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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

Yes I know. I have seen VT-4 perform from 2017/18/19/20. I saw how our feed back and recommendations evolved VT-4 into the beast that it is now.
It was just a personal preference , nothing to do with economics or the politics of the power packs and engines.
May be PA can develop a new tank base on the chassis of VT-4,as you know that the engines of VT-4 are the same to the one in 99A witch can working at 1500HP normally.
Well, very far south things are not good for tanks at all, it's basically marshes.

Also above that area, if one studies a map, I cannot see any main targets for any Indian advance. What would be the objective? It's practically all desert our side, if India wants to capture Pak territory for any post war negotiation is will be valueless compared to Punjab.

For every 1 square mile of Punjab we would happily forsake 3 square miles of Thar desert, hence this is where the battle will be. If they want to cut Pakistan in half they will not be able to do it via hundreds of miles of desert and then what?

Are you out of your mind? We don't concede an inch of land. Not in the South, not in the North, nowhere.
Are u serious ? Who told u that 1 square mile of phnjab is equal to 3 square mile of sindh ?

This is insane and far from reality.

Well, very far south things are not good for tanks at all, it's basically marshes.

Also above that area, if one studies a map, I cannot see any main targets for any Indian advance. What would be the objective? It's practically all desert our side, if India wants to capture Pak territory for any post war negotiation is will be valueless compared to Punjab.

For every 1 square mile of Punjab we would happily forsake 3 square miles of Thar desert, hence this is where the battle will be. If they want to cut Pakistan in half they will not be able to do it via hundreds of miles of desert and then what?
Are u serious ? Who told u that 1 square mile of phnjab is equal to 3 square mile of sindh ?

This is insane and far from reality.

I am not talking in a literal sense, I am talking about post war negotiations, Please keep a level head in your response. If we capture Amritsar as opposed to capturing the police post at Munabao again what do you think is of more strategic value?
Are you out of your mind? We don't concede an inch of land. Not in the South, not in the North, nowhere.

So we have infinite resources and 10,000 tanks to protect everywhere? I am not advocating giving up Pakistani land, I am Pakistani. My point was in reply to where the strategic priorities are in any war, if you cannot comprehend that in my post, that is an issue for you, not me
I don't get one thing...
Can we not toss shitloads of ATGMs and cluster bombs at Indians? What even is the point of a tank? I get that in WW2 infantry with guns can't touch tanks but today with missiles n stuff tanks are kind of useless

EDIT: aaand some mod has banned me from this thread for some reason. Oh well. Off To GHQ later I guess.

The problem is a lot of the Pakistani Indian border is good terrain for tank engagements. Whoever holds the advantage in MBTs and artillery commands the land battles. It is different from China versus India, where large or even medium tank battles are simply impossible due to the extremely high altitudes and mountainous terrain. That is why 600 to 1000 VT-4s is in the sights ... the current order of 300 is just the very beginning. Neither side has the ability to completely win the aerial war and use air superiority to level ground targets so tank warfare is still extremely crucial.
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Well, very far south things are not good for tanks at all, it's basically marshes.

Also above that area, if one studies a map, I cannot see any main targets for any Indian advance. What would be the objective? It's practically all desert our side, if India wants to capture Pak territory for any post war negotiation is will be valueless compared to Punjab.

For every 1 square mile of Punjab we would happily forsake 3 square miles of Thar desert, hence this is where the battle will be. If they want to cut Pakistan in half they will not be able to do it via hundreds of miles of desert and then what?
What if the indians do this:
They launch a strong armd thrust towards the central sindh as a part of a diversionary plan. The five corps perceives it to be the main attack of indian south western command but it is not and the 5 corps send most of its forces to meet that attack and after the indians know that most of the 5 corps is busy the may launch their main attack that is move in the Northern sindh which is the area of responsibility of 5 corps so they pass without little or no resistance and from the motorway turn north and outflank rahim yar khan from the south. Until they enter the AOR of bahawalpur corps they will have a clear run and its very difficult to stop an armd striking force once its in full momentum. Though pakistan has some defence canals but they prove to be insufficient. Rahim yar khan os a very imp junction and on the negotiation table every inch counts. Pakistan may use its 2 strike corps but it'll jeopardize the whole offensive capability of PA. Only airforce would be able to delay them and Pakistan would be forced to use nasr

Green shows the diversionary attack by india
Red shows the main attack of india after the main Karachi Corps has been
Blue shows the flanking move by the main indian thrust towards Rahim yar khan
Purple shows the AOR of bahawalpur corps (roughly)
What if the indians do this:
They launch a strong armd thrust towards the central sindh as a part of a diversionary plan. The five corps perceives it to be the main attack of indian south western command but it is not and the 5 corps send most of its forces to meet that attack and after the indians know that most of the 5 corps is busy the may launch their main attack that is move in the Northern sindh which is the area of responsibility of 5 corps so they pass without little or no resistance and from the motorway turn north and outflank rahim yar khan from the south. Until they enter the AOR of bahawalpur corps they will have a clear run and its very difficult to stop an armd striking force once its in full momentum. Though pakistan has some defence canals but they prove to be insufficient. Rahim yar khan os a very imp junction and on the negotiation table every inch counts. Pakistan may use its 2 strike corps but it'll jeopardize the whole offensive capability of PA. Only airforce would be able to delay them and Pakistan would be forced to use nasr View attachment 674626
Green shows the diversionary attack by india
Red shows the main attack of india after the main Karachi Corps has been
Blue shows the flanking move by the main indian thrust towards Rahim yar khan
Purple shows the AOR of bahawalpur corps (roughly)

What would be the role of Quetta corps in such a scenario? Will they be able to provide some support to 5th corps?
So we have infinite resources and 10,000 tanks to protect everywhere? I am not advocating giving up Pakistani land, I am Pakistani. My point was in reply to where the strategic priorities are in any war, if you cannot comprehend that in my post, that is an issue for you, not me

You don't start out with the plan of trading territories between north/south. You start with a plan to dominate. Where is your plan to dominate?
What if the indians do this:
They launch a strong armd thrust towards the central sindh as a part of a diversionary plan. The five corps perceives it to be the main attack of indian south western command but it is not and the 5 corps send most of its forces to meet that attack and after the indians know that most of the 5 corps is busy the may launch their main attack that is move in the Northern sindh which is the area of responsibility of 5 corps so they pass without little or no resistance and from the motorway turn north and outflank rahim yar khan from the south. Until they enter the AOR of bahawalpur corps they will have a clear run and its very difficult to stop an armd striking force once its in full momentum. Though pakistan has some defence canals but they prove to be insufficient. Rahim yar khan os a very imp junction and on the negotiation table every inch counts. Pakistan may use its 2 strike corps but it'll jeopardize the whole offensive capability of PA. Only airforce would be able to delay them and Pakistan would be forced to use nasr View attachment 674626
Green shows the diversionary attack by india
Red shows the main attack of india after the main Karachi Corps has been
Blue shows the flanking move by the main indian thrust towards Rahim yar khan
Purple shows the AOR of bahawalpur corps (roughly)
the areas from where both your arrows are originating are in open desert and any concentration of forces on any pronge will be visible from mars, venus maybe pluto.
VT4 is much required and it's great to here that we wil eventually reach 1000+

Regarding AK1 and AK2

Does anyone know if AK2 will replace AK1 when it's ready or are these two separate tanks that will be produced on a ongoing basis

Also could someone confirm that we are getting some additional TOT from the VT4 purchase that we will incorporate into the AK 1 & 2 projects
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