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Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

Pakistan army is a greatest army in the world.No one can compete them because of our soldiers are brave and loyal with country.
Copying the NATO style, Pakistani forces have started putting on P Caps as the part of their uniform almost abandonning their former Beret Caps. Firstly, it looks very much odd with the typical Pakistani face. Secondly, it though cures face from sun upto some extent but a soldier with this cap slightly looking down remains blind from the scenario before him. The classical Beret Caps are more dignified and formal than this stuff.
Copying the NATO style...

Its somewhat upsetting that a handful of us can't appreciate how the Army's changing their equipment (which is old news,TBH) standards,and accuse them of "copying" NATO.No,its not copying and the Army is entering the 21st century.Some of us even kept complaining how we still use "WW2 Equipment". Can't we just make up our mind and be grateful that with all the BS going on the ground components in the future still have enough funds to gain a qualitative edge over the opposing forces in Pakistan?The khaki unifrom had to go and rooivalk combat BDUs had to be put into service,and inshallah we will see more locally built advancements.
Copying the NATO style, Pakistani forces have started putting on P Caps as the part of their uniform almost abandonning their former Beret Caps. Firstly, it looks very much odd with the typical Pakistani face. Secondly, it though cures face from sun upto some extent but a soldier with this cap slightly looking down remains blind from the scenario before him. The classical Beret Caps are more dignified and formal than this stuff.

Can you name me a facking army that wears berets with CCDs?

Berets are only worn with khaki uniform or even with CCD by those on staff appointments/office bearers.

i guess you also missed the 'jungle hats' that are worn with CCDs by PA in addition to the Peak caps, no?
In US Army and Airforce, berets are worn on base duties. In trainnig or combat ops., campaign headgear or helmets are worn. Both the Rangers and SOF personnel like to wear berets as sign of belonging to elite units.

The campaign headgear is more practical, I think the visor of PA campaign hat is slightly too long and can induce blind spots. But it is more practical. This is the same reason that we see more and more PA exercise photos showing personnel in the field wearing crew neck T-Shirts instead of the BDU blouse.

US Rangers wear their Campaign Headgear in a slightly modified way, by folding down inside, the top of their caps so as to form a knob on the top of the head.

US Campaign/Field Headgear has ear flaps folded inside of the BDU Headgear.

I think PA is doing the right thing by bringing in the BDU Headgear. The Beret for the nostalgic value and ceremony can still be worn when on base duties or parades.
:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN

Southern Command War Games Begins

Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited Multan to attend the opening session of Southern Command War Games today.
The Southern Command War Games mark the next phase of this year's Azm-e-Nau series exercises which started with the Central Command War Games in May and was followed by Corps level War Games within Central Command. The process is aimed at reviewing and validating operational plans in the light of current threat spectrum.
Earlier, on arrival, COAS was received by Lieutenant General Shafqaat Ahmed, Commander Multan Corps.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lt Gen Muzammil new Gujranwala Corps Commander

RAWALPINDI: Inspector General of Training and Evaluation (IGT and E) Lt Gen Muzammil Hussain has been appointed Gujranwala Corps Commander, military sources said on Monday. According to the sources, present Gujranwala Corps Commander Lt Gen Raheel Sharif has been appointed the new Inspector General of Training and Evaluation. app
Target - Pakistan Army

By: Nadir Mir | September 25, 2012

Apparently, Pakistan Army is the target. It is being assailed by friends and foes alike. The army, which has stood like a rock in the country’s defence, is the hurdle for its enemies. Our enemies believe that by weakening the army and demonising the ISI,Pakistan can be denuclearised and balkanised. This is, indeed, the illogic of imperialist-hegemonic powers. Yet, more astounding is the role of Pakistan’s civilian-political leadership, who seeks to shrink the army’s space in national affairs. Even while lamenting the ‘last military dictator’, it is the army that is facing the gauntlet. A case in point is the alleged NLC scam.

The ISPR issued succinct comments on the subject. On the NLC issue, in essence, the army took some unprecedented steps.

The matter was logically and legally against these retired senior officers. Even while due process of law is under way, mis-perceptions are being created that should be dispelled. The fact is that the ISPR has done a good job in clarifying the mist and the matter should not be politicised any longer. Even local newspapers have elucidated the ISPR’s viewpoint clearly and convincingly. It is true that there should be no holy cows and the law must take its course. By the same token, military systems all over the world also resort to institutional actions when required. In any event, premature disinformation is not warranted till matters have reached their logical conclusion.

The army’s image may improve due to legal transparency, yet it should not become a precedent for witch-hunt. The officers of various ranks over the last decades have been performing multiple duties. These include, besides basic military duties, martial laws, involvement in civil affairs, intelligence tasks and, more recently, anti-militant operations. Opening a Pandora’s Box of alleged complaints will lead to lowering the military’s morale, besides other adverse affects. Except for multi-billion scams or gross violation of the Constitution, other matters should be left to the army’s own internal accountability. In any event, selective accountability - whether of the army, politicians or any other group or institution - will do more harm than good. Reportedly, billions of dollars are stacked in overseas bank accounts by incumbents of previous regime. Accountability for all should be acceptable to all.

The issue is not that the army is above accountability; nor the civilian supremacy is being challenged. The real issue is whatever mistakes were made by it (all armies make mistakes, including Napoleon’s Grand Armée, Hitler’s Wehrmacht and even US post-RMA hyper forces etc), they are being mixed up with anti-Pakistan stratagems of foreign foes. While historically Pakistan faces multifaceted challenges, the recent surge in information warfare onslaught is daunting.

An unrelenting media campaign has been launched in foreign lands and within Pakistan against our national interests. The foreign hostile agenda is mostly geopolitically driven. The local component is either foreign sponsored or misguided and, in some cases, simply frustrated with the prevailing national order. Frequently though, the foreign plus local tirade is directed at the army.

This fine institution (among the best in the world) deftly defending the nation, and most ably led, is the ire ofPakistan’s enemies. The non-state actors, Balochistan, the militants to the cyber warfare in India etc, are all bogey of the demonisation campaign launched against Pakistan’s first line of defence.

Pakistan’s strides in nuclear warfare haunt those who harbour animosity for this country. Of late,Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapon NASR with its 60km range, reflecting miniaturisation expertise and deterrence enhancer is the phobia of foreign think tanks.

The solution to Balochistan’s problems lies within Pakistan(inclusive of Baloch viewpoint) and not with the UN or anybody else. While Balochistan merits urgent resolution, foreign meddling only spoils the issue.

Foreign agents have become untouchables. Those who betray Pakistan, work for foreign powers and break local laws are being projected akin to heroes. After the May incident in Abbottabad, for example, Dr Afridi’s CIA sponsored polio campaign had resulted in an anti-polio campaign. Next, Hussain Haqqani after the memo debacle was offered succour by USA.

The need of the hour is national unity. Whatever shortcomings are present within the national system or grievances with any individual or group, they should not be directed at the army. Serious issues should neither be dogmatically preached, nor slanderously projected via media. They demand proper knowledge, analysis, and presentation that should not forsake the national cause.

The Pakistan Army has heroically fought against multiple adversaries, even in overwhelming odds defended Pakistan. Its prestige is the prestige of the nation. All citizens must support the army in its sacred duties. It, in turn, must remain professional, apolitical, nationalistic and brave. It should further distance itself from the infamous legacy of the previous regime; the challenges ahead demand these virtues from the army. The Pakistan Army supported by the Pakistani nation can weather all storms.Pakistan’s real enemy is outside Pakistan, even if they harbour quislings within.

The geopolitical winds favour Pakistan:
Middle East is ablaze with anti- Americanism in which the Americans will be embroiled even further. The Americans will be leaving with the bulk of their forces from Afghanistan, resulting in reduction of Pakistan’s destabilisation. The Chinese will be arriving in Gwadar and bonding Pakistan in an even tighter geopolitical economic embrace.

The Russians will be Pakistan’s new friend. The visit of Pakistan Air Chief, followed by the COAS to Moscowand President Putin in Islamabad opens new geopolitical options.

Pakistan Army remains determined and prepared to defend the country. The nation remains prepared to support it!

The writer is a retired brigadier and has authored a book titled Gwadar on the Global Chessboard. Blog: wwwpakistangeopolitics.blogspot.com
Target - Pakistan Army

By: Nadir Mir | September 25, 2012

Apparently, Pakistan Army is the target. It is being assailed by friends and foes alike. The army, which has stood like a rock in the country’s defence, is the hurdle for its enemies. Our enemies believe that by weakening the army and demonising the ISI,Pakistan can be denuclearised and balkanised. This is, indeed, the illogic of imperialist-hegemonic powers. Yet, more astounding is the role of Pakistan’s civilian-political leadership, who seeks to shrink the army’s space in national affairs. ...................

What an utterly predictable lament.

That is the crux, isn't it: Just how expansive should the Army's space be in national affairs? An argument can be made that presently it is too big, but efforts to put it into its rightful place should not jeopardize the country itself.

Quite the dilemma.

Guys, can you please confirm, whether this is a thermal imaging telescope or the Red Spot site. ?
The geopolitical winds favour Pakistan:
Middle East is ablaze with anti- Americanism in which the Americans will be embroiled even further. The Americans will be leaving with the bulk of their forces from Afghanistan, resulting in reduction of Pakistan’s destabilisation. The Chinese will be arriving in Gwadar and bonding Pakistan in an even tighter geopolitical economic embrace.

The Russians will be Pakistan’s new friend. The visit of Pakistan Air Chief, followed by the COAS to Moscowand President Putin in Islamabad opens new geopolitical options...................

Oh, and by the way, the geopolitical "winds" that are mentioned are not much of a breeze, and can be easily changed by a huff and a puff the other way.
Rawalpindi - September 25, 2012:
A high powered delegation lead by General Ma Xiaotian, Deputy Chief of General Staff of Peoples Liberation Army (PLA), China, today visited Joint Staff Headquarters Chaklala. General Ma Xiaotian called on General Khalid Shameem Wynne, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) and discussed matters related to ongoing mutual cooperation between the two Armed Forces.
The visit of Chinese delegation commences the start of 9th Round of Pak-China Defence and Security Talks, which dialate upon the Defence and Security relations between the two countries.
General Ma Xiaotian appreciated the role played by the people and Armed Forces of Pakistan specially the efforts in fighting terrorism. He reiterated that the cooperation in different fields between the two Armed Forces will continue with a renewed resolve and commitment towards each other.
A document concerning mutual military cooperation was also signed by the two sides. On his arrival at Joint Staff Headquarters General Ma Xiaotian was presented a guard of honour by a smartly turned out tri service contingent.


General Ma Xiaotion, Deputy Chief of General Staff of Peoples Liberation Army, China and General Khalid Shamim Wynne, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee receiving salute from the tri service contingent at Joint Staff Headquarters Chaklala on Tuesday.


General Ma Xiaotian, Deputy Chief of General Staff called on Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani at General Headquarters on Tuesday

Sixth phase of repatriation of SWA IDPs begins

WANA: The sixth phase of the repatriation process of the internally displaced persons from South Waziristan got underway Monday, officials said.

Addressing the repatriating tribal people at the Frontier Corps Fort in Tank on Monday, Brigadier Muhammad Asghar said the 395 families comprising 1,753 individuals would be repatriated during the sixth phase of the repatriation process by September 26.

He said that 43,153 persons had been repatriated during the five phases that started in 2010.H said model villages were being established for the returning tribespeople and health centres, schools and markets had been rehabilitated. He said fish, poultry and cattle farms were being set up to create jobs opportunities.
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