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Pakistan Army Aviation Corps - Updated

No such delivery is noted by any organization.

Here you go

1982 36 Assembled in Pakistan
1987 4 Ex-UAE
1995 4 Ex-Dutch
2008 2 Second-hand; SA-319B version
2008 8 Ex-French; SA-319B version

Pakistan never put any order for these. Prove me wrong.

1985 10 AH-1S
1986 10 AH-1S
2007 12 AH-1F. Ex-US; $48 m deal (financed with 'FMF' aid); modernized before delivery
2010 14 AH-1F. Ex-US

2005 26 Originally $230 m deal for 2 year lease but given to Pakistan in 2007
2010 2 $23-24 m aid, Bell-412EP version

1996 12 $32 m deal; Mi-17 version
1995 5 $4.2 m deal; incl for SAR and VIP transport; ordered via Danish company
2002 12 Part of $50 m deal; delivery delayed after Indian complaints from 2001 until 2002-2003
2002 4 Second-hand; modernized before delivery; part of $50 m deal
2004 13 Part of $51 m deal; ordered via UK company

No such delivery is noted by any organization.

take some time bro . we don't need an approval from dahaka for deliveries:lol:








Guys- the PA operates the IAR 330s- are there any plans to upgrade them with the SOCAT package?

SOCAT version

In 1990s, the Romanian Air Force decided to enhance combat capabilities of IAR-330L, making it a universal anti-tank and support helicopter. At that time, Romania started to cooperate with Israel on some military programs. The Israeli company Elbit Systems was chosen, and in September 1995 the Romanian Air Force signed the contract to upgrade 24 helicopters with the SOCAT system (Sistem Optronic de Cercetare si Anti-Tanc). The first IAR-330L SOCAT was flown on 26 May 1998, from the airport of IAR S.A. in Ghimbav, near Braşov. On 23 October 1999, the second prototype flew. The first IAR-330L SOCAT was delivered to a combat unit in 2001. In all, 25 SOCATs were made, including the prototype, rebuilt to a serial configuration in 2005.
how can we purchase israeli weapons


All the Mi-17's are now used for SAR roles, the winch problem was fixed with the Russians.
Talking of SAR helos in Army, SAR role itself is divided into 2 categories ==> SAR and CSAR
SAR is for peacetime activity, like rescue people stranded in flood, over a mountain etc, while abandon a ship in sea. Bigger helos fit for SAR role so as to carry more people in one trip. same role may also be performed by smaller helos but then they may pick only 2-3 people in one trip.

CSAR=> its role is to pick downed pilots from hostile area, thus they have to be small, agile, fast so that they ingress quickly, settle themselves among trees and descend down so that not visible over the horizon, pick 1-2 pilotsand quickly egress.
I think every helo comes with an option for winch which may be fixed when required and removed when not required. PAF is using Allouette III helos for CSAR role. Army is using Bell 412 and MI-17. Alouette III Lama helos are also used to pick stranded mountaineers in Northern areas. Few years back, a Lama helo rescued a foreign lone mountaineer from Nanga Parbat. Both the pilots were given the highest award for herioc rescue work by that country's president. (sorry forgetting the name of country).
Talking of SAR helos in Army, SAR role itself is divided into 2 categories ==> SAR and CSAR
SAR is for peacetime activity, like rescue people stranded in flood, over a mountain etc, while abandon a ship in sea. Bigger helos fit for SAR role so as to carry more people in one trip. same role may also be performed by smaller helos but then they may pick only 2-3 people in one trip.

CSAR=> its role is to pick downed pilots from hostile area, thus they have to be small, agile, fast so that they ingress quickly, settle themselves among trees and descend down so that not visible over the horizon, pick 1-2 pilotsand quickly egress.
I think every helo comes with an option for winch which may be fixed when req and removed when not required. PAF is using Allouette III helos for CSAR role. Army is using Bell 412 and MI-17. Alouette III Lama helos are also used to pick stranded mountaineers in Northern areas. Few years back, a Lama helo rescued a foreign lone mountaineer from Nanga Parbat. Both the pilots were given the highest award for herioc rescue work by that country's president. (sorry forgetting the name of country).

I think every helo comes with an option for winch which may be fixed when req and removed when not required.

Now yes, but previously it was only the Mi-17 and that had alot of problems as well. THe problem was that the Russians gave us winches with max capacity of 250 kg...those were big old machines, a seat or two had to be taken off and the motor put in the cabin and it was a hassle to install it and uninstall it. It required quite an effort. Then in those times, we didn't really have a need for the winches. Our crews weren't really trained for it, crew chiefs had no idea and so on. Those old winches just kept on rusting and were disposed.

Now since we bought the V5's, we also bought the winches and fitted them across the fleet. They are winches of max capacity 150 kg. They are easy to use and install, a small assembly just above the cabin door as visible from pictures. Use for winches has also become widespread. SSG use it, also used for CSAR and SAR. Crews are also given a short crash course for it.

Alouette III Lama helos are also used to pick stranded mountaineers in Northern areas. Few years back, a Lama helo rescued a foreign lone mountaineer from Nanga Parbat. Both the pilots were given the highest award for herioc rescue work by that country's president. (sorry forgetting the name of country).

Slovenian, Tomaz Humar or something like that. The pilots were Lt Col Rashid Ullah Baig and Maj Amir Khalid Rana. Had the pleasure of meeting them both with my father.

They told the whole tale, doors were taken off, seats, bottles were kept to a minimum (they had to share one bottle!), the helicopter was down to it's bare bones and the rotors came within inches of the cliff face.
Some strange news from Germany (google translated):

Germans are considering exports

Pakistan can hope for helicopter

Pakistan is shaken by numerous attacks before the elections in May. But also in other times, the country is under criticism because of the difficult human rights situation. Despite this, the federal government could consider to deliver discarded army helicopters to Pakistan.

The federal government is considering selling decommissioned helicopters to Pakistan. These are about 40 old army-type helicopter Bo 105, writes of the "Spiegel". This is clear from a letter from Secretary of State Thomas Kossendey to the Defence Committee of the Bundestag of 24 April forth.

Therefore be in compliance with all conditions "a release is possible." Before exporting, a "demilitarization" must be made so that "the potential military utility as anti-tank helicopter is deleted." For this weapons mounts needs to be removed.


How many Schweizer 500 helis do we have?

News seems kind of dodgy to me. No rumors of the acquisition (40 choppers is a big number), but most importantly, what would be the purpose of these choppers? Scout is done by Jet Ranger, Bell 412 is the transport.

Maybe a replacement for the Alouette?

Accordin to various german sources... the helis will be retired by 2016... and GoP has shown interest in them..
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