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Pakistan arms supply to Ukraine if true will have serious implications for Russia-Pak ties : Alipov

now you made me sad,
I think we will ban Russia as well for its sale of S400 to Indians as a retaliation.

You know that Russia has had a long history of relations with India when we decided to become allies of the West. This was even long before becoming embroiled in the Cold War. Russia has provided India an incredible amount of weapons over the years. S-400 is just one system.

Pakistan talks about a balanced foreign policy. Yet Pakistan's foreign policy has been skewed and aligned with the Americans from day one. The Brits left their remnants in Pakistan and they have done a good job of appeasing Western powers over the years. That is not a balanced foreign policy. There is no point in blaming Russia for providing weapons to India. Pakistan is itself the reason why Russia is providing weapons to India. Had Pakistan taken the Russian invitation seriously it would have never sided with the Americans before and during the Cold War. Instead Russia would also be keeping a more balanced relation with both India and Pakistan.

Now, Pakistan is again at the forefront of controversy. Instead of approaching Russia for cheap wheat, oil and gas it has decided to provide arms to Ukraine. At the end of the day you are responsible for your actions.
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You know that Russia has had a long history of relations with India when we decided to become allies of the West. This was even long before becoming embroiled in the Cold War. Russia has provided India an incredible amount of weapons over the years. S-400 is just one system.

Pakistan talks about a balanced foreign policy. Yet Pakistan's foreign policy has been skewed and aligned with the Americans from day one. The Brits left their remnants in Pakistan and they have done a good job of appeasing Western powers over the years. That is not a balanced foreign policy. There is no point in blaming Russia for providing weapons to India. Pakistan is itself the reason why Russia is providing weapons to India. Had Pakistan taken the Russian invitation seriously it would have never sided with the Americans before and during the Cold War. Instead Russia would also be keeping a more balanced relation with both India and Pakistan.

Now, Pakistan is again at the forefront of controversy. Instead of approaching Russia for cheap wheat, oil and gas it has decided to provide arms to Ukraine. At the end of the day you are responsible for your actions.
stop talking sense , I was expecting a rant, lol
now you made me real sad.
Russia also has the right to retaliate. If slave nation Pakistan was gutless to do so, doesn't mean Russia will be. Russians should be allowed to bomb Pakistan, just as the Americans are allowed to by the Pakistani establishment. Why are we discriminating between drone bombers??
There you go again Clutch, showing your true Zion colors. I hope the Mods beat your ar$e.
Which drug did you buy from Bani Gala this time??
nah, if you recall this person was putting Pakistan down even when the master of bani gala was the PM.

this one has an agenda all his own, not with the armed forces, not with the fat chor, not with naqli mahdi from bani gala, not with deezal chor, not with sadr ghadari. so whom does that leave? is it narendra teli? likely yes.
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How? They can't deal with tiny Ukrainian army. PAF will pull them to shreds.
ask him about what happened to Russian air-force when it tried to venture into Pakistan during Russian occupation of Afghanistan. :rofl:
Why would they need our weapons?
Plenty of other countries can supply huge amount @a competitive rates.
Hi... can you tell me what exactly Pakistan is selling that Europe and America cannot sell.... I mean I had once read British cargo planes were taking off from Pakistan with weapons.... when western countries have so many advanced weapons and we are seeing a devastating result on Russia in this war then why are they too approaching Pakistan... it would be great if you can shed some light on this.....
I think it should be just some shells in stock that are close to the service life.

Because Bulgaria (a member of the European Union) can produce most Soviet made ordnance, it can even manufacture T-72M. Ukraine is not without sources of Soviet weapons.
I think it maybe wise for pakistan to stay out the war in ukraine, or is it an order from uncle sam that pakistan has to support ukraine ? Besides, how much can pakistan earn from selling some weapons to ukraine or just to get in favour with us ? What weapons can pakistan supply to ukraine considering their weapons are mostly soviet made or maybe nato made lately, just curious.
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Russia also has the right to retaliate. If slave nation Pakistan was gutless to do so, doesn't mean Russia will be. Russians should be allowed to bomb Pakistan, just as the Americans are allowed to by the Pakistani establishment. Why are we discriminating between drone bombers??
Didnt turn out very well for the ruskies last time. Just sayin'
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