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Pakistan Army Aviation Corps - Updated


Please don’t talk about Khafee. The guys a total fake. The guy simply posts Langar Gup on his forum. And he can’t speak or hear anything against his masters in the Gulf as he knows he’s being watched. Rest in due course of time things will unravel for the world to see. Just wait. But time is something we are short on. At the back end Things are looking pretty dangerous on the Eastern front and definitely something big is cooking. Hope they aren’t as Stupid as they appear to be.
I seriously doubt after China debacle they have gotten the message. They are totally in position to fight plus Corona has taken the turn for worse in India.
Bro, what happen to the procurements of Attack helicopters & what is the status of acquiring new Attack helicopters for PAA & what happen to the T-129 & AH-1Z vipers or Z-10ME & Mi-35 or Mi-28N...
No AH-1Z have been transferred to Pakistan. The entire news has been a hoax. PAA has not even trained for the bird. I'd tried to push this earlier... but ...
If you look closely, these are the twin blade main rotor AH-1W and not the AH-1Z.

AH-1Z blades are folded this way and one can clearly distinguish between both variants from top view.

It seems rotors are being removed. Check the one on the left. Also, they seem to be in olive green color.

All 12 sit comfortably at AMARG.

View attachment 650895
Can you share GPS coordinates?

This looks more like an apron on flight lines than AMARG. Usually airframes are stored in on packed dirt and not concrete flight lines. Last photo that was shared had the airframes covered in polyurethane film as they are done for long term storage. If these are the Zulus then they are being restored for airworthiness.
Can you share GPS coordinates?

This looks more like an apron on flight lines than AMARG. Usually airframes are stored in on packed dirt and not concrete flight lines. Last photo that was shared had the airframes covered in polyurethane film as they are done for long term storage. If these are the Zulus then they are being restored for airworthiness.

32°10'15.2"N 110°51'18.7"W

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