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Pakistan Army - All is not well

let the chakla bark and the monkeys dance...thts all they do best other than tall claims..
so i will sugest to u to stop this concocted spaculative anti pakistan rhetric and try to post something based on facts acceptable for their rationality and truthfull values.

There is a saying do what you preach.... Have you heard about it??? Let me help you with your delusions...

1965 war came after Run of kuch fight when Pakistan wisely took this case to Interantional arbitrations and won. But India attacked Lahore without any justifications and that is how 1965 war started.
What???? How come Run of Kutch resulted in 1965 war??? As you yourself pointed out that the issue was settled in international forum....

Have you ever heard the name of operation Gibraltar in your entire life??? Let me help you with Pakistani source since rest of the world is anti-pakistan

“Operation Gibraltar”First War Between India and Pakistan
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | The guns of August

Now i would assume that after reading this you would change your perception about 1965 atleast....

there was no Internal power strugla in pakistan in 1947/48 u r spaculating, a usual India spin.
Though it is factually wrong however i will let it go...No need to keep talking about past.....

1971 there was no Mismanagement by any Pakistani leader, there was interferance in Internal affiars of pakistan by India, India was training mukti for saveral years prior to the 1971 war
Either you are innocent or a blatant lier...I am not sure...Cannot teach you history of your country to may be a little bit of google will help...

Also if there was no mismanagement how come india was able to exploit your internal situation??? Secondly this is a news to me that India was training mukti bahini for several years...Would you mind sharing some links about it (LET ME REPEAT AUTHENTIC LINKS)
U bring in kashmir, the war in there, dude, it is a disputed territory Dude, as per U.N. dude, donot bring in Kashmir and compare to Indian attack on Lahore, u. r. comparing apples and oranges. Dude.

why Indians claim everything revolves arround them and what they say is right even though it is a far flung thing from the truth.
asq, you're basing your arguments on personal attacks, mis-characterization of the logic of your opponents, unsupported claims, and the suppression of relevant topics that you don't like. Why should anyone believe that your thoughts have merit?
U bring in kashmir, the war in there, dude, it is a disputed territory Dude, as per U.N. dude, donot bring in Kashmir and compare to Indian attack on Lahore, u. r. comparing apples and oranges. Dude.
Stop this overuse of dude and accept the reality....Don't oversimplify things just for the sake of it...You were saying something about Indian and Israeli sources about defaming pakistan and now that i have showed you same information quoted by Pakistani sources as respectable as DAWN you started playing the Kashmir card...It gives me an inclination that no matter what you will not accept the reality...

Aren't you one of many Pakistani members who were jumping that if India did any surgical strikes on Terror Camps we will go for full-fledge war??? Anyways it seems i am wasting my time trying to show you facts when you are already at a stage where facts do not matter...

why Indians claim everything revolves arround them and what they say is right even though it is a far flung thing from the truth.
Are you little high or what?? You criticized indian and israeli sources and I have shown you Pakistani sources saying the same thing...Now who is trying to ignore the reality??? Indians or this delusioned friend of mine???
Brainstorming isn't just about generating ideas, but evaluating and filtering them. If facts are sought for yet not found that would nullify a hypothetical, than I see no problem with taking that line of thought seriously.

Yet your point is valid: that doesn't mean the line of reasoning is true. At best, it merely means that given lack of contradictory information and based on prejudices from education and experience I've come up with what I consider the most sensible explanation.

At worst, people who brainstorm may simply conclude that invisible pink flamingoes are to blame for the world's ills. :rofl:

Yes , a contradictory information is presented in order to contradict an argument having some sort of base, which i fail to grasp the least in your comment. I have always tried to view the opposing things from a neutral angle but i didnt find any one(Even Anti-Pakistan commentators) having POV which is so distant and away from reality that my mind tells : Hey what the hell hes talking abt ..! sory but either my context is so limited or your comments are completely without base, that is why even i and some others respond to your comments quite bitterly,
I have never seen anybody saying that Pakistani Leaders initiate war just inorder to remain in power, i guess you either misinterpreted or is ill informed abt the elections which trigered the easte Pakistan crises, Though Bhutto gaved orders to assassinate alot of his opponents but in noway he was that much hungry for power to initiate a war onto his neighbours and kill indians just to stay in power, No one has ever did, Even some1 crazy enough to try it will be forced to step down . No state machinery would allow such an act just to favour one person unless its a pink flamingo .
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Hey what the hell hes talking abt ..! sory but either my context is so limited or your comments are completely without base -
I thought you had shifted the topic to the merits of brainstorming so I answered you on a theoretical, rather than applied, basis.

I have never seen anybody saying that Pakistani Leaders initiate war just inorder to remain in power...i guess you either misinterpreted or is ill informed abt the elections which trigered the easte Pakistan crises -
I am intrigued enough by what you write that I will review and seek out additional sources.
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asq, you're basing your arguments on personal attacks, mis-characterization of the logic of your opponents, unsupported claims, and the suppression of relevant topics that you don't like. Why should anyone believe that your thoughts have merit?

show where I did this. I am not here for people to believe me, But I would want them to stick to the truth and blieve it when they see it. but alas, they have their agenda like u do who is pro certain group and u defend them at every opertunity u get. even more.

So pleae spare me with your holier than thou speal. But do show me where i did what u blame me for. Personaly i like to stick to the truth and provide a link each and every time in most posts of mine.

:pakistan: :flame:
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I thought you had shifted the topic to the merits of brainstorming so I answered you on a theoretical, rather than applied, basis.

I am intrigued enough by what you write that I will review and seek out additional sources.

So now u will seek out more info from source. Let the source be your guide.

in fact the theories if not applied they are failed therories. May be not applicable.
show where I did this. I am not here for people to believe me -

Personal attacks: citing the nationality of your opponents as the only reason not to believe them.

Mischaracterized logic: accusing me of working through deduction when I did not do so.

Unsupported facts: statements like, "1971 there was no Mismanagement by any Pakistani leader" - without citing, explaining, and justifying even a single instance of good management.

Topic suppression: Kashmir.

So pleae spare me with your holier than thou speal.
Why should I?
Personal attacks: citing the nationality of your opponents as the only reason not to believe them.

Mischaracterized logic: accusing me of working through deduction when I did not do so.

Unsupported facts: statements like, "1971 there was no Mismanagement by any Pakistani leader" - without citing, explaining, and justifying even a single instance of good management.

Topic suppression: Kashmir.

Why should I?

1971 situation has been discussed umpteen times in this forum and the genral consensus by Pakistanis has been that India Interfered in internal Pakistani affiars and trained and equiped traiters , infiltrated east pakistan unlawfully to aid those taiters.

There was no mismanagement, there was interferance with the Milatry backing by Russia to India and many more to break Pakistan. Since you are on this forum long time i am sure u must have read it.
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