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Pakistan army capture taliban comander along his fighters

These terrorists only deserve death, they don't deserve to live, not even for one second.
yes these scums deserve nothing short of a death penalty for their crimes against humanity.i would loveto see them getting hanged in public.that will surely send a message to all the remaining scums that if they are arrested they would face the same treatment.:coffee:
Actually yes.....give them halva....make them your best friends and send them back into the TTP so they can pass intel.
The ones that dont play game or end up going back to the TTP but double cross you ,give them extreme punishment.

right, and if caught he will prefer the taliban beheadings then army chitrol :lol:
What a pathetic inhumane behaviour from an unprofessional Army, and what a irresponsible comments from a Pakistani member. These soldiers must be prosecuted for there inhumane behaviour.

@RazPaK: correctly said bro, beheading, stoning to death, mutilating bodies, piercing hot rod in ear is what you will suggest. We have seen these acts with our soldier "Late Saurabh Kalia".

Says the guy whose security forces do this to unarmed Kashmiri youth (and even the elderly) on a very regular basis.....mosty during peacetime too.

Talk about a false sense of moral high horse!
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Windy, psychological warfare doesn't work like this. These idiots are in dire need of professional help.

My dear when these idiots start idolising painted walls as a scene from heaven....only the almighty can cure them.

Sure, kill 'em before they have a chance to spill who their accomplices and protectors who haven't been caught yet are. Brilliant!

How many of you guys are such cruel and thoughtless adrenaline addicts? Can't you take up cross-country skiing instead?
Contrary to our dire wishes, these culprits are not being sent to their maker....just a little softening brings out the Canary.
BTW, I enjoy snowboarding but the damn shoulder is still a bit twitchy.
Sir, there is an acute difference.....unlike SL, we are still very much in a war like situation.... these very culprits show no remorse on filming everything from beheading to stoning to death an adulterer.... at least the culprits aren't being systematically executed ....sometimes i think it's neccesary to convey a message, even if it's a bit graphic in nature. !!
It is one of those time when I have to disagree with you, psycological warfare does not work like that, you know what these kind of videos do to a Solider (be it army or militant) ? it motivates them......Imagine you being a solider and the video you just say was Vis a vis, taliban beating Army personnel? how would you feel? Enraged! isn't it, you would just want to rip heads of these people and burn them alive........THis video will do the same to Militants, infact it will be used as a recruiting material for the militant forces......

PA should not have done this, either shoot them and get down with them or take them to courts, No one deserves to be beaten like this, now after watching this video, which I am sure will be presented in the court, what CJ will say? obviosuly the confessional statement will be made null and void as it was taken under severe circumstances.

On the other hand who is this guy who filmed this all and then posted it on the internet, was it out of sympathy for those militants and he wanted people to know about the truth?

@OP, because of these interogation tactics CIA / US always prefered to take prisoners into there custody for which they paid heavily because they didnot approve of out interogation tactics, I remember reading in a book how CIA took al-qaeda terrorist from pakistani prison to afghanistan because they knew pakistani forces will use physical torture techniques and will do no good to hardcore militants.....they wanted a psycological torture a less physical approach and much effective.....
Do you have any idea what you are talking about??

1. BSF caught on camera beating Bangladeshi Pole-Vaulter : The BSF soldiers Suspended.
2. DGP Vanjara suspected in extrajudicial killing of terrorist : Suspended and enquiry goin on..

Whn ever we found any such evidence , we acted..

Son it is your personal affair till it remain under your boundary, problem comes when your unprofessional army show its true colour to neighbours and own ppl.

1. Saurabh Kalia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2. Beheading of Indian soldiers,
3. Headless bodies of Balochs,
4. Extra judicial killing of Balochs and others..

I don't give a sh!t what you are doing with your baloch or Shias, You kill them all I will not say a word, But when same army does cruelity with our soldiers, It hurts..

Lol look who is talking. What is your professionalism of your effing pathetic country and its military?

Former Air chief taking commissions and kickbacks
Another Army chief involved in age controversy.
Dozens of other corruption cases.
Soldiers involved in r@pes and extra judicial killings in conflict zones like IOK
Another defense minister involved in coffin and boffers scandal
Serving officers involved in the drug smuggling.
Soldier involved in fake encounters and missions to earn money and awards from the govt
Beheading soldier of the opponent army
Soldier involved in sexually harassing wives of officers
Soldiers fighting with officers
Soldier killing each other and committing suicide.

And tons of other lanati pan by your army. First realize that you belong to a country like Bharat. Once you would realize it, you might understand that you can't dictate us about professionalism and all that. Enough said

And yes we all support whatever our army does against your country. We have a near consensus on this. ;)
Enemy of the state should be beheaded, and their head put on display outside their city home town.
Pak Army is wasting their energy. They should import some chitar from punjab police with an extra coating of Jamah da tail. Couple of them bare assed and he will going to spill every thing out. :omghaha:
Pak Army is wasting their energy. They should import some chitar from punjab police with an extra coating of Jamah da tail. Couple of them bare assed and he will going to spill every thing out. :omghaha:

True, Punjab police beatings are worse than this. :rofl:
True, Punjab police beatings are worse than this. :rofl:

I had the luxury to witness chitar in action when i was in pak last time. The guy they used it on confessed right after a second chitar.
This is what is known as idiocy in its heights.
Are these beatings not done otherwise? One has to hear of what goes in ISI cells to know.
Ive seen people being beaten for ten days.. by everyone with a grudge against anything.. in order to get them to give information. Doses upon doses of Sodium Pentholol..
Not letting a person sleep for weeks...
That gets them to spill things out at a much more convincing and accurate way.
Beating only gets partial information when it is needed quickly..

Yet the person who released this film has taken all that work down the drain.

Waterboarding and other forms of torture are all common with agencies all over the world. But that is why you have intelligence agencies with records that dont exist. Here you have soldiers with PAK numbers easily traceable and accountable.

Hamid Mir will have a field day with this.. joining him will be our milk-washed neighbors.. then the Human rights clubs.. and so on and so forth.
Well done.. idiot of a cameraman.
What a pathetic inhumane behaviour from an unprofessional Army, and what a irresponsible comments from a Pakistani member. These soldiers must be prosecuted for there inhumane behaviour.

@RazPaK: correctly said bro, beheading, stoning to death, mutilating bodies, piercing hot rod in ear is what you will suggest. We have seen these acts with our soldier "Late Saurabh Kalia".

Coming From Guy Whos professional Army rapes women beat and kill children Bcz they are muslim and they want their birth right of freedom in kashmir bcz they dont have the gutt to take attack Pak

While on the other side THese guys capture our soldiers behead them and you guys are giving us lecture of humanity what if the victim was your friend your brother or your dad When You are just watching it from tv you can call these guys inhuman or unprofessional wht eve you wana call them but they are living in that area where words dont work You need a stick or A gun to talk to these ..................Holes
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I seen worse beatings for possession of alcohol.
What a pathetic inhumane behaviour from an unprofessional Army, and what a irresponsible comments from a Pakistani member. These soldiers must be prosecuted for there inhumane behaviour.

@RazPaK: correctly said bro, beheading, stoning to death, mutilating bodies, piercing hot rod in ear is what you will suggest. We have seen these acts with our soldier "Late Saurabh Kalia".

The quotes "/" signify it's made up right?
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