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Pakistan Army team won gold medal, for the fourth consecutive time, in the world’s toughest Cambrian


In the previous patrols we were using SSG m81 camo this time they are in army regular semi pixelated

4x consecutive wins - but if you look for coverage on this event the media only points to images/videos of western armies in the exercise....
On Wales radio, COS Major Hortop of 160 Brigade said Pakistan army scored 184 points (180 needed out of 240 for Gold).

Indian team (2/8 GR) scored 186 points but lost 10 points as penalty for causing civilian casualties during a simulated infantry assault on enemy village. Thus settled for silver with 176 pts.

The same 2/8 GR won Gold in Cambrian Patrol 2016 with 183 pts.

Final points tally (as of phase 6)

Royal Aus Rifles: 197 points
1 Royal Gurkha: 191 points
Uzbek Army: 184 points
Pak Army NLI: 184 points
1 PWWR: 180 (-5 for penalty) points
2/8 GR India: 176 (-10 penalty) points
Cyprus Homeguard : 173 points
Danish Hussars: 169 points
RCA PPIR: 168 points (-3 penalty).
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