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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

Yup, in fact most people are smelling it, Modi is slave to an ideology and there is a plan to the ideology, which is predictable. Plus he has painted himself into a corner in Kashmir and he thinks a limited war with Pakistan will help him get out.
Our majority of procurements are in pipline from subs,surface fleet,helis,tanks n many other stuff.
Will this not effect our response.

Our top brass should give priority to these procurements as they knwed modi will do something

Alot of stuff is in pipeline.
His Id in old pdf was something like M1tanker.

I also remember those posts w.r.t Auto vs 4th crew.

His points are valid though.

There was two, M1 tanker was also a vet but also joked around a great deal. There was another who was always serious and had fantastic knowledge.
it's not just about human factor but financial factor which is limiting our capabilities in every sector of state functions

increase taxation from 1% to decent 25%..
you have credible government, issue bonds, CPEC is there, people will buy bonds, roll that money into comparative advantage of products.. go after minerals like sandek.. get into steel manufscturing and drive shipbuilding with help from China.
Capital can be genrated, pakistan needs to industralize. put a vision 2030, invite global companies..
IT is easy to start. software can be developed.. create social welfare marketplace.. or health ..
for example HIt should start manufscturing trucks, cars or construction equipment, do a spin off.
ask china, EaDs for certain manufacturing of airplane parts..
Our majority of procurements are in pipline from subs,surface fleet,helis,tanks n many other stuff.
Will this not effect our response.

Our top brass should give priority to these procurements as they knwed modi will do something

Alot of stuff is in pipeline.
It will be a limited engagement in Kashmir so the procurement pipeline will have limited impact. I heard that China will deliver the VT4s through Ladakh :D.
Was it Zraver? He was alright. S-2 was one of my favorite posters along with JAD-33, great command over formal English and polite even when they were being trolled.

I engaged with them for a while on WAB (another forum that had mostly American and Western serving and veterans posting), but as the US-Pakistan relationship fell apart in those years, so did the relationships and tenor (towards Pakistan) on that forum. S-2 and a few others remained civil & engaged in good faith, but Zraver largely fell into the Indian camp.

It didn't help that the Indians had several retired military officers contributing there. One was a retired Brigadier General who has since passed away (Tiki Tam Tam) who was also a frequent commentator on this forum. The fact that WAB was largely run & frequented by military professionals meant that there was a certain degree of respect and deference extended to the Indian contributors (because of the presence of Indian military professionals) that was not extended as much to Pakistanis, especially as disagreements and tensions between the US & Pakistan over Afghanistan grew.

I was probably one of the last Pakistanis to stop posting there. It had gotten to the point that I wasn't comfortable voicing my views without concerns over being banned, and the Indians were allowed to spew hate and filth without check.
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Was it Zraver? He was alright. S-2 was one of my favorite posters along with JAD-33, great command over formal English and polite even when they were being trolled.

I engaged with them for a while on WAB (another forum that had mostly American and Western serving and veterans posting), but as the US-Pakistan relationship fell apart in those years, so did the relationships and tenor (towards Pakistan) on that forum. S-2 and a few others remained civil & engaged in good faith, but Zraver largely fell into the Indian camp.

It didn't help that the Indians had several retired military officers contributing there. One was a retired Brigadier General who has since passed away (Tiki Tam Tam) who was also a frequent commentator on this forum. The fact that WAB was largely run & frequented by military professionals meant that there was a certain degree of respect and deference extended to the Indian contributors (because of the presence of Indian military professionals) that was not extended as much to Pakistanis, especially as disagreements and tensions over US failures in Afghanistan and the tense US-Pakistan relationship grew.

I was probably one of the last Pakistanis to stop posting there. It had gotten to the point that I wasn't comfortable voicing my views without concerns over being banned, and the Indians were allowed to spew hate and filth without check.

Zraver brought me to this forum. True

Does VT-4 have separate ammo compartment with blow-off panels ?

Nope. But it has armored ammo bins like Al-khalid
Was it Zraver? He was alright. S-2 was one of my favorite posters along with JAD-33, great command over formal English and polite even when they were being trolled.

I engaged with them for a while on WAB (another forum that had mostly American and Western serving and veterans posting), but as the US-Pakistan relationship fell apart in those years, so did the relationships and tenor (towards Pakistan) on that forum. S-2 and a few others remained civil & engaged in good faith, but Zraver largely fell into the Indian camp.

It didn't help that the Indians had several retired military officers contributing there. One was a retired Brigadier General who has since passed away (Tiki Tam Tam) who was also a frequent commentator on this forum. The fact that WAB was largely run & frequented by military professionals meant that there was a certain degree of respect and deference extended to the Indian contributors (because of the presence of Indian military professionals) that was not extended as much to Pakistanis, especially as disagreements and tensions between the US & Pakistan over Afghanistan grew.

I was probably one of the last Pakistanis to stop posting there. It had gotten to the point that I wasn't comfortable voicing my views without concerns over being banned, and the Indians were allowed to spew hate and filth without check.
S-2 I believe was mechanised infantry.

WAB was pretty much biased and anti Pak to say the least. Also posted there, rather glad it got closed.
I heard that the VT4 also introduces automation. It's the first step, but if the Chinese continue on the track they're on they could end up taking 1 man out of the mix, i.e., 2-crew tank. So, it's good exposure in that sense, the PA is going to see how it works first-hand, and put it to operational use.
There was a big debate on our side for this topic aswell when the chief designer of Type 99A was hinting a two men crew for our next generation MBT, don't know how far the project goes.
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