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Pakistan approves Russia's request to use strategic Gwadar Port

Russia is not a trustable state. They just provided India the greatest threat to our security the S400 system. We should have said no .

Also we should be thinking of water pipelines too and not just for gas pipelines. It seems Pakistan is a good investment and it is time to buy property there as when these developments happen house and land prices will go through the roof.
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Pakistan do have border dispute with Afghanistan which is Durrand line and Afghans are fighting for it even before the creation of Pakistan but Afghans are having no dispute with Republic of India what so ever.

Princely state of Jammu and kashmir become part of Indian Union.

1909 Map of the Princely State of Kashmir and Jammu.


Then let's hold a plebiscite to resolve the "issue". Pakistani Pashtuns don't want to join Afghanistan, period.

And just to be clear, Kashmir is internationally recognized as a disputed territory. KPK and FATA are not.
Pakistan approves Russia's request to use strategic Gwadar Port..

the title itself tells the whole story...

its nothing economic , but just and just militrey...
Dear you need to educate your self to know the real meaning.
Well this is another big and good news. Finally Pakistan has started to head in the right direction and InshaAllah soon will be a more financially stable and peaceful nation. However the thing to watch out for, would be how to tackle Afghanistan issue? As long as the issue remains it will always provide the RAW and Indian goons the opportunity to sabotage the CPEC.

It is high time and India should accept the existence of CPEC and compromise with it, may be find some way and become a part of it. And believe me if that happens it can not only bring the forever rivals closer but might lead to settling of all disputes between India, China, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Sub-continent has the potential to become the next EU but all the cards must be played carefully.

On the other hand if India continues to act childish and remain the spoilsport it is, it might trigger the next world war.
Senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Science Academy in Moscow, Dr Natalia Zamaraeva read out a paper in which she shared her research on the prospects and challenges of CPEC which she considers a “game-changer for the region”.

“CPEC, in my opinion, is the second phase of the new concept of the Silk Road. Signed in March 2015, China made a concrete proposal to Islamabad on interfacing the development strategy of the two countries,” she said.

Encompassing the field of railways, highways, steel, automotive, electricity, engineering, high technology, and environmental projects, “China is willing to assist in implementing several priority infrastructure projects in a bid to establish a long-term, stable partnership.”

According to estimates of Pakistani experts which Dr Zamaraeva shared, “its implementation will contribute to the country’s GDP by three per cent”.

In response to a question regarding security threats the project faces, she said that Pakistan would try to avoid any sort of global engagement that might put a strain on the project. “One such example is when Pakistan decided not to send its troops to Yemen.”

She also lauded the efforts of the organisers to encourage different perspectives on the topic, and added that in the “Russian federation too, we have similar heated discussions on the topic of CPEC.

Probably ask Russia for S-500 instead of any payment:woot:

Wait and watch something bigger is revealing it self.
It is high time and India should accept the existence of CPEC and compromise with it, may be find some way and become a part of it. And believe me if that happens it can not only bring the forever rivals closer but might lead to settling of all disputes between India, China, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Sub-continent has the potential to become the next EU but all the cards must be played carefully.

Totally out of touch with reality, it only creates treacherous holes on your way. It's like expecting someone like Hitler to change his ways.
That is a good development. However, Pakistan should not become a puppet of other Super Power like she has been with US. The relationship should be based on the mutual respect and national interest.
I think there will be a cermony when russia will host pakistan and china about afghanistan
Offcourse India is the only trouble maker in the region. Promoting TTP, terrorist in the region, in Pakistan and also in Afghanistan.

Also, correct you map. Kashmir is a disputed area not part of India. Just showing on the manipulated map does not make Jammu & Kashmir part of India. Your government also accepted this area as disputed after so called fake SIR-JI-KAL Strike drama.

After "MODI" and "AJIT DOVAL" clear statements regarding what they think about Pakistan. Indian roll is consistent influence on neighboring countries is not a hidden secrete. The serving Indian navy RAW agent "kulbhushan yadav" network arrested from Baluchistan is a little example. India is quite clear on intention. All of this un-ignoreable well documented hard facts.
Russia is not a trustable state. They just provided India the greatest threat to our security the S400 system. We should have said no .

Also we should be thinking of water pipelines too and not just for gas pipelines. It seems Pakistan is a good investment and it is time to buy property there as when these developments happen house and land prices will go through the roof.
The international relationship is only based on the national interest. There is no any permanent friend and enemy in international diplomacy. Russia is looking to her own interest. Pakistan should also see her own national interest.

I think there will be a cermony when russia will host pakistan and china about afghanistan
Why do you think there will be a ceremony ?:-). This is just a regional meeting to counter terrorism. However, Russia didn't invite India for this regional meeting on terrorism and ignore her long term ally is an interesting development...;)
The international relationship is only based on the national interest. There is no any permanent friend and enemy in international diplomacy. Russia is looking to her own interest. Pakistan should also see her own national interest.

Why do you think there will be a ceremony ?:-). This is just a regional meeting to counter terrorism. However, Russia didn't invite India for this regional meeting on terrorism and ignore her long term ally is an interesting development...;)
Ha ha ha ha ha i get your point:p:
also they stop our water,world bank will interfere. we stop their energy pipelines. no one can do anything. TAPPI,india-iran gas pipeline etc.
India cannot stop our water until they construct more dams. Otherwise there big cities will be flooded as you cannot stop water for long period...
India cannot stop our water until they construct more dams. Otherwise there big cities will be flooded as you cannot stop water for long period...
world bank guarantees IWT. It isn't Pakistan who should be thinking of consequences. it should be india fearing.

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