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Pakistan Army Aviation Corps - Updated

The district admin contacted every one including the army....they were on that bloody rock for 5 hrs.
So don't give this crap about being emotional...u with ur theoretical know how don't have the slightest of idea how things r done in the real world.. specially in the army,
Yeah yeah. You and your all knowing eye that sees, knows and understands every inner working of the state and the army. You lose credibility every time you try to act like you know more than everyone, yet I’ve never seen you back up anything you speak of other than your overused “military family connections”
5 men died while they waited for PAA to get off its a$$. So this kind of pr exercise don't cut it.
After the crash they seem " scared" to operate in inclement weather

You are a retard and a moron who knows nothing about aviation …. God I cannot help but pinch myself in disbelief when I read idiotic comments like yours .

Reichsmarschall you won’t even be a bloody batman in Pakistan army.
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Hats off to Airmen and Army our Helicopter and Transport /rescue fleet is very limited

The helicopters are mostly civilian ones converted to Military usage

But we have told this since 2010 we need helicopters for Mass Operations / transport
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Those criticizing blindly should simply realize the enormity of the situation. PAA fleet is stretched thin. If someone got rescued in 5 hours, they were lucky.

To illustrate this point so the stupidity behind the critique is put in context, realize that in 2005, the earthquake in Pakistan was limited to only KP. Even within that province alone, the 200-300 aircraft fleet of PAA was completely overwhelmed. The US Centcom moved countless heavy lift Chinooks and Super Stallions (USMC) plus RAF's Chinooks to help with this effort.

Compared to that, these floods are across the length of the country in 3 of the 4 provinces. PAA pilots, technicians and assets are working overtime to manage this without any international support. The CoAS himself has said that the current calamity is beyond the resources of the federal, provincial and armed forces capacity.

God bless the three services and their officers and men working overtime to assist Pakistanis in need. Armchair generals sitting and critiquing need to lump it!
You are a retard and a moron who knows nothing about aviation …. God I cannot help but pinch myself in disbelief when I read idiotic comments like yours .

Reichsmarschall you won’t even be a bloody batman in Pakistan army.
"When some one isent smart enough to express their fustration, they use "dirty" words. Those are words that show a lack of intelligence."

P.s : musheraf ended the batman, now they are referred to as the "buddy"......u can be my buddy as time

Yeah yeah. You and your all knowing eye that sees, knows and understands every inner working of the state and the army. You lose credibility every time you try to act like you know more than everyone, yet I’ve never seen you back up anything you speak of other than your overused “military family connections”
Don't know wt ur on about.....I have never claimed any " family connection" or have I ever stated that I am in the know.
they must have rope ladders in choppers for rescue mission.

Dear what I learned, is that rope ladders with solid metal/wooden steps in them are not easy to climb until you are trained to maintain your body balance/posture correctly to climb them.
In such an emergency, it will be difficult for people to climb such ropes.

@PanzerKiel could shed some light on this issue.
Dear what I learned, is that rope ladders with solid metal/wooden steps in them are not easy to climb until you are trained to maintain your body balance/posture correctly to climb them.
In such an emergency, it will be difficult for people to climb such ropes.

@PanzerKiel could shed some light on this issue.

i agree to what you said, such ladder is always stepped up with a technique (step right foot onto the rung where rung and the rope meet for a better grip and then proceed for left foot same way) not for an untrained personnel.

but a rescue mission is always with a rescuer who used to step down and help lift people. for sure if they were using a rope ladder they would have enough staff to climb down for the purpose.

what i am worried about is not only the safety of survivors but also the chopper and the crew who are at great risk.
Batmen are now referred as NCB. The term "buddy" has been since ages, nothing new.
I know that the term "buddy" has been replaced by NCB.
Wt i was trying communicate sounded better with buddy rather then NCB......hence the use of the term buddy
I know that the term "buddy" has been replaced by NCB.
Wt i was trying communicate sounded better with buddy rather then NCB......hence the use of the term buddy
The term buddy stays even with NCB. Buddy is the informal term for the formal term NCB, which was previously for Batman.

Moreover, its been more than 20 years since batman system is gone where soldiers were employed at homes. Now its properly enrolled civilian called NCBs who are given to an officer from the army.
G bhai, the hunt for a good NCB never ends.
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