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Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

Pakistan is a troubled country, and from this perspective is indeed very much like the Chinese. Last year, China's major earthquake occurred in Sichuan province, many Chinese people see clearly from this disaster in the fact: the Chinese in the world a few real friends? very grateful to Pakistan for the assistance of the Chinese people! I have not been to Pakistan, but I am always concerned about the country: from the formation of the people of Pakistan, senior officials of the aristocracy; from Karachi to the northwestern border region of Pakistan, Pakistan's economic , political, scientific, technological, military and other fields are being slowly moved towards prosperity. This is a very good sign.
I hope that the national defense sites in Pakistan, I have to make more friends, and i hope in the future to Pakistan Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore and other cities.I think that each of the Chinese people have a conscience and can do some good in Pakistan, as long as we have the determination.
Pakistan to be prosperous, it must create a stable living environment. Confusion caused by the situation in Pakistan I think there are a few reasons: (1) The Government of Pakistan in the long-term friction. (2) the western countries of double standards policy in the suppression of Pakistan. (3) national dispute. (4) weak economic base. (5) the need for innovation in the military industry. In fact, Pakistan is also aware of such a truth: a regime where the barrel of a gun.
I believe that more Pakistanis are more miss Musharraf era of stability and glory. So far, there are strong military capabilities and command ability of the President of the country there are only two people: Musharraf and former Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Pakistan‘s leadership in this sector and the Musharraf era What is the difference? I personally think that the first muscle in the hide, and the other muscles in the display.There are indications that the United States re-armed India, India’s body to straighten up all of a sudden. I would like to ask, Why is Pakistan not to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?

Pakistan has applied for membership in SCO, but so has India and also Iran - Russia and Uzbekistan continue to block Pakistani membership but this may change.

For Your information, People in Pakistan are always grateful to China because China was always a friend, I hope it will continue to be.

I second what Muse Said.You can even see from posts here that majority of Pakistani don't fall into Western Media trap regarding China and it's policies.
tank you i can understand your problem i can solve if you want know that..plz visit here...
Turkish land force Commander arrives
Tuesday, 13 Oct, 2009 12:20 am

ISLAMABAD : Commander Turkish Land Forces General Ilker Basbug on Monday arrived in Islamabad on day’s official visit on the invitation of Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

He was received by COAS on his arrival at the airport. A smartly turned out contingent of Pak army presented salute to the dignitary, said an ISPR press release.

Turkish land force Commander arrives
Tuesday, 13 Oct, 2009 12:20 am

ISLAMABAD : Commander Turkish Land Forces General Ilker Basbug on Monday arrived in Islamabad on day’s official visit on the invitation of Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

He was received by COAS on his arrival at the airport. A smartly turned out contingent of Pak army presented salute to the dignitary, said an ISPR press release.

:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN

General Tariq Majid, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) is on an official visit to Sultanate of Oman

General Tariq Majid, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) who is on an official visit to Sultanate of Oman, spent a busy day here at Muscat, meeting with top brass of Royal Omani Armed Forces.

       CJCSC called on Chief of Staff of the Sultan’s Armed Forces (COSSAF), Lieutenant General Ahmad Bin Harith Al Nabhani at COSSAF Headquarters where on arrival he was presented guard of honour by a smartly turned out Royal Omani Air Force contingent. Both the senior military leaders discussed the recent developments affecting in South Asia and Arabian Peninsula and the ways and means to enhance bilateral cooperation between the armed forces to serve defence and security needs of the two countries. Highlighting the deletarious impact and social, economic and political fallouts of the conflictual situation existing in some of the neighbouring countries, threats of terrorism and violent extremism, and increasing incidences of international crimes especially sea piracy, drug trafficking and human smuggling etc, CJCSC emphasized the need for mutually reinforcing collaborative efforts and enhanced cooperation to effectively deal with such security dilemmas.

Dilating upon the scope and potential to upgrade defense and security ties between the two countries, CJCSC General Tariq Majid underscored the importance of regular operational coordination and instituting a mechanism for real time intelligence sharing. In addition to offering enhanced assistance to meet training, technical manpower, logistics and maintenance support and military hardware needs of Royal Omani Armed Forces, CJCSC also proposed partnership for joint ventures with the defense industry of Pakistan.

Later in a separate meeting with Rear Admiral Abdullah bin Khamis bin Abdullah Al Raisi. Commander Royal Navy of Oman (CRNO), Chairman JCSC explored the avenues of Naval cooperation between the two brotherly countries.

General Tariq Majid also held separate meetings with HE Mohammed Bin Nassar Al Rasabi, Under Secretary of Ministry of Defence and Lieutenant General Malik Bin Suleman Al-Mamamri, General Inspector of Police and Customs to discuss specific matters for making bilateral cooperation robust and multi dimensional.

Later in the evening an official dinner was hosted by Lieutenant General Ahmad Bin Harith Al Nabhani in the honour of Chairman JCSC and his delegation which was attended by top military hierarchy of Omani Armed Forces and Mr Sohail Amin, the Ambassador of Pakistan to Oman.

General Tariq Majid, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee meeting with Lieutenant General Malik Al Mamari, Inspector Gen Police and Customs in the centre (with red barret) is Chief of Staff Sultan's Armed Forces (COSSAF).

General Tariq Majid, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee called on Rear Admiral Abdullah Khamis Al Raisi, Commander Royal Navy of Oman (24-1-2010) - Photo ISPR
Obama proposes $1.2 bn aid for Pak Army
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Seeks $160 bn war spending for Iraq, Afghanistan

WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama on Monday proposed $1.2 billion in funding next year to help train and equip Pakistani security forces to fight Taliban militants.

Created by the US Congress last year, the Pakistan Counter-insurgency Capability Fund set aside some $700 million in 2009 to train and equip the Pakistan Army and other security forces.

The president also requested $1.322 billion for Pakistan from what is known as the Economic Support Fund (ESF), a House Democratic aide, who had seen detailed budget documents, told Reuters.

This fund promotes economic and political stability in strategically important regions where the United States has special security interests. That’s a proposed increase of $289 million, or not quite a third, in economic aid from that fund to Pakistan from a year earlier, and is consistent with the US promises to step up economic aid to Islamabad.

Economic support funds are provided on a grant basis and are available for many economic purposes, like infrastructure and development projects. The House aide did not know how the new funds would be spent in Pakistan. The administration also asked Congress to approve $296 million for Pakistan from a programme called the Foreign Military Financing, the House aide said. These are grants given to foreign governments to finance the purchase of American-made weapons, services and training.

Obama also proposed another two years of hefty spending in Iraq and Afghanistan, seeking the approval of the US Congress for about $160 billion this year and again in fiscal 2011 to pay war costs.

The war spending proposed by Obama is only slightly less than in each of the last two years of the administration of President George Bush and carries considerable political perilfor the Democratic president, who took office in 2009.

Obama announced in December he was adding 30,000 more US troops to the Afghan war effort to join the 68,000 already fighting the Taliban. To pay for this surge, Obama on Monday asked for an additional $33 billion in the fiscal 2010, on top of about $130 billion that the Congress has already approved for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars through Sept 30, 2010.

His proposed budget will also include a request for $159.3 billion for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for the fiscal 2011 that begins on Oct 1. Obama’s budget released on Monday also includes a “placeholder” estimate of $50 billion for the year 2012 and beyond. But the budget documents of the Obama administration noted that these estimates do not reflect any policy decisions about specific military or intelligence operations. So, those decisions are yet to come.

Obama proposes $1.2 bn aid for Pak Army
NATO offers to train Pakistani officers

BRUSSELS: NATO and Pakistan have discussed ways to boost cooperation, and the military alliance stands ready to train Pakistani officers if requested, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Monday. “I can confirm that we had a good discussion on how we could further develop practical cooperation, including training activities,” he said, following talks last week with Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani. “It will be a process driven by Pakistani demands. If it is a request from the Pakistani military or government, NATO is prepared to engage in training activities,” he told reporters in Brussels. A NATO official said the training would involve mid-level Pakistani officers and be carried out in the alliance’s schools in Europe. afp

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Corps commanders deliberate upon Azm-e-Nau II
Thursday, February 11, 2010

ISLAMABAD: The Corps Commanders Conference held on Wednesday deliberated upon the conclusion of war game (Azm-e-Nau-II) and expressed satisfaction at the evolution of comprehensive and integrated response.

The 126th Corps Commanders’ Conference held at the General Headquarters was chaired by Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, said an ISPR press release. The conference was part of regular monthly meetings.

The Corps Commanders’ Conference was synchronised with the conclusion of the Army war game (Azm-e-Nau II) in which through a hardcore professional discourse, response to existing as well as emerging threat scenarios was exhaustively evaluated. The forum

expressed its satisfaction over the evolution of a comprehensive and integrated response. This was part of the Army’s eternal vigilance process. The COAS also shared with the forum his interaction with Nato commanders during his visit to Brussels.

Corps commanders deliberate upon Azm-e-Nau II
PPP removes CJCSC’s name from website after his warning
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
By Rauf Klasra

ISLAMABAD: General Tariq Majeed, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, is said to have sought a public apology from the ruling PPP after the party’s official website continued to post a reference against him sent to the NAB in 2005. Gen Tariq at that time was the chief of the general staff at the GHQ.

The immediate reaction of General Majeed’s threat to move the court of law if public apology was not tendered was that the reference which has remained on the website for five years (2005-2010) had suddenly been removed.

The reference, which has now become a huge problem for the top PPP leadership, was sent to the NAB by PPP as a complainant on September 7, 2005 through PPP MPA Amir Farid Paracha, advocate, High Court Islamabad.

Since then, this reference remained available on the official website of the PPP along with three dozen of other references filed during the Musharraf regime both against his military and civilian aides. But now this single reference along with other such references have quietly been removed after General Tariq threatened to move the court against the ruling party.

Meanwhile, top-level sources have confirmed that General Tariq has brought the matter into the notice of President Zardari. Prior to this he took the army chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani into confidence. The Presidency has so far maintained silence over the issue. The sources said General Tariq was hitherto not aware of the reference still posted on the PPP’s website. As he came to know about it he immediately contacted the Presidency.

Repeated attempts to contact DG ISPR General Athar failed, and a message sent to his cell phone also went unresponded. Talking to The News, presidential spokesman Farhatullah Babar, however, did not deny filing of reference against General Tariq Majeed. Without naming General Majeed and the reference filed against him, Babar said the PPP had filed a number of references -- some three dozens -- with NAB. All these references were based on press reports and were accompanied with copies of clippings as well. However, Babar said, NAB did not take them up, apparently because the media reports of corruption could not be substantiated with evidence.

PPP removes CJCSC’s name from website after his warning
Well, I just wanna say that I am feeling pleasant in this thread as here I have become aware of the several news about military. Its my favorite thread and each time I visit it, I get to know fresh news about our military. :yahoo::what::smitten::azn::rofl:
Pak military officers take weeklong study tour of US

ISLAMABAD: Twenty-two military officers from the National Defense University travelled to the US this week for a weeklong foreign study tour to encourage increased communication and positive relationships between the US and Pakistani militaries. The exchange programme, developed as part of close cooperation between Pakistan and the US, focused on the development of US national security policy and on US civil-military relations. During the trip, Pakistani officers visited several key US military and government institutions, including the Pentagon, the US State Department, the National Defense University, US Central Command and US Special Operations Command headquarters in Tampa, the US Joint Forces Headquarters, US Navy Expeditionary Combat Command, and the Joint Irregular Warfare Centre in Norfolk. staff report
Mission: 250 Pak Army troops return from Congo

KARACHI: A contingent of 250 Pakistan Army troops returned from Congo after successfully completing their tenure under the aegis of the United Nations. An ISPR press release issued on Saturday stated the relief and rotation plan of Pakistan Army troops from UN mission in Congo would be completed during the current month. It added that Colonel Imtiaz Ahmad welcomed the troops on their arrival at Quaid-e-Azam International Airport. It is worth mentioning that Pakistan is one of the largest, troop-contributing countries in United Nations Peace Missions and has earned a high degree of respect as proficient and dedicated blue helmets working for the cause of global peace. app
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