicizing the Beijing Olympics. The purpose is not human rights, but to undermine China’s new diplomacy backed by economic might, where Beijing has outspend Washington in buying up oil concessions in Africa. The only nonwestern country supporting the American plan is India. 2008 is beginning to look like this century’s equivalent of 1936.


Tuesday, 25 March 2008.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Next to her bad Collagen-injected facelift job, Nancy Pelosi has given us one of the worst lessons in deceitful diplomacy on behalf of the United States. Pelosi, who is third in line of power in Washington after George Bush and Dick Cheney, flew halfway around the world to our neighborhood last week. Her mission? To further stoke the fire in China’s Tibet.

Tibet is striking a nerve in Islamabad because it is a classic example of the oldest trick in modern espionage: a host country, India, facilitates a superpower, the United States, to use Indian soil to create and sustain ethnic unrest in Tibet, China’s backwater joined at the hip with India.

For Islamabad, it’s déjà vu. Last year, a calculated U.S. media blitz and suspected espionage helped American strategists plead the case for military intervention in Pakistan. A false case was built around Pakistani nukes. Now it’s Beijing’s turn. And the pretext is Tibet which erupted in flames surprisingly just in time to tarnish China’s impressive 2008 Olympic preparations.

We in Pakistan are too busy to pay attention. But let’s remember: The politicization of the 1936 Berlin Olympics by the United States and Britain helped spark a world war three years later. Washington is convinced that China’s economic rise is undermining its political and economic hegemony. China must be drawn into a conflict sooner than later.

This is not a false alarm. Tibet can never emerge as an issue without the primary western support. The only non-western country playing a dirty role in this charade is India, host to the wily Dalai Lama, aptly described by the people who know him as a ‘wolf in a monk’s garb.’

Led by the Americans, the western bloc is all set to spoil the Beijing Olympics. The western rhetoric over Tibet is just a smokescreen that hides a disgustingly larger agenda that goes as far as stopping Chinese investments in African oilfields, where the Americans and the British are dazed at how the Chinese have outspent them on buying up oil concessions.

As soon as the riots erupted in Tibet, Ms. Pelosi, the first woman speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, dashed to New Delhi to meet the Dalai Lama. No question here about how urgent the matter is for U.S. foreign policy. More nauseating was her self-righteous sermon on Tibet. “If freedom loving people throughout the world do no speak out,” she said, “we have lost all moral authority to speak on human rights anywhere in the world.” This coming from a country that stands culpable for the murder of almost 300,000 Iraqis in five years of brutal American occupation.

Once Ms. Pelosi set the tone, ganging up on China was just a matter of tactics. John McCain, quietly being groomed by Mr. Bush to take the reigns in Washington, leaving Obama and Clinton to slug it out till death, was quick to say in Paris that “mistreatment” in Tibet was an “unacceptable conduct for a world power.” Says who? The United States?

And now it’s getting outright dirty. Britain’s former defense minister, Michael Portillo, a celebrated gay who bowed out after a scandal in the 1990s, turned on Sunday into a Mafiosi and openly asked western countries to blackmail China using Tibet against the Olympics. In a London newspaper, he came out with this headline, ‘Tibet: the West can use the Olympics as a weapon against Beijing.”

Opening a new front to punish China’s economic might, and as a proof that this anti-China campaign is deeply malicious, Steven Spielberg, hired by the Chinese as a creative consultant for the opening ceremony of the Olympics, resigned from the assignment to protest China’s huge investments in oilfields in Sudan. Mr. Spielberg’s excuse is that Sudan is embroiled in Darfur.

Of course no American journalist will ask Mr. Spielberg how come his snub to China is calculated to coincide with the Tibet riots? Surely he could have taken this principled stand before getting his advance payment from the Chinese government. Darfur is an old story after all. Nothing new about Hollywood becoming another discreet instrument of U.S. foreign policy.

This blackmail against China is so widespread that ‘report cards’ are being issued in the U.S. giving failing grades to companies that sponsor Beijing Olympics and don’t take a stand over Darfur, the oil-rich part of Sudan that Washington wants to see separated, to protect human rights of course.

The hypocritical posturing by the bigwigs – Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Spielberg, and Mr. McCain – hides the ugly reality of what the Dalai Lama and his U.S.-sponsored separatists have done during the Tibet riots. They burned five young waitresses alive in a restaurant. They snatched a young Chinese boy from his father, put him on the ground and then stomped on his chest and abdomen. An ethnic Tibetan doctor who tried to save the Chinese boy’s life was beaten by Dalai Lama’s insurgents. The Tibetan doctor is hospitalized in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital. The kid couldn’t make it. How about the infant who was burned alive in her parents’ apartment set on fire by the separatists? Ms. Pelosi won’t see this of course. The agenda trumps everything else.

And please don’t believe the U.S. propaganda depicting the riots as some kind of a Tibetan backlash against Chinese oppression. Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, is far ahead in modernization than India’s biggest northern cities across the border. This is the place where China spent a staggering U.S. $ 4.1 billion just to build the world’s highest rail track, a luxury service stretching 1,142km from Beijing to Lhasa. It’s part of an elaborate Chinese vision to ‘open up’ the country’s sparsely populated western regions and make them key to China’s growth in the 21st century.

The western focus now is to push the Chinese government to make one wrong move so that Washington and other ‘allied’ governments could drag Beijing into a costly confrontation. The good news is that no Chinese citizen, even those third- or fourth-generation Americans, joined this anti-China campaign. Over the weekend, only 150 anti-China protesters showed up at a park in California. That’s less than the customers of any Chinese restaurant in San Francisco’s ‘Little China’.

In Pakistan, we should be worried at this fresh push to corner China. It is in our interest not to allow this. And the best way to do it is through diplomacy and media. With the massive failures of our state-run media, the onus lies with Pakistan’s vibrant independent television networks to help spread the message. They will get their chance on April 16, when the Olympic torch reaches Islamabad.

Last year, they destabilized us. Today it’s China. The tactics are the same. Let’s keep our eyes open.

eye opener, mind blowing my man "AHMED QURAISHI"! i think he must go to Russia or China and spread the true words because our pathetic sold out media is busy showing the so called "struggle for freedom"!

What a conspiracy theory. And by the way pelosi was visiting India for the nuclear arms deal, and riots happen while she was in India. She specifically did not come to meet dali lama.
What a conspiracy theory. And by the way pelosi was visiting India for the nuclear arms deal, and riots happen while she was in India. She specifically did not come to meet dali lama.

one great thing about "Ahmed Quraishi" is that he is not a Hypothetical theorist, but believes in ground realities which our and western free biased media has failed to do soo..

Salim salim dear salim~
you certainly did not read the entire article!
with such reply of yours i must admit that you are dodging the ground reality!

"India has assured China that the Olympic Flame is safe from protests!"

ya india has assured china that they are backing with full support to dala lama for disturbing peace and causing havoc in a cruical time when olympics is just days away.

I do read and also read between the lines.

Please do so and come back!

BTW are you suggesting that the proests are not true feelings of the Tibetans?

Have you seen the news of today where independent foreign journalists monitored and shepherded by the Chinese authorities found Tibetan houses burnt and the monks protested when they arrived in their monetary!

Now, if under Chinese supervision and monitoring it is false, then nothing can be said!!!!

It is good to serve your friends, but does it mean sacrificing the truth?

Even Geo TV was allowed when it lambasted Musharraf!!

Therefore, that should be an example of free media! for you!

Or are you a PTV fan?
I do read and also read between the lines.

Please do so and come back!

BTW are you suggesting that the proests are not true feelings of the Tibetans?

Have you seen the news of today where independent foreign journalists monitored and shepherded by the Chinese authorities found Tibetan houses burnt and the monks protested when they arrived in their monetary!

Now, if under Chinese supervision and monitoring it is false, then nothing can be said!!!!

It is good to serve your friends, but does it mean sacrificing the truth?

Even Geo TV was allowed when it lambasted Musharraf!!

Therefore, that should be an example of free media! for you!

Or are you a PTV fan?

plezzzz read this as it answers your question..

The hypocritical posturing by the bigwigs – Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Spielberg, and Mr. McCain – hides the ugly reality of what the Dalai Lama and his U.S.-sponsored separatists have done during the Tibet riots. They burned five young waitresses alive in a restaurant. They snatched a young Chinese boy from his father, put him on the ground and then stomped on his chest and abdomen. An ethnic Tibetan doctor who tried to save the Chinese boy’s life was beaten by Dalai Lama’s insurgents. The Tibetan doctor is hospitalized in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital. The kid couldn’t make it. How about the infant who was burned alive in her parents’ apartment set on fire by the separatists? Ms. Pelosi won’t see this of course. The agenda trumps everything else.

And please don’t believe the U.S. propaganda depicting the riots as some kind of a Tibetan backlash against Chinese oppression. Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, is far ahead in modernization than India’s biggest northern cities across the border. This is the place where China spent a staggering U.S. $ 4.1 billion just to build the world’s highest rail track, a luxury service stretching 1,142km from Beijing to Lhasa. It’s part of an elaborate Chinese vision to ‘open up’ the country’s sparsely populated western regions and make them key to China’s growth in the 21st century.[/B]
Dalai Lama never released a tape asking the Tibetans to blow up innocents, so we are happy to host him. Tibetans never blow up themselves in a busy market and railway stations, so we are happy to support them.
You seem to have missed one thing: when 5 salesgirls were burnt to death in a shop by the Tibetan rioters, one of the victims was authentic tibetan.

and you may have to host a holy man like below:

the secret truth: Dalai Lama and Nazi



* He is the self-proclaimed political and religious leader of Tibet. He was never elected to these positions, but was appointed by a small group of ruthless Taliban like theocrats.

*The Dalai Lama says that wants peace and so being judged by his words and not his deeds(which will be shown clearly to be anything but peaceful) was given the Nobel Peace Prize and the Congressional Gold Medal by George W. Bush. He claims that he is a man of peace, but is he? Or is the Dalai Lama like his predecessor,Jim Jones who also was venerated as a "holy man" and "man of peace" until he poisoned all of his devotees in French Guyana. Recent exposes by respected German magazines and Salon and other media, have revealed a very different person than the Dalai Lama pretends to be.

*While the Dalai Lama purports to be a "spiritual leader", he seems to be drawn to having close friendships with Nazis,former Nazis, mass murderers, convicted terrorists and refuses to repudiate their actions and appears only to want to have more prominent photo ops with his Nazi and terrorist friends, especially those who have a lot cash to throw at the Dalai Lama.

*After the Dalai Lama's good friend, Heinrich Harrer joined Hitler's Death Squad or SS, he had his picture taken with his friend, Adolph Hitler. Hitler then sent SS officer Harrer with other SS officers on a mission to Tibet to enlist the aid of the Lamas in the Nazi cause. One of Hitler's goals was to induce the Lamas to go to war against the Chinese and against India.

*The Dalai Lama has implied that the Chinese taking over Tibet is an evil and that he is on a crusade to induce people to place him back on the throne in Tibet where the Lama priest class un-democratically placed him and where the Lamas ruled a slave and serf state, like the Taliban--repressively and with brutality for centuries. However, if we ignore what the Dalai Lama says and look at his actions, one must wonder just what kind of ruler the Dalai Lama would be.
Dalai Lama never released a tape asking the Tibetans to blow up innocents, so we are happy to host him. Tibetans never blow up themselves in a busy market and railway stations, so we are happy to support them.

And what has Some Fanatics blowing them self up have any thing to do with the Topic.if you are going in that direction last i checked we didn't give Federal government to Extremists ON the other hand BJP ruled India and we cant forget what they stand for can we now.hey didn't the call for destruction of other religions and actually carried out there threats blow up barbari mosque and churches were burnt but you are right u have to support Tibetans happily as record shows India being a champion of human Rights.
Just like the Americans actually more then the Americans u have no right to point fingers at least in our religion we didn't burn the wives alive after the husband passed on yet the husband is allowed to marry after the wife is dead.
stop pretending to be some thing you are not.before the Chinese take over of Tibet Biggest amount of slaves held by an individual so far on the record goes to Dali lama you no the human rights champion.
I looked up some more articles by this guy, Ahmed Quraishi, and I must say that I have absolutely no respect for him.
His writing is mostly cheap hearsay with no background in political science or journalism.
Frankly, a high school kid could write better than he does.

23march, the Tibet situation is quite clear - The Tibetans don't like the Chinese.
It won't help your cause by claiming that the Chinese have built roads and railways. Even the Americans built highways in Afghanistan. They built them in Iraq as well.

It also won't help your cause by claiming that the Chinese government are angels and the Dalai Lama is an evil mastermind. It just makes you look silly.

kvlin I don't know how you deduced that Dalai Lama is a Nazi, but showing pictures of him with a Buddhist Swastika is making me laugh.

Also, arguing that Tibet was a feudal monarchy etc. etc. isn't going to help your case either. Bhutan was a monarchy till recently, and it was doing fine. It had the most peaceful elections a couple of days back.

The fact is, that you guys never gave Tibetan society to a chance to evolve/modernize on its own, but went and imposed your violent self-righteous communist ideology on a very spiritual people.

And you are surprised that they hate your guts. :disagree:

Cheetah786, The world cares more about Tibetans than Afghans, because it pricks their conscience more when Tibetans are killed than when Afghans are. I don't want to explain why, I think its obvious.

However you twist it, Tibetans are a peace-loving people who have been brutally colonized. There is just no other way to put it.

Obviously, the Pakistani members here feel compelled to defend their long-time ally, but being a little more honest about it, by admitting that "yeah, we know that communists are brutal but we don't care because they are our allies" would earn you some respect.
What a conspiracy theory. And by the way pelosi was visiting India for the nuclear arms deal, and riots happen while she was in India. She specifically did not come to meet dali lama.

Can you refute?
kvlin I don't know how you deduced that Dalai Lama is a Nazi, but showing pictures of him with a Buddhist Swastika is making me laugh.

Also, arguing that Tibet was a feudal monarchy etc. etc. isn't going to help your case either. Bhutan was a monarchy till recently, and it was doing fine. It had the most peaceful elections a couple of days back.

The fact is, that you guys never gave Tibetan society to a chance to evolve/modernize on its own, but went and imposed your violent self-righteous communist ideology on a very spiritual people.

And you are surprised that they hate your guts. :disagree:

Hi SA,

where did you find my assertion that Lalai Lama is a Nazi? any tiny of it?

laughing at the pic without cognition of his actual connection with Nazi, you're making a meaningless phiz, aren't you?

I dont think you've read,or ever read the article I linked up here, it's research findings by German scholars, not mine. Just pity not in Dalai's favor.

the sampling of Bhutan doesn't seem advisable, I suppose that you know Bhutan had been a constitutional monarchy since the 1900s, which is by no means the same with the Tibet's serf system trashed in 1951. many countries like England,Japan and the Netherlands are all constitutional monarchies but they are featured by parliamentarism, or namely parliamentary democracy which is what Bhutan recently heading for.

There ARE good feudalities and bad democracies in this world. but a Tibet story is far not what you've figured out and chronically believe, coz you people dont seem to reach what Michael Parenti has achieved in the category of Tibetology.

please do peruse it here when you're at leisure: Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth
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