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Pakistan becomes third-largest importer of cooking oil

Dawood Ibrahim

May 25, 2016
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KARACHI: Pakistan has become the third largest importer of cooking oil after China and India, a statement said on Saturday.

“The import of crude and refined cooking oil has increased to 2.6 million tons per annum in Pakistan,” Westbury Group Chief Executive Rasheed Jan Mohammad said at a one-day conference on edible oil.

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Pakistan also imports 2.2 million tons oil seeds every year, he said.

Imports help the country meet around 75% of its domestic needs. The remaining need is met through locally produced banola and mustard oils.

Pakistan imports crude and refined cooking oils (palm and palm olein) mainly from Malaysia and Indonesia and brings in soybean oil from North America and Brazil.

Jan Mohammad said approximately 30% of the import bill is comprised of taxes that traders pay at Pakistan’s sea ports. “The government should rationalise the taxes,” he said.

Dr James Fry, Chairman of LMC International, a research institute of the UK, said fluctuation in production, demand and price of edible oils has a direct link with crude fuel oils in the world. “The production and supply of palm oil would increase in 2017,” he projected.

The statement issued by Pakistan Edible Oil Conference (PEOC) quoted speakers at the conference, saying that Pakistan needs to set up one more import terminal at sea ports to keep the flow of goods smooth.

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They said that Pakistan has so far invested Rs50 billion in import, processing and storage industries of edible oil. They estimated a similar quantum of investment in the years to come. Trade Development Authority of Pakistan Chief Executive SM Muneer said revival of the local economy, increased disposable income, surging demand for cooking oil and rising population have created opportunities for more investment in the edible oil industry in Pakistan.

Zubair Tufail, President, Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry, said that per-capita consumption of cooking oil in Pakistan is among the highest in the world.

He said Malaysia and Indonesia remained two big sources of import of the oil into the Pakistan. He asked Malaysia and Indonesia to increase investment in the edible oil industry in Pakistan, as they can take benefit of transit trade to Afghanistan and Central Asian countries via Pakistan.

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Sheikh Amjad Rafique, a speaker at the conference, said Malaysia has imposed taxes on export of oil to Pakistan. “This is a negation of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Pakistan and Malaysia,” he said.

He said the Pakistani government needs to engage with Malaysia to remove this anomaly and exploit full benefit of the agreement in place.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 22nd, 2017.

@LA se Karachi
Pakistan should reduce imports and increase exports to boost economy.People should adopt simplicity according to teachings of Islam.
Pakistan should reduce imports and increase exports to boost economy.People should adopt simplicity according to teachings of Islam.

Simplicity only exist on paper for feel good factory..economy is not run by the poor...ask Tariq Jamel why he uses a bullet proof land cruiser?

oil should be consumed in very little quantities.its a huge source of obesity.which is itself the biggest problem.i have lost some 16 kilos myself and i know how hard it was.and the major reason was for me to leave oil and sugar

Cooking oil causes obesity..as it disturbs the fat processing and humans are not naturally adapted to consume cooking oil..it is a product of industrial revolution...Butter and Ghee is healthy for you..it promotes hormones and metabolism..and fast metabolism reduces weight..
Simplicity only exist on paper for feel good factory..economy is not run by the poor...ask Tariq Jamel why he uses a bullet proof land cruiser?

Cooking oil causes obesity..as it disturbs the fat processing and humans are not naturally adapted to consume cooking oil..it is a product of industrial revolution...Butter and Ghee is healthy for you..it promotes hormones and metabolism..and fast metabolism reduces weight..
to differentiate between them is increasingly difficult now a days.my uncle own a organic food company in america.he said better to avoid all together
Pakistan should grow olive trees. I love oil..Extra virgin Organic and Cold pressed ...
You are absolutely right.I totally agree with you that most of famous Islamic scholars are living luxurious life nowadays that is why people are moving away from teachings of greatest religion but when one follow Last Prophet P.B.U.H of ALLAH ALMIGHTY ALONE and His Sahabah R.A. he will adopt simplicity .We should not follow any Mullah life completely.We should only follow the life of Last Prophet P.B.U.H of ALLAH ALMIGHTY ALONE to succeed in this life and after death.
And India is second
That makes us a bigger joke our population is less than half of india and yet we are on par with them when it comes to import! The reason being we always take the easy route and growing and processing quality product is a difficult task so we just lay back and keep importing!
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