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Pakistan, Bahrain to Boost Ties under CPEC

If the GCC countries join this project, it will become even more massive and powerful.


Why should GCC should join, when the sea transportation is 10 times cheaper than road for oil/gas, if they want to connect China that too Chinese western side are less populated,no major cities+passing through difficult terrain !
That's why whole world transportation still doing major trade via sea than land for very long distance.

For China when passing through Indian ocean ?

India and China hardly have any firing for the past many decades,Chinese should not worry about Indian ocean and they are still transporting same via indian ocean.
That's why whole world transportation still doing major trade via sea than land for very long distance.

India and China hardly have any firing for the past many decades,Chinese should not worry about Indian ocean and they are still transporting same via indian ocean.
Then you must stopmchina from spending so much money for just mere road. Damn Chinese are fool right ?
Then you must stopmchina from spending so much money for just mere road. Damn Chinese are fool right ?

They want to have better connectivity to there under developed western region and also considering any conflict in malacca strait+ They do not have good relation with India and so want to support enemies enemy so every projects in pakistan will be dictated by China(Road,Dam,Power etc) and that is good for china as they can use your country for their benefit in politics or in business.They are executing these projects with high interest rate and not freebies and you have to return back...Chinese are not saint.
high interest rate and not freebies and you have to return back...

The projects do not have high interest rates. Most of the interest rates being provided are below market rates. Can you please tell all of your Indian friends to stop repeating this line over and over again? It's simply not true.
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The projects do not have high interest rates. Most of the interest rates being provided are below market rates. Can please tell all of your Indian friends to stop repeating this line over and over again? It's simply not true.

This is not Indian or Indian expert neither Indian media

Is sea lane any secured ?
Trade routes = authority/wealth/power etc. When Silk Route was lost to sea routes, it started the collapse of the Ottoman domination. Your arch enemies know it too well. Hence, they've employed the tactics of Iblis - arouse suspicions in your mind. They have no chances of success as long as proxies aren't placed at key positions. You need to be the most extremely careful in this regard. As far as these external Dushman folks are concerned they're like "garbage in, garbage out". Aren't we observing Modi/Yogi..... episodes/scenes springing up one after another?????
They want to have better connectivity to there under developed western region and also considering any conflict in malacca strait+ They do not have good relation with India and so want to support enemies enemy so every projects in pakistan will be dictated by China(Road,Dam,Power etc) and that is good for china as they can use your country for their benefit in politics or in business.They are executing these projects with high interest rate and not freebies and you have to return back...Chinese are not saint.
And what if we fail Tom return like we always do ? Then what happens ?
The rates are indeed below market:

1. CPEC Fiber Optic (2%)
2. Orange Line (2.5%)
3. Gwadar (reduced to 0% from 1.76%)
4. Energy projects (5-6%)

They're your diehard enemies. Your destruction is their redemption. And, their greatest weapons are the proxy traitors embedded in your every sectors. You have to keep on eliminating these proxies as much as possible. At the least ensure that their words/opinions don't have the worth of even toilet tissues!!!!!

As far as trolls are concerned, IMO, they're like Lutfu from Allah-u Azimushshan. The more they attack the more it shows that you're on the right path. Who knows they may be Medar-i Nejat for us on the Roz-i Hashr. Our Ejdad faced them in the real world day in and day out, at the least let's face them at the cyber world!!!!
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The rates are indeed below market:

1. CPEC Fiber Optic (2%)
2. Orange Line (2.5%)
3. Gwadar (reduced to 0% from 1.76%)
4. Energy projects (5-6%)


The JICA interest rate was 1.4% for Delhi metro and 30 years of repayment period (including 10 years of grace period).

Indian proposing bangladesh for power project at an interest rate of 1 percent (plus Libor) for 20 years, with a seven year grace period.

Energy projects 5-6% interest rate,come on !!! This is a day light robbery especially for big nationalised project.
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