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Pakistan Assists Sri Lanka In War Against Tigers


Jul 11, 2008
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Pakistan to help in Colombo’s final battle against Tigers

COLOMBO, Aug 20: As India continues to call for a political solution to Sri Lanka’s 25-year-old ethnic conflict, reports indicate that Pakistan has decided to bolster what Sri Lanka military says its final push to defeat Tamil Tiger rebels and end their war for a separate state in the country’s north-east.

Pakistan has pledged to send a large quantity of ammunition to help the Sri Lankan government finish off the rebels in the final phase of Elam War IV, the Sunday Leader, a Colombo-based newspaper, said in a news report.

The paper said that Pakistan had promised one shipload of the wherewithal every 10 days in coming months, adding that it was Pakistan’s assurance of solid support which prompted Sri Lankan Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse to publicly state that Kilinochchi, the headquarters of the LTTE, would be liberated by the end of December.

Gotabhaya Rajapakse, brother of President Mahinda Rajapakse, declared last week that the rebel-controlled Wanni would be captured by the military by the end of this year.

“It’s possible by the end of this year,” the defence secretary was quoted as saying by the Times newspaper of London last week.

“You have to search for them and completely eradicate them. Only then can peace come.” Rajapakse’s comments come in the wake of Army Chief Lt-Gen Sarath Fonseka’s declaration that his forces had wiped out the conventional military capability of the LTTE and that the Tiger rebels were no longer able to resist security forces using conventional tactics and were resorting to hit-and-run attacks.

The reported assistance from Pakistan comes as government troops began forging ahead this month with heavy fire power coupled with continuous air raids on the last two remaining rebel bastions of Killinochchi and Mullativu.
:) thats great but as i said in that POF blast thread that

warning to Pakistan for helping Sri Lanka fighting against LTTE (To repeat its my personal opinion)

We had got the reply for this help today.
:) thats great but as i said in that POF blast thread that

warning to Pakistan for helping Sri Lanka fighting against LTTE (To repeat its my personal opinion)

We had got the reply for this help today.

jana ji - stop stirring up a hornet's nest - it was the taliban. as far as ammo being sent to sri lanka, it is from PA existing stocks!
thats great but as i said in that POF blast thread that

warning to Pakistan for helping Sri Lanka fighting against LTTE (To repeat its my personal opinion)

We had got the reply for this help today.


So just because India will start bombing our cities, we should stop helping those who are, infect, fell in trouble mainly because they were our friends???

Srilanka is one of the Pakistan's best friend. It had provided good support to Pakistan in the past. Perhaps, you need to read and understand the type of relationship between both countries. EDITED

We will do and WE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO every effort to bring Srilanka out of its crisis. I welcome government's decision to provide FULL SUPPORT to Srilanka to take down LTTE, who are, infect, planted by Indian RAW.

Once, Pakistan provided solid intelligence to Srilanka about whereabouts of LTTE leader. And they send troops to arrest him. But India's Helicopters rescued him.

One shipload per 10 days does not look sufficient to me. IT MUST ME 10 SHIPLOADS IN ONE DAYS.

Last edited by a moderator:
Pakistan front:

Please refrain from personal attacks - they do not lend anything to the discussion, and you can get your point across more effectively if you just focus on the argument. The post above was edited accordingly.

So just because India will start bombing our cities, we should stop helping those who are, infect, fell in trouble mainly because they were our friends???

Srilanka is one of the Pakistan's best friend. It had provided good support to Pakistan in the past. Perhaps, you need to read and understand the type of relationship between both countries. EDITED

We will do and WE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO every effort to bring Srilanka out of its crisis. I welcome government's decision to provide FULL SUPPORT to Srilanka to take down LTTE, who are, infect, planted by Indian RAW.

Once, Pakistan provided solid intelligence to Srilanka about whereabouts of LTTE leader. And they send troops to arrest him. But India's Helicopters rescued him.

One shipload per 10 days does not look sufficient to me. IT MUST ME 10 SHIPLOADS IN ONE DAYS.

Don't be ridiculous. Your post is filled with nonsense. If anything one ought to take a lesson from the Indian misendeavor in SL to realize that the best thing to do in this case is to not take sides and instead push for a diplomatic solution between the Tamil separatist and the SL government to form a unified state with ample representation from both sides.

Its easy for anyone to come in and roll off a barrage of small arms and weapons for the government to use... but we all know that they will never score a comprehensive "win" and that the current suppression will only come back to haunt Sri Lanka at a later date which will result in an even greater humanitarian disaster.

The best one can do in order to keep relations with SL is to provide the government with non lethal military hardware and leave them be to sort out their own internal problem.
I thought the Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Ghandi was assasinated by the LTTE so why would the Indian intelligence establishment be supporting such an organisation.
Pakistan should keep this to pure business - sell arms, collect money. We have our own battles at home turf to fight instead of messing around elsewhere near India. Especially these days.
I thought the Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Ghandi was assasinated by the LTTE so why would the Indian intelligence establishment be supporting such an organisation.
what u said is right. After the assasination of Rajiv Ghandi, LTTE lost support even from the Indian Tamils. May be Indian Tamils hates LTTE more than the Indian Gov now.:what:
Troops enter strategic Thunukkai town

MULLAITIVU: Army troops attached to the 57 Division yesterday entered the strategically important Thunukkai town, an alternative hideout of LTTE Leader Velupillai Prabhakaran in the Western flank of the Mullaitivu district, west of the Jaffna-Kandy A-9 road and are continuing search operation to flush out Tiger cadres, military sources told the Daily News last night.

"The fall of Thunukkai is imminent by Friday afternoon as troops are flushing out Tiger cadres," Army Commander Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka said. Meanwhile, military sources said that intermittent clashes erupted yesterday too with the LTTE, as troops entered this strategically important town to gain full control of it.

Sources said troops were poised for more clashes as LTTE was offering stiff resistance towards the advancing troops as they are on the verge of losing one of their strongholds in the Wanni.

Thunukkai is on the Mankulam-Vellankulam Road which connects the Jaffna-Kandy A-9 Road to the North Western coast. The capture of Thunukkai will mark a huge milestone in the Security Forces' efforts to liberate the entire North from LTTE clutches as it would be a giant leap towards reaching the Tiger heartland Kilinochchi.

Sri Lanka News | Online edition of Daily News - Lakehouse Newspapers
LTTE terrorises civilians as certain defeat looms in last bastion

The situation in Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi, the narrow stretch of land where the LTTE has been entrapped along with a 200,000 civilian population is now becoming more sensitive with the Tiger outfit making desperate attempts to defend themselves from the pending definite defeat at the hands of the Security Forces.

False propaganda has become the main tool of the LTTE especially aiming to mislead the civilian population entrapped in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts who have turned out to be their saviour at this moment.

Intelligence reports indicate that the LTTE has been engaged in an intense campaign to convince the civilians that troops have been withdrawn from Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu battlefront.

The most aggressive campaign is going on at the Mannar front where troops attached to the 58 Division under the command of Brigadier Shavendra Silva who has already entered Kilinochchi district passing the Mannar- Kilinochchi boundary, as it has become the northernmost front threatening the LTTE.

According to information the LTTE is spreading wild rumours among the Tamil community saying that the troops have withdrawn from the Nachchikuda front towards Illuppaikadavai. That is to give the impression that they were taking the upper hand of the battlefront on the Kilinochchi front.

Their intention is to further tighten the grip on the civilian population living in the Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts who are now under immense pressure.

However, the LTTE cannot continue with this false propaganda to mislead the civilians as battlefront would be reaching their doorstep within the next few days.

Therefore, the LTTE won’t be able to keep these civilians under their command as the day is not so far when the civilians would stand against the LTTE to seek refuge in Government controlled areas.

The Government has already made arrangements to receive these civilians fleeing uncleared areas in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts as intense fighting is expected to erupt in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu in coming weeks.

These civilians have already commenced fleeing the Tiger grip in groups and are expected to increase in the coming weeks as intense fighting is expected to erupt in the civilian populated areas in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts as the areas dominated by the LTTE are rapidly shrinking with the advancement of the troops into the Tiger heartland.

According to civilians fleeing the Tiger grip, they are undergoing severe hardships at the hands of the LTTE as their movements have been severely restricted by the Tiger cadres to keep them as a shield to act as a cover from the advancing troops.

Amidst all these challenges the troops attached to the 58 Division under the command Brigadier Shavendra Silva are now dominating a considerable area in the Kilinochchi district with the capture of Mulangavil, the second important administrative hub of the LTTE in the district.

The LTTE is contemplating what had transpired in Mulangavil for them to lose this administrative base in such a rapid move by the Security Forces.

The biggest problem they are facing now is that they are not aware from which direction the Security Forces are advancing into the heart of the Kilinochchi district.

The leadership of the LTTE is at a loss to trace the whereabouts of the troops as they have to confront the troops from various directions in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu west of A-9 road.

The LTTE seems to have learnt lessons from Mulangavil, as the intercepted LTTE communications confirm that the Tiger outfit is still regretting the loss of Mulangavil and thinks they could have kept it under their control without losing it to the Security Forces.

What is most disheartening is that it has opened the gateways to the heart of Kilinochchi with the troops approaching Kilinochchi town from the Eastern flank of the 58 Division leaving only 15 to 18 Kilometres to go into the city centre of Kilinochchi, making the time frame given by the Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa to reach Kilinochchi a more realistic one.

But the most worrying factor is not the LTTE strategies to face the impending defeat, but the efforts taken by certain disgruntled elements in the South to the cripple the efforts of the Security Forces to see an end to the ongoing battles in the North.

It is sad to note that while the Government is making its full effort to defeat the LTTE militarily to safeguard the basic human rights of the Tamil community, another section of politicians are trying to sabotage the process. The damage caused through malicious and misleading statements belittling the achievements of the Security Forces, by opposition politicians engaged in political campaigns for the North Central and the Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council election campaigns, is immense.

What is most disheartening is that these statements are coming from a serviceman who retired from the Sri Lanka Army keeping his good name with the Army. It is regrettable that these discouraging words are coming from an ex-Security Forces person who had fought against the same terror outfit a decade back with the same objective of eradicating terrorism from the Sri Lankan soil.

They should realise the fact that the media and the Security Forces have nothing to achieve by spreading lies about military achievements in the North. If Security Forces are exaggerating their military achievements they cannot take journalists to the area they are boasting about.

The ground reality is that these disgruntled politicians are reluctant to accept the bitter truth that the LTTE is getting beaten at the hands of the Security Forces, which they could not achieve during their time.

Though these politicians are making these statements to gain petty political advantages at the forthcoming elections taking the lives of the Security Forces and the civilians to ransom, the extent of damage they are creating to the nation is vast, as the entire nation is at a crossroads of solving its biggest problem through military means after reaching highest momentum against the LTTE in the 25 years long conflict. Therefore, these politicians should be extremely careful when commenting on military matters since they are causing massive damage to the Security Forces at this decisive point of time.

As these disgruntled politicians are making discouraging remarks under the cover of the forthcoming elections the Security Forces are going ahead with the task of liberating the North from the iron grip of the LTTE.

With the capture of the Mulangavil, the LTTE has strengthened their presence in Nachchikuda the next township on the A-32 road. Fierce fighting continued in Nachchikuda this week with the LTTE increasing its firepower to thwart the advance of troops into Nachchikuda, located north of Mulangavil.

To defend this area the LTTE has created a massive earth bunt stretching for more than 20 Kilometres surrounding Nachchikuda. Fierce fighting erupted south of Nachchikuda on Sunday in the attempts by the 11 Sri Lanka Light Infantry troops to capture a part of this earth bunt.

They were faced with stiff resistance from the LTTE with their enhanced fire power after fitting a number of 12.7 mm guns and some Light Machine Guns. During this confrontation more than 20 Tiger cadres were reportedly killed and another 30 cadres were injured. The Security Forces too lost the lives of five soldiers and dozens including officers sustained injuries.

The victorious troops of the 593 Brigade who captured LTTE’s Jeevan Base in the South of Nayaru in the Mullaitivu Front

The LTTE has a number of reasons to increase their presence in Nachchikuda. First they want to stop the advancement of the troops further northwards towards Pooneryn to remove their military assets belonging to the Sea Tigers.

On the other hand the Nachchikuda is the last area where the LTTE can take cover of thinly grown jungle, as the entire area northward towards Pooneryn and Kilaly is a huge open area with shrubs. Therefore, the fall of Nachchikuda in the North Western coast will mark the fall of the entire North Western coast as the possibilities are very low for the LTTE to hold the ground after the fall of Nachchikuda.

The troops attached to 58 Division are poised to capture more important locations in the Kilinochchi district within the next few days killing at least 10 Tiger cadres a day. The intention of the troops is to cripple the manpower of the LTTE before entering the final battle in Kilinochchi.

Meanwhile troops attached to the 57 Division operating on the western flank of the Mullaitivu district west of A-9 road were poised to capture Thunukkai the most important township in the western flank of the Mullaitivu district.

The troops attached to the 57 Division under the command of Major General Jagath Dias made a strategic move last week after 572 troops under the command of Lt. Colonel Senerath Bandara captured Kalvilan a village located some two kilometres South of Thunukkai. That was the turning point in the fall of Thunukkai considered one of the most important administrative bases in the Wanni.

The 572 Brigade fought tirelessly to achieve this task for nearly three months after capturing Periyamadu the last township they found on this jungle terrain.

They faced stiff resistance from the LTTE as they advanced into the general area of Kalvilan and had to face the challenge of natural barriers, open terrains and LTTE created earth bunts to stop the advance of the troops.

A number of soldiers had to sacrifice their lives and limbs while killing hundreds of well trained Tiger cadres who had been deployed on the LTTE front line with Theepan taking control of the battlefront last month.

However, the capture of Thunukkai will take the troops further close to Kilinochchi the heart of the LTTE from another front giving the Security Forces yet another advantage against the LTTE to forge the final battle.

The LTTE is losing the connection between the North Western coast and Mullaitivu via Mankulam with the fall of Thunukkai as Mankulam - Mallavi- Thunukkai - Vellankulam have been taken over by the Security Forces from various locations.

With the capture of Vellankulam troops disconnected the supply route linking to Thunukkai from the East of Vellankulam. And the capture of Thunukkai also marks the isolation of Mallavi the other hideout of the LTTE leader Prabhakaran on the western flank of the Mullaitivu district.

The troops attached to the 57 Division were poised to capture this Thunukkai town as the troops attached to the 59 Division under the command of Brigadier Nandana Udawatta marked yet another milestone on the Mullaitivu battlefront after capturing Jeevan Base one of the important LTTE training bases located in the Mullaitivu district south of Nayaru.

It was after a few days of fighting that troops attached to the 14 Vijayaba Infantry Regiment under the command of Major Upul Weerakoon captured this LTTE training base which had the capacity to train at least 100 Tiger cadres at once, on Saturday evening.

By this time the 59 Division troops captured a number of LTTE bases in the Weli Oya front after commencing offensive operations in January this year. It was on March 01, 2008 they came across Alpha -I Base in the North of Kiribbanvewa by the troops attached to 11 Gemunu Watch under the command of Lt. Colonel Priyanka Fernando.

On May 19, 7 Gemunu Watch under the command of Lt. Col. Priyantha Perera captured Kamal Base. After that the troops attached to the 59 Division captured Munnagam Base on May 29, Michael Base on July 22 and another two LTTE camps on July 22 and 23 respectively. They came across some Tiger camps on August 03, August 04, August 06 and August 14 including the bases Pasargi and Kuttawan.

With the advance of troops further towards Mullaitivu, troops attached to the 59 Division have now reached a massive open terrain south of Nayaru.

Major battles are expected to erupt in this terrain as the LTTE can make use of their remaining firepower at least to delay the advance of troops into Mullaitivu. Fierce battles are also expected to erupt in Thannimurippukulam as the troops are also poised to capture the only source of water south of Nedunkerni.

So with those developments ground troops with the immense support received from the Sri Lanka Air Force are expecting to reach the final stage of the war in the Northern battlefront with the shifting of the battlefront towards more sensitive areas where the LTTE is keeping innocent civilians as a shield.

Features | Online edition of Daily News - Lakehouse Newspapers
Pakistan should keep this to pure business - sell arms, collect money. We have our own battles at home turf to fight instead of messing around elsewhere near India. Especially these days.

Hear, Hear. Last thing we need are Tamils with a bone to pick with us. They gave the world suicide bombings and Sinhalese are just ensuring 2 more generations of war because the LTTE thrives in the guerilla theatre.

Arms deals like these need to be less publicized.
It was the Japanese kamikaze's who gave the world suicide bombings. Sri lanka is an important ally and holds a significant geo-strategic position for Pakistan. Remember, it was Sri Lanka who alllowed Pakistani war ships to dock in their waters during the 1971 indo-pak war. So its important to maintan good relations with them based on mutual interests. This deal will only benefit the Pakistan defence industry, however, i do agree with niazi9 on the point that army deals need to be less publicized.

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