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Pakistan Army accused of attacking post-funeral ceremony

David James

Aug 23, 2012
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Pakistan Army accused of attacking post-funeral ceremony

Staff Report

QUETTA: The Baloch Republican Party (BRP) has accused the Pakistan Army of targeting a post-funeral ceremony and torturing the relatives of the deceased.

In a statement issued to the media, the BRP claimed that relatives of the “Sui massacre” victims had gathered after burying their loved ones when Pakistani forces gatecrashed. “The forces abducted several people including two brothers Ashraf Bugti s/o Pondhal Bugti and Dostain Bugti s/o Pondhal Bugti and threatened the people who had come to express their condolences. The families and relatives of the victims were severely beaten up and the ceremony of the post-funeral reception was forcibly ended by the forces,” said the BRP. The party accused the state of having no regard for fundamental human rights.

“State forces claimed that those killed during military offensive in Sui operation were armed insurgents but reality is they were all innocent Baloch civilians which is now supported by the recent statement of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan where prominent Human Rights activist Asma Jahangir said that while the HRCP was in Balochistan, seven young men were picked up from Mathh area of Dera Bugti by the FC and subsequently summarily executed,” said the statement.

BRP also claimed that Pakistani forces were also increasing their presence in Noshki area of Balochistan. Baloch Republican Party has appealed to the international community to end its prolonged silence “over the genocide of Baloch people, state atrocities, human rights abuses and war crimes perpetrated by the state forces in Balochistan.”

BRP to shut down Balochistan over Sui ‘massacre’: Baloch Republican Party (BRP) has announced a shutter-down and wheel-jam strike across Balochistan for Wednesday (today) against “massacre of innocent Baloch civilians by Pakistani forces” during a military operation in Sunari Tilli Matt area of Sui on Sunday.

“BRP appeals to the public to support the strike call against state-atrocities, human rights violations and war crimes committed by state forces in Balochistan. Pakistani forces attacked several villages in different parts of Sui on Sunday and targeted the houses Baloch civilians. Dozens of houses were destroyed after being looted of valuables by the state forces,” said a BRP statement. The party claimed that eight Baloch civilians had been killed and nearly two-dozen injured during the military offensive.

“We appeal to the international community and human rights organisations to take notice of Baloch genocide and play their role to end it,” said the statement.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
You have no problem with the attacks on funeral rituals of innocent Muslims?? Just because they are Baloch people?

Innocent Muslims is what victims of the terrorists are -- I regret that there was still enough of these terrorist left that they could have a funeral, their victims many times don't have enough left for a funeral

-- Anyways fewer terrorists and terrorist sympathizers is something we should all applaud, or will you think differently in Kashmir and other places in India?
Is it the topic of this thread?? plz don't post off topic.

I am not asking about the east pakistan or do I??

but you clearly mean to rant! so I just rant back :coffee:

BRP is a drama and clearly the electiosn were held & baloch people decided who they wished to vote into power. and the results are their for everyone to see!

so let these SARDAR's parties cry foul!
Highlighting the paragraphs and coloring them wont just make your point strong.
Those where the terrorists and took innocent lives. They should be lucky they were allowed an islamic burial.
Looting and vandalising a house is the part I dont agree with.
If forces are at wrong than take them to court and prosecute DG FC. But guess what they already did and DG was allowed to walk back free.
Those arrested were terrorists and a trap was set up to get them.
Baloch people have given their verdict and their elected represntatives are in the assembly today......
I wonder when all of Pakistan is shouting that drones are counterproductive because they kill indiscriminately and create more enemies per person killed in a drone strike (that when given clearly that drones are being used extremely judiciously - as per USG), then how come that they could be satiated with such blatant incidents (Asma Jahangir verified a little bit as you can read). Will these not create more anti Pakistan elements than the number of those killed?
You have no problem with the attacks on funeral rituals of innocent Muslims??

Just because they are Baloch people?

He has no problem with it bcoz we know how pathatic lairs they are .. when my father was serving in dera bugti ..they keep coming up with fake FIR's ...
I wonder when all of Pakistan is shouting that drones are counterproductive because they kill indiscriminately and create more enemies per person killed in a drone strike (that when given clearly that drones are being used extremely judiciously - as per USG), then how come that they could be satiated with such blatant incidents (Asma Jahangir verified a little bit as you can read). Will these not create more anti Pakistan elements than the number of those killed?

The problem is army catch those tarriorist and hand them over to police, nothng happens to them .. they groups just scare judges ... ( today i guess there was an attack on high court judge in sindh) ... so the judiciary let them go .,..then army have to magically disappear them ;) it doesnt only happen with BLA soldiers but TTP also do it .. their is no media their so they give local balouch news paper what they want ...
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