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Pakistan Army: Better trained?



New Recruit

Nov 19, 2007
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Do you beleive that Pak army is better trained than US army?

WHich army is beleived to be best trained in the world.

Plz give your opinion.
Well, yes Pk Army is better trained than US, for the reason US Army fight Drunk.
Turkish Army is also another good one. For the rest, someones comments will tell.
Do you beleive that Pak army is better trained than US army?

WHich army is beleived to be best trained in the world.

Plz give your opinion.

US Army overall is definitely better trained and equipped than most of the others, however Pakistan Army has some very excellent units that can be compared with any other units around the world. Training costs money...the more you have of it, the better you can train your troops. Richer countries can afford more training and better equipment but motivation, esprit de corp and morale is something that always helps.
US Army overall is definitely better trained and equipped than most of the others, however Pakistan Army has some very excellent units that can be compared with any other units around the world. Training costs money...the more you have of it, the better you can train your troops. Richer countries can afford more training and better equipment but motivation, esprit de corp and morale is something that always helps.

You summed the whole thread's discussion up sir.... "Littleist" room for debate possible now!
I would say that it is true that if you look at it the U.S. Armed forces have an advantage over our Army. This is only because they have advance weapons and they have numbers. I know for a fact that as far as training is concerned Pakistan is way better trained. The U.S. has the technology. Now lets break it down. As far as the Air Force is concerned the U.S. has technology, but their pilots aren't that well trained. It is a fact that Pakistan may not have a technologically advanced Air Force but Pakistani pilots are the best in the world. I personally think Pakistani pilots are the best in the world, probably Israelis and the Turkish pilots can compet with pur pilots. As far as the Navy is concerned I think the Pakistan Navy stands no chance against the U.S. Nazy, they have numbers and also the technology. Now as far as Army is concerned again the U.S. has a slight edge due to technology. Our Army is very well trained and I would say very well disciplined. I have seem both the U.S. and Pakistani Armies train routine, and I think Pakistan troops are better trained. Another factor which I think is important is that our soldiers are brain washed. In the 1965 war when we didn't have enough weapons and the Indians were on our territory, our soldiers attached bombs to themselves and repled the Indian attack. And yes during the 1965 war our soldier carried out sucide bombings but they were for a reason and completly with in the rules of Jihad, but I dont want to get into this now. In my opinion the training which the U.S. Army recieves is really bad, I think as far as training is concerned India, Israel, Turkey, Russia, China, North Korea and many other countries are way better trained then the U.S. Forces. But then again I am not a member of the Armed Forces of any nation so I cant speak from personal experience but I have shared what I saw and observed.
I want answer of a simple question??

If Pakistan Army is better trained , how the hell on this earth, 250 soldiers, a colonel, and 17 other officers, armed to teeth, simply surrender to few dozen rag tag militia, without firing a single shot, in Aug 2007. Why Soldiers are loosing forts to Taliban , recently.


The nation , paying taxes, need answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want answer of a simple question??

If Pakistan Army is better trained , how the hell on this earth, 250 soldiers, a colonel, and 17 other officers, armed to teeth, simply surrender to few dozen rag tag militia, without firing a single shot, in Aug 2007. Why Soldiers are loosing forts to Taliban , recently.


The nation , paying taxes, need answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes PA is better trained but to fight war's against an Army not Guerrilla wars
but here its finding difficult to fight enemy because enemy is hidden behind civilians, Army cannot fire at them without worrying about others.

Losing fort is temporary setback it can be recaptured anytime.
I want answer of a simple question??

If Pakistan Army is better trained , how the hell on this earth, 250 soldiers, a colonel, and 17 other officers, armed to teeth, simply surrender to few dozen rag tag militia, without firing a single shot, in Aug 2007. Why Soldiers are loosing forts to Taliban , recently.


The nation , paying taxes, need answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One they were not from PA but FC. FC is a paramilitary force and was used to for border patroling not for counter insurgentsi operations
second they were misinformed about the situation. They were told that the area they are traveling in is safe as according to some peace deal and so when the militants started to surround them, the officials at the headquaters said that wait we are negotiating until it was too late for them to respond.

We need to understand the ground realities before jumping up to the conclusions.
I believe that, money aside, Pakistan Army is still, along with Turkish and Chinese and Israeli, the best in the world. It is second only to Turkey. In every war (including 1971) it has proved itself.
One they were not from PA but FC. FC is a paramilitary force and was used to for border patroling not for counter insurgentsi operations
second they were misinformed about the situation. They were told that the area they are traveling in is safe as according to some peace deal and so when the militants started to surround them, the officials at the headquaters said that wait we are negotiating until it was too late for them to respond.

We need to understand the ground realities before jumping up to the conclusions.

Well Said :cheers:
I want answer of a simple question??

If Pakistan Army is better trained , how the hell on this earth, 250 soldiers, a colonel, and 17 other officers, armed to teeth, simply surrender to few dozen rag tag militia, without firing a single shot, in Aug 2007. Why Soldiers are loosing forts to Taliban , recently.


The nation , paying taxes, need answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One they were not from PA but FC. FC is a paramilitary force and was used to for border patroling not for counter insurgentsi operations
second they were misinformed about the situation. They were told that the area they are traveling in is safe as according to some peace deal and so when the militants started to surround them, the officials at the headquaters said that wait we are negotiating until it was too late for them to respond.

We need to understand the ground realities before jumping up to the conclusions.

Ice, the ones who surrendered included officers and troops from Pakistan Army as well as FC.


The troops who got arrested were careless. As far as what has been told to me is that as the convoy was moving, they came across a collapsed bridge (owing to rain and adverse weather in the recent past)..as the convoy halted, locals started gathering around. Eventually the entire convoy was surrounded and officers had to radio back to find out what they were to do in such circumstances, they were told to standby as the usual channel of contacting elders/jirga was being tried...while all this was going on, the tribals broke the convoy up in smaller parties and started moving them.

Although circumstances were unusual, the officers should have anticipated something like this and kept distance while being aware of the proximity between the convoy and the crowd but did not.
because the army is not that willing to fight its own people but if they want they can wipe out these militias in no time since they are trained in a widerange of things.and guerilla warfare is not an easy job.these militants dont fight a pitched battle cause they know theyll lose they hit and run,because they know there is no way they can survive infantry fire in a pitched battle
because the army is not that willing to fight its own people but if they want they can wipe out these militias in no time since they are trained in a widerange of things.and guerilla warfare is not an easy job.these militants dont fight a pitched battle cause they know theyll lose they hit and run,because they know there is no way they can survive infantry fire in a pitched battle

There is no doubt that PA is one of the best armies of the world but there are 2 types of failure,one is you fight and die another is you surrender either army or paramiltary force even police should not have the word "Surrender" in their dictionary.:pakistan:
Sorry guys but the simple fact is that the best armies of the world are usually the best trained (usually under realistic conditions). And as Blain has said, training costs money. So it is simple the countries that spend most money on training (and then equipment) will always be better. I don't wanna play "My toy is better than yours" But I would name 3 or four armies that I would rate above the PAK army for the above reasons.
Having said that the PAK army is a very professional organisation and with more funding would easily make the progression.

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