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Closing Ceremony of Pakistan Kazakhstan Joint Military Exercise “Dostarym III” held at National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC),

Exercise aimed at strengthening co-op between both countries in face of emerging counter terrorism & counter-insurgency .


The TB2 from Turkey is a great choice with its 4 hardpoints that can carry MAM L's would be great to blunt armored offensives by India plus they are really cheap and if some are shot down it would not effect us that much.
And not to forget that the TB2 helped the Azeris win the NK war. Imagine a 4 Million $ TB2 destroying a 100 Million $ S400.
Whatever worked for the Azeris may not work for Pakistan - maybe some tactics but the underlying environment is very different to that conflict. Terrian masking and systems integration worked against Armenia a lot as well. Towards the terrain of north Punjab it may have a greater impact than the south. The Libya conflict is a great example of drone vs drone warfare where Sams have been successful in clearing out drones due to essentially flat terrain.
Whatever worked for the Azeris may not work for Pakistan - maybe some tactics but the underlying environment is very different to that conflict. Terrian masking and systems integration worked against Armenia a lot as well. Towards the terrain of north Punjab it may have a greater impact than the south. The Libya conflict is a great example of drone vs drone warfare where Sams have been successful in clearing out drones due to essentially flat terrain.
The success & failure of EW systems, as well as SHORAD was another important lesson, from Libya.
Two PMA cadets graduate from Turkish Military Academy

Thu, 2 Sep 2021, 9:16 PM

ANKARA, Sep 2 (APP): The fraternal Pakistan-Turkey relations witnessed another milestone on August 30 as two cadets of the Pakistan Military Academy graduated from the Turkish Military Academy Ankara at an impressive ceremony.

Both the gentlemen cadets have reached Pakistan to join their duties as officers of Pakistan Army.

According to a press release issued by Pakistan Embassy here on Thursday, this was for the first time that Pakistani cadets attended the five-year long training programme, although Pakistan military officers regularly attend courses in Turkish military academies and vice versa.

The Pakistani cadets pursued their training programme under the agreement signed during the 13th High Level Military Dialogue Group meeting held in Ankara in 2015.

Bilateral defence cooperation is the hallmark of the strong Pakistan-Turkey fraternal ties. Both sides have strong defence cooperation covering training, exchange visits and co-production of defence equipment.

The graduating young cadets Abdullah Nawaz Abbasi and Ali Adeel Zafar in their remarks expressed their immense pleasure and honour to have graduated from Turkey’s prestigious military institution.

They conveyed their gratitude to their Turkish instructors and staff for making them proud soldiers capable of meeting future challenges. They wowed to work hard for promoting Pakistan-Turkey brotherhood.


Pakistan army officer graduating from Iranian military university the two country have a long history of training each other soldiers, congratulations ASIF


Closing Ceremony of Pakistan Kazakhstan Joint Military Exercise “Dostarym III” held at National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC),

Exercise aimed at strengthening co-op between both countries in face of emerging counter terrorism & counter-insurgency .

View attachment 774653

View attachment 774654
first time i have seen julian name,diversity???
first time i have seen julian name,diversity???
That's are many other Christian officers as well.... That's the diversity of our army.
first time i have seen julian name,diversity???
And that yellow stripe on his uniform says that he has been seriously injured fighting....he was injured in Swat, around 2009, as part of a Commando battalion.
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