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Pakistan army should takeover to eliminate terrorism: Altaf Hussain


Jan 19, 2013
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ISLAMABAD/LONDON: If government does not render support for elimination of the terrorism then Pakistan army should take over the power for dealing with this menace on its own, said Mutahida Qaumi Movement Chief Altaf Hussain in his interview in SAMAA current affairs’ show Nadeem Malik Live on Tuesday (today).

Altaf Hussain expressed his views in detail over the terrorism and dealing with the militants along with few other issues in SAMAA’s program Nadeem Malik Live while replying to different questions of the host, Nadeem Malik.

“Pakistan is more important than the democracy for us and we cannot imperil our country on name of the democracy,” said Altaf Hussain while expressing his views over the prevailing scenario of the country, adding if country will prevail then the democracy will flourish in it.

“I will request the army chief and prime minister of the country to come on same page for tackling the terrorists; if the elected regime does not join hands with the army for getting rid of the terrorists then I would suggest the military to step forward on its own,”

“Dialogues could be held with only those who are ready to hand over their weapons and accept the state and its constitution and If Taliban are not ready for these all things then a war should be launched against them, instead of the talks,” observed the MQM chief.

“Quid-e-Azam founded Pakistan and announced that now everyone is free for worship according to his faith and believe; there is no compulsion in the religion and none can impose his ideology by force or power of the bullet over the others,” he added.

While commenting on war against the terror, Altaf Hussain said he does not agree with those who say that this war has been imposed by the USA over us; how someone could impose his war on others, instead, we adopted this war with our own will for personal gains and our rulers demanded dollars from the USA for joining this battle.

“We have only two options; do we intend to hand over Pakistan to Taliban or not, but Pakistan and Taliban cannot move forward together as Islam being followed by Taliban and Pakistan are different,”

“Over 60 thousand soldiers and civilians have martyred while uncountable mosques, shrines , religious places, and schools have been ruined in blasts,”

The MQM chief questioned during the interview that brutalities against the women, rivals and minorities are Islam of which kind.

He said on the occasion that supporting Taliban is against Islam and advocating them is also totally against the Islam.

“Those neck chopped FC personnel were our own children; these soldiers immediately come forward to help the Nation in every calamity and mishap but they had been also killed brutally,” said Altaf Hussain while expressing his views and feelings over 23 FC men’s killings by Taliban.

The MQM chief questioned the rulers on the occasion that if someone chops necks of your sister, daughter or sons, then what would be your response towards the killers?

Pakistan army should takeover to eliminate terrorism: Altaf Hussain | SAMAA TV
bhai said it after drinking this soft drink

MQM is the only party which is seriou about Pakistan, rest are in deep slumber, only MQM can gather 100,000 people on 1 day notice to show solidarity with our armed forces

only MQM is pushing govt to take bold steps with out wasting any more time

any time wasted is fatal for the existence of Pakistan and for its security :pakistan: only MQM realises it and is acting to push govt for in brilliant way

bhai said it after drinking this soft drink


abi aap ne kitni peg lagaye hue he jaani :lol:
this guy must be trailed for treason.

again and again he proves himself to be treasonous....violator of the law of the land....
this guy must be trailed for treason.

again and again he proves himself to be treasonous....violator of the law of the land....

whts the punishment for zana according to islamic laws?
Whatever is said about them, I do admire their anti Taliban stance greatly.
Exactly. So do I. MQM has my support for being no-nonsense and bold about such stuff. Rest of them are all wusses.

Such lies..you could have easily lased half the talibitch targets in FATA for incoming ordinance, IF only you'd been willing to get off your arse and do something! :angry:
Me like shooting Talibithces, but this time around spent most time in settled areas! :p:

Such lies..you could have easily lased half the talibitch targets in FATA for incoming ordinance, IF only you'd been willing to get off your arse and do something! :angry:
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