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Pakistan Army Aviation Corps - Updated

I wish our private sector had enough gall to buy this company out and ship the IP to Pakistan.
What’s in it for them - and I mean purely from a personal perspective. Gall isn’t it - those that have tried to do similar things have gotten the red tape barbed wire at best and the mortar attack by commission corruption.
What’s in it for them - and I mean purely from a personal perspective. Gall isn’t it - those that have tried to do similar things have gotten the red tape barbed wire at best and the mortar attack by commission corruption.
I reckon the IP will end up with our old friend Textron who, in turn, will convince us to pick up something to add to our stored AH-1Zs.
I reckon the IP will end up with our old friend Textron who, in turn, will convince us to pick up something to add to our stored AH-1Zs.
Interestingly the company is currently owned by a Chinese Group the CGAG, under which they filed for bankruptcy
Instead of the line, "For I will bring upon your death" I think using an ayah re: Dawud AS would've been cooler.

That way you have both Biblical and Qur'anic references to David AS.
Tipu makes excellent patches ...but he is not yet skilled in one liner... Brevity is the soul of wit and he has to understand it yet.
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