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Pakistan based Uighur leader vows revenge on China

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Bring it on.

We will not only find you bastards, we will destroy any ones that are related to you and your terrorist organizations. We will make sure for generations to come, they will regret for their mistakes if you were fortunate enough to have one.

DERA ISMAIL KHAN / ISLAMABAD: Entrenched in secret mountain bases along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan, Uighur fighters are gearing up for retribution against China to avenge the deaths of the associates in Beijing’s crackdown on a separatist movement, their leader says.

China has long urged Pakistan to weed out what it says are militants from its western region of Xinjiang, who are allegedly holed up in the lawless tribal belt.

A mass stabbing at a train station in the Chinese city of Kunming two weeks ago, in which at least 29 people were killed, has put a new spotlight on the largely Muslim Uighur ethnic minority from Xinjiang.

Beijing has called the Kunming bloodshed a “terrorist attack” carried out by militants and says separatists operate training camps across the rugged border which abuts Pakistan and Afghanistan.

In a rare interview, Abdullah Mansour, leader of the rebel Turkestan Islamic Party, said it was his duty to fight the Chinese.

Mansour spoke on a crackly line using a mobile phone with an Afghan SIM card in a brief statement.

The separatists hide mainly in the North Waziristan region, where they are treated by their Pakistani Taliban hosts as guests of honour, militant and Pakistani intelligence sources say.

The Turkestan Islamic Party, which China equates with the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), keeps a low profile. Its exact size is unknown and some experts dispute its ability to orchestrate attacks in China, or that is exists at all as a cohesive group.

Pakistani intelligence sources say they number about 400 fighters, and are clustered around Mirali, sharing bases with other foreign insurgents, particularly Uzbeks.

In Afghanistan, two security reports sent to expatriates working there this year warned of attacks on a Chinese hotel, Chinese companies and other targets in Kabul. There have been no attacks so far.

According to Afghan Taliban sources, there are about 250 Uighur militants in Afghanistan’s Nuristan and Kunar provinces.

“They live here with us but are always concerned about their people and mission in China.

He added that Uighur militants were not fond of guns, and resorted mostly to knives and daggers.China has stepped up security in Xinjiang after a vehicle ploughed into tourists on the edge of Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in October, killing the three people in the car and two bystanders.

China labelled it a suicide attack by militants from the region.

Mansour released a Uighur-language video weeks after the Tiananmen incident, calling it a “jihadi operation”.

Crucial ally: For Pakistan, China is a valued friend in a region it views as potentially hostile. It is keen to demonstrate a commitment to weeding out what Beijing calls separatists, but its security forces are already stretched fighting Pakistani militants.

Former interior minister Rehman Malik said that about 20 Uighur militants were captured and handed over to China during 2008-13.

“Pakistan and China are great friends. There are no secrets between us. When I took over as interior minister, I took on this subject in close association with my partners in China,” he said. “The present government is also aware of the whole thing.”

Some experts have suggested that the low-tech nature of the weapons the assailants used in Kunming and the location of the attack point to a lack of external backing and weakly organised revenge killings as opposed to coordinated international terrorism.

Hundreds of Uighurs migrated to the lawless areas of Pakistan about five years ago after they were squeezed out of their homeland by a Chinese crackdown, Pakistani security sources say. Their numbers are believed to be much smaller now.

“The Chinese militants in the tribal areas are mostly clerics and fighters. They have their families here and are mostly focused on Afghanistan,” said one Pakistani Taliban leader.

Saifullah Mahsud, head of the Pakistani think tank Fata Research Centre agreed their power and capacity to carry out major attacks are exaggerated.

“It’s survival, basically. They can’t go back,” he said. “This is the only place where they are welcome.”

But attempts by Taliban to carve out new hideouts in northern areas of Pakistan near China’s border have helped create a new corridor for Uighurs leading into their homeland.

“In the last couple of years, Taliban militants have got nearer and nearer to the Chinese border,” said Mahsud. “There has been a lot of movement there. Perhaps that gives them the logistical support that they require to cross over into China.”—Reuters

Based in tribal areas, Uighur leader vows revenge on China - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

We do not need lived ones. We prefer dead ones since we do not need give any precious resources to those bastards including food and water.

These Uighur terrorists should be hunted down and caught dead or alive. The ones caught alive should be handed over to China.

Pakistan should consider starting their own targeted drone operation for hard to reach places, but the target to be hit must be confirmed in advance by on the ground informers.

Also, ISI need to figure out if these people are getting funding from any foreign sources, considering the countries who benefit most from this Uighur terrorism.
BTW, China is not like those european and americans who want to get rid of those terrorists but still want to go over those human rights BS.

Whenever you joined the terrorists, you are not Chinese any more even you have Chinese nationality. BTW, you are NOT even human. China will deal with those terrorists just like we deal with animals.

We hunt them down just like we hunt down animals. Whatever ways we use to kill animals, we will use that against those terrorists.

We will make sure whoever get involved, including your families, relatives or whatever, destroyed in the meantime.
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Terrorism is never the answer to any injustice or any claim what so ever. It's sad that some Indians here knowingly or unknowing are supporting terrorism.

Please do not support any such activity.
These insurgents cannot be eliminated simply by killing their figure heads. If a military op in N.Waziristan goes ahead, they will be defeated and kicked out of Pakistan or killed. PRC needs to work on an integration process and give its Uygur citizens their due rights. Force alone has never solved any conflict.
These insurgents cannot be eliminated simply by killing their figure heads. If a military op in N.Waziristan goes ahead, they will be defeated and kicked out of Pakistan or killed. PRC needs to work on an integration process and give its Uygur citizens their due rights. Force alone has never solved any conflict.
I agree with you on integration process.

The Chinese government, led by "internationalist" idealists that supported super minority rights, created languages for minorities, and emphasized minority language education. Well, those kids that were educated in their own languages alone, and instilled with minority pride, now have hard time finding jobs and integrated within larger society. Imagine native Americans only know their own tribal languages and were bombarded with education about how great Native Americans are, how whites are all invaders, etc.

Plus, they have been exempted from family planning, so they have disproportionately larger share of young people.

A country with lots of jobless youth is a breeding ground for ultra fundamentalists and nationalists.

Worse still, now other Chinese are more and more scared of them, and even less willing to hire them, even innocent people. Well, I don't know how the Chinese government can solve this Gordian knot.
The new Chinese government is finally cracking down hard on Uighur terrorists all across China. The Han migration to Xinjiang is also being accelerated. Give another 15-20 years and the Uighur problem will be gone. Turkey is actively financing Uighur terrorists. But Han will become the majority population in Xinjiang. Uighur's have got nowhere to run but out of China. This crackdown is long overdue and terrorists must be crushed in utterly ruthless fashion. I'm liking Xi Jinping with each passing day. He is bringing an assertive foreign policy in the SCS and ECS, building up the military quickly, and crushing the separatists and terrorists in Xinjiang and Tibet in ruthless fashion.

China only belongs to the Han.

End of story.
BTW, China is not like those european and americans who want to get rid of those terrorists but still want to go over those human rights BS.

Whenever you joined the terrorists, you are not Chinese any more even you have Chinese nationality. BTW, you are NOT even human. China will deal with those terrorists just like we deal with animals.

We hunt them down just like we hunt down animals. Whatever ways we use to kill animals, we will use that against those terrorists.

We will make sure whoever get involved, including your families, relatives or whatever, destroyed in the meantime.
damn,,,,,,,u scary man!!
It's certainly hypocritical. If I recall, these people complain loudly about terrorism when it afflicts their country, but seem to want to throw a party when their neighbors become the victims. I know they're very supportive of Balochi terrorists that are destabilizing Pakistan. They should know that by adopting such sick double standards, their neighbors will find it very hard to sympathize when they become victims, and that their actions create a serious risk of blowback for themselves. Enabling terrorism is always a self-defeating exercise.

What goes around comes around.

Welcome to the real world.
When the time comes all accounts will be set straight. Long live Uighur Turks.

Fake turkish, If uighur gain independant , kurds in Turkey need will follow. :lol:
Perhaps China should buy an Iranian drone (an I-Sentinel) to send into Pakistan to cull the Uighur freedom fighters terrorists.
The new Chinese government is finally cracking down hard on Uighur terrorists all across China. The Han migration to Xinjiang is also being accelerated. Give another 15-20 years and the Uighur problem will be gone. Turkey is actively financing Uighur terrorists. But Han will become the majority population in Xinjiang. Uighur's have got nowhere to run but out of China. This crackdown is long overdue and terrorists must be crushed in utterly ruthless fashion. I'm liking Xi Jinping with each passing day. He is bringing an assertive foreign policy in the SCS and ECS, building up the military quickly, and crushing the separatists and terrorists in Xinjiang and Tibet in ruthless fashion.

China only belongs to the Han.

End of story.
"opinions" (retardations) like this are the reason why you will still and forever have problems there
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