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Pakistan Army Information

this is amazing, here in america they are desperate for people to join their army, navy, marine... they want people sooo much that they have lowered IQ test limit, they are accepting over-weight individuals and eyesight limit is -3.
this is amazing, here in america they are desperate for people to join their army, navy, marine... they want people sooo much that they have lowered IQ test limit, they are accepting over-weight individuals and eyesight limit is -3.

sh*t... so unlucky, we are dying to join the army but they dont accept us :)

Its very hard to get accepted to military high schools in Turkey. They want the best of the bests, i lost the exams it was years ago but im still sad about it

If i could i was about to finish military college right now :hitwall:
sh*t... so unlucky, we are dying to join the army but they dont accept us

Its very hard to get accepted to military high schools in Turkey. They want the best of the bests, i lost the exams it was years ago but im still sad about it

If i could i was about to finish military college right now
They offer americans full scholarship, 20,000 dollars and extremely easy exam just for a signature.
they have to get people for Afghanistan and Iraq.
Date Posted: 07-Dec-2000


Pakistan's mineclearing capability export push


Soofi Defence Industries of Pakistan is promoting for export the Mineclearing Roller System (MCRS), known in Pakistan as the Trawl Anti-Mine system (TAM) which was introduced into service with the Pakistan Army several years ago.

The Pakistan Army uses the TAM system installed on either a turret-less Czechoslovakian T-55 series main battle tank (MBT) chassis as a dedicated mine clearance system or on the NORINCO (China North Industries Corporation) Type 59 MBT armed with a 100mm, or more recently, 105mm gun.

The MCRS can be installed on an MBT in 30 to 40 minutes. The T-55 chassis can be fitted with a crane to offload replacement rollers so no additional logistical support in the form of a truck-mounted crane is required.

Two roller assemblies are mounted on the front of the hull. Each contains four 900mm diameter x 180mm wide rollers. As the vehicle moves forwards at a speed of between 8 to 10km/h, the rollers exert pressure on the ground. This detonates the anti-tank mine. The force of the explosion causes the roller assembly to be lifted upwards on its suspension, thus reducing the force of the blast. This is distributed on the mass of the roller, arms and the mass of the carrier vehicle attachment.

A chain attachment is hung between the two sets of mineclearing rollers to activate any anti-tank mines fitted with a tilt rod fuze. The rollers clear a path to the immediate front of the track of the vehicle. The MCRS is also referred to as the Track Width Mine Roller (TWMR).

The complete MCRS system weighs about 7,000kg, with each roller being specially heat treated to endure between eight and 10 mine blasts. When travelling, the rollers are raised clear of the ground so that the vehicle can operate at its normal speed.

Soofi Defence Industries stressed to Jane's Defence Weekly that the MCRS is an all-mechanical system as this is more suited to the harsh local operational environment.

The MCRS can also be used in conjunction with a plough kit to clear double fuzed and electromagnetic anti-tank mines. Another alternative is to fit a full-width rake at the rear of the vehicle. The latter weighs 2,000kg and is 4m wide and can plough up anti-tank mines to a maximum depth of 305mm.

The standard MCRS has four rollers but an alternative is to use six rollers with an additional roller unit mounted at the rear to enable the vehicle to clear a full path width of anti-tank mines. This version, which weighs 10,000kg, is also referred to as the Full Width Mine Roller (FWMR).

The T-55 version is a dedicated mine clearing system. The Pakistan Army delivers the basic chassis to Soofi Defence Industries which then fits the MCRS. Before entering service, the complete system is tested against a typical 10kg anti-tank mine.

The MCRS can be fitted to a wide range of MBT types, including AMX-30; Leopard 1; Russian T-54/T-55/T-62/T-72/T-80; and US M1/M47/M48/M60 to name but a few. So far, the only export customer is understood to be Kuwait which took delivery of a number of systems some years ago after the 1990-91Gulf War to clear Iraqi-laid anti-tank mines.
Couldn't find a artillery thread, so "Pakistan Army Information" seems a relevant section to post a query!

Can a member please post details regarding what kind of artillery is in Pak army's inventory, numbers, range, modern guns, etc ???

Pakistan shoot down US Helicopter Drone

Pakistan Army have shoot down US and Nato Helicopter and Drone after violating the Pakistani Air Space and killing pakistani people and soldiers
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Couldn't find a artillery thread, so "Pakistan Army Information" seems a relevant section to post a query!

Can a member please post details regarding what kind of artillery is in Pak army's inventory, numbers, range, modern guns, etc ???


if u go to the 1st few posts u will get the info u r seeking!
I'm doing a small research study and I was wondering how the Pakistani military procures life protection gear, vests, inserts, helmets, shields, vehicle armor and the such and what would be the best channel a vendor can use to market their products to the military.
Can anyone help me out with this?
Perhaps some hard data/facts and or references so that I can get through to someone who will give me some information about this?

Best wishes,

That radical religious group is.. America! Interesting how civil wars and bombings never existed on this scale before the US showed up. What a coincidence that after the US invades the sovereign country of Afghanistan, they suddenly have Iraq style bombings, widespread poverty, looting of resources by occupiers & their puppet govt, and Afghan goes from almost zero opium crops to supplying 97% of the world's opium trade. All coincidence..the US just wants to bring peace by blowing up kids, right?
Info-Thread on the Pakistan Army. it will cover the following areas:

Infantry Division x 19
Force Command Northern Areas (Division Equivalent) x 1
Mechanized Infantry Division x 2
Independent Infantry / Mechanized Infantry Brigade x 6

Armoured Division x 2
Independent Armoured Brigade x 7
Independent Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment x 8

Artillery Division x 2

Brigade x 7

Battalion x 3

HQ x 1
Brigade x 8

Squadron x 13

Sir, as you have stated that there are 2 artillery divisions in Pakistan Army but according to my info there are numerous artillery brigades but only one artillery division which is the 2nd Artillery division stationed at Gujranwala. Can you please confirm this ?????
Sir, as you have stated that there are 2 artillery divisions in Pakistan Army but according to my info there are numerous artillery brigades but only one artillery division which is the 2nd Artillery division stationed at Gujranwala. Can you please confirm this ?????

depends to whom these Bde's are sub-ordinated - Div-HQ or Corps-HQ!
2nd Artillery is sub-ordinate to the XXX-Corps.

I wanted to know about the second artillery division you stated. .

when u say 'numerous' - what do u mean - 6, 8, 10........lets assume we have 6 arty bde's - thats enough for 2 divisions. the formation of the 2nd arty div is probably a recent event - the other 3 bde's may be independent as of now, but soon to be subordinated to a strike corps.
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